April 20, 2024

Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Infant Paralyzed and Brain-Damaged After 6-Month Vaccinations, Doctors Threatened Parents to Further Vaccinate


Many parents are desperate to find help in healing their vaccine-injured child. July Garza is a mother who felt vaccines were important and never could imagine the pain her child would suffer as a result of bringing her into the doctor’s office to get vaccinated.

At the tender young age of six months old, her daughter Cerenity was given eight vaccine doses that nearly ended her life. Cerenity went from being a completely healthy baby before receiving those vaccines to a little girl who now suffers from paralysis and brain damage.

Cerenity’s neurologist told her parents they didn’t have a good enough reason to stop vaccinating her, despite the fact that the vaccines she received are known to cause these serious reactions. Multiple doctors have insisted the vaccines had nothing to do with her injuries.

At a subsequent well child visit, the doctor then lied to the parents and injected Cerenity with numerous vaccines her parents didn’t knowingly consent for, against their wishes, leaving their child in worse condition.

Cerenity now suffers more than she already had and her doctor still insists she keep receiving more vaccines, threatening the parents that if they don’t continue getting her vaccinated, they will be dismissed from the practice.

This story is a reminder to parents that many of these doctors you are entrusting your child’s life with simply do not care about your child’s well-being if they are so eager to inject them with very toxic ingredients known to cause serious, life-threatening injuries, putting your child’s life at risk.

Cerenity’s parents will never allow their children to be subjected to any more vaccines again, as a result of what happened to their daughter. This family seeks help from us, in hopes to learn what they can do to reverse the damage these vaccines have caused in their child.

A Child’s Nightmare Begins At A Well-Baby Checkup

Cerenity’s mother, July Garza, shares their story.

July writes,

“On 11-5-2012, my daughter Cerenity was 6 months old. Cerenity was a perfectly healthy baby with no health or development issues at all. She was crawling and sitting on her own by this time. She was due for her 6 month shots and on this day, we took her to one of the Harris County Free Clinics, the Antoine Health Center in Houston, Texas, where she was given the six month vaccines. 

She received the DTaP-Hib-IPV (5-in-1 combo vaccine), the hepatitis B vaccine, the pneumococcal Prevnar 13 vaccine and the oral Rotavirus vaccine, for a total of 8 vaccine doses. After Cerenity got her shots she started to be more fussy and sleeping more.

A month later, I went to work and she stayed with her father. Later in the day I got a message and missed calls from my sister, who also lived with us. She told me Cerenity was unresponsive in her arms, her head went back and forth for a moment and that she was not responding to anything. Her dad got her to react to him but she was stuck, like if she had a stroke or something. 

Her dad picked me up from work; we went to the emergency room across the street from my job at Memorial Hermann Greater Heights Hospital. There, she had a fever, they did a CT scan and MRI, the doctor came in and told me and my husband out of 10 years of him being a doctor, he didn’t know what was wrong with my baby.

I was told they had no answers for us and that we needed to take her to the pediatrician in the morning and make an appointment for a checkup. I was so scared to even put her down. We were sent home with her paralyzed, which we weren’t aware of just yet. 

The next morning we changed her diaper and noticed she could not sit down on her own any more, she couldn’t move, she was paralyzed. I had already called the pediatrician to make an appointment, but at this time, instead of taking her there, I called the ambulance and she was rushed to Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital downtown, where she was placed in the ICU.

The hospital called CPS. At first, they blamed shaken baby syndrome, which was shocking, because she wasn’t ever shaken. Then they came back and apologized, saying the bleeding was from birth, that it was old blood and told us she may never walk or crawl. 

On 12-6-2012, my perfectly healthy baby was now laying in the ICU on a breathing machine. I couldn’t deal. It was awful. They had her in the ICU for 8 days and treated her with steroids. She was released on 12-14-2012. This is a picture of my daughter in the ICU. She had bleeding in her brain, ended up paralyzed and was diagnosed with transverse myelitis spinal cord disease. She was then sent home with little to no help that she would ever walk or crawl.”

1 thought on “

Infant Paralyzed and Brain-Damaged After 6-Month Vaccinations, Doctors Threatened Parents to Further Vaccinate

  1. Thank you for sharing your story. It is a cautionary tale every parent needs to hear, see, and understand.
    Your precious baby has been assaulted by pseudoscience and pseudo health concerns. I am so sorry for you.
    Let me recommend that as a physician I have treated people with brain damage from a wide variety of causes successfully with Neuro Bio Feedback. Infants can be treated this way and it might successfully bring great improvement and relief to your child.
    Please accept my sincere sorrow for your pain and your child’s.
    If you would like more information on this option, please visit my site, http://www.DrRimaTruthReports.com and send me an email. We can correspond and I would be happy to be of assistance.
    By the way, for anyone thinking that vaccines prevent illness, just get some Nano Silver 10 PPM for superb immune support against viruses, bacteria and parasites like malaria, etc.
    Yours in health and freedom,
    Dr. Rima
    Rima E. Laibow, MD
    Medical Director
    Natural Solutions Foundation

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