April 20, 2024

Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Buzzfeed Normalize Human Microchips In Disturbing Propaganda Video

Buzzfeed News has joined the mainstream media campaign to normalize the idea of microchips for humans, producing a New World Order propaganda piece in which a senior staff member has a microchip implanted in his hand and then claims that everybody will have a microchip in ten years because they are “more convenient than carrying a wallet.”
 The video, which presents the idea of having a microchip surgically implanted under your skin as harmless, fun, and inevitable, has been viewed by hundreds of thousands of people.

Charles Warzel, a senior writer at Buzzfeed News, says he wanted to see what “the future of money” looked like, so he spent a month paying for things only using his phone. Before he knew it, he was undergoing surgery to have a microchip implanted in his hand.

The video has provoked a backlash online with people pointing out that Buzzfeed is glamorizing one of the New World Order’s most insidious plans.  The NWO is preparing to force all of mankind to get a mark on the right hand to buy and sell, and they are using mainstream media propaganda to normalize the idea in society.

RFID microchip technology – as used on Charles Warzel in the Buzzfeed video –  has the power to control your identity, history, finances, medical records, and track you by satellite. With a microchip under your skin, the government will have complete control over you.

The collapse of the US dollar and economy are the next step in the plans of the world leaders to impose their “One World Government”. They will attempt to force us all to receive the implanted microchips or be permanently detained, excluded from society – or even worse.

 Technology expert Stuart Lipoff, speaking in a recent NBC report, claims that microchipping humans, including children, is “inevitable.”

People should be aware that testing is being done right now. The military is not only testing this out, but already utilizes its properties. It’s not a matter of if it will happen, but when.”

Branding human cattle

Lipoff also told NBC that people shouldn’t be concerned about “big brother” tracking their children – this technology will only be used for “safety and convenience,” he says – and that the technology is nothing more than an upgrade on traditional cattle branding, and barcodes on consumer items.

When barcodes first came out in the late 1960s, people were appalled. They were wary of them and did not understand the concept. Today, it is so commonplace, we don’t even notice it. A microchip would work much in the same way,” he said, adding that it will “definitely happen.”

The only catch is that you won’t know exactly what is being put into your body or your family’s bodies. You also won’t know who will have access to the data. If history repeats, it will go from being technology adopted for its ‘convenience and fun’ and then overnight will become mandatory for you and your family – or else.

Baxter Dmitry
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Baxter Dmitry

Writer at Your News Wire
Passionate about motor sports, military history and the truth, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one.


3 thoughts on “Buzzfeed Normalize Human Microchips In Disturbing Propaganda Video

  1. It sounds good to me.
    I use my phone / a microchip, to pay for everything.
    I then connect with my “financial dealer” who accesses / hacks, into my financial in & out going monies, who processes my spending to ZERO.
    Tomorrow is a new day. I am in the black & all cashed up with New Cyber Money.

  2. Hey, what happens if we ….. ALL OF US …… cannot get on line on CENSUS NIGHT to declare our existence.
    There were many mornings, where I could not get onto the Centrelink website to REPORT…..because the lines were down or on overload.
    What if they crash
    Will it be deemed our fault & therefore we will be fined.

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