Crazz Files

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Conflicts of interest in vaccination policy and the No Jab, No Pay Law – an open email to Bill Shorten

Mr Shorten
In your recent tweet about meningococcal B and your letter to Malcolm Turnbull on this subject, you say “It’s also fully preventable with a vaccination”.
On what evidence do you base that statement?
The PBAC has rejected the GlaxoSmithKline Bexsero meningococcal B vaccine product three times now due to ‘multiple uncertainties’.  
I suggest your confident statement about meningococcal B being fully preventable with a vaccination is misleading.
On the subject of Australia’s bloated and conflicted vaccination policy, please see below my email to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, forwarded yesterday.
In my email to Mr Turnbull, I raise the matter of the Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch controlled media group influencing vaccination policy via the No Jab, No Pay law, and their conflict of interest in this matter, i.e. their association with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, which is involved in vaccine research and development projects funded by vaccine manufacturers such as GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Novartis and Sanofi Pasteur.
My email to Mr Turnbull also includes my email to Mr Rupert Murdoch and Mr Lachlan Murdoch of News Corp, which challenges them about their media group’s influence on vaccination policy and their conflict of interest.  
In my email to the Murdochs I mention that politicians such as you are falling over themselves to promote the GlaxoSmithKline Bexsero meningococcal B vaccine product.  
GlaxoSmithKline must be delighted to have you touting for their lucrative product for a very rare disease…
Mr Shorten, children are being grossly over-vaccinated with too many vaccine products and revaccinations.
Vaccination policy is running amok in Australia and elsewhere, ever-increasing government-mandated vaccination is a serious threat in our liberal democracies.
Informed citizens are demanding accountability from politicians for over-vaccination policy, and examination of conflicts of interest.
Please see my email to Mr Turnbull below.   My original email to Mr Turnbull is also available via this link:

2 thoughts on “Conflicts of interest in vaccination policy and the No Jab, No Pay Law – an open email to Bill Shorten

  1. Kangaroo Court of Australia – Shane Dowling has an article:
    Do we remember the outspoken Emma Husar ??
    Yes we do & didn’t she show us all her true colors.
    Time for Bill Shorten to Stop Lying About the Emma Husar Bullying – Fraud Investigation.

  2. You cannot reason with these parasites as they operate under a Communist mercantile system of government and, as the great George Carlin said “it is a club and you ain’t in it”.

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