April 24, 2024

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Growing your own food and supporting local farmers are crucial actions for achieving self-sufficiency


Homesteaders and preppers alike must always aim for self-sufficiency. One of the best ways to achieve this is to grow organic food at home, supplemented by local sources within a few miles.

Stocking up on food supplies is well and good, but they will run out eventually. Thus, a homesteader or prepper must stockpile foods that they may either grow for themselves or obtain from a local farmer.

Start including as many locally grown foods as possible into your diet. At the same time, phase out foods that only grow in other states or countries.

It is easier to change eating habits than to replenish stockpiles of food that grow on the opposite coast of North America – or the other side of the planet, especially when SHTF.

At the same time, don’t lose track of nutritional well-being. Make sure to eat clean, organic, non-GMO foods that provide all of the minerals, vitamins, and nutrients necessary for good health. (Related: Making and cultivating a garden on your own – no more grocery shopping, ever.)

Produce your own food as much as possible

Next, try producing as many of those local foods as possible. The aim is sustaining self-reliance over the long term.

Plant a survival garden. Raise any livestock that will fit in your property without violating local laws or disturbing your neighbors.

When selecting crop plants or livestock, consider the temperature, seasons, and soil of the area. These factors will determine what you may plant or raise for many years to come. Raise crop plants that thrive in the local climate and soil. Residents of New England, for instance, will be better off planting potatoes rather than rice.

Mother Nature’s micronutrient secret: Organic Broccoli Sprout Capsules now available, delivering 280mg of high-density nutrition, including the extraordinary “sulforaphane” and “glucosinolate” nutrients found only in cruciferous healing foods. Every lot laboratory tested. See availability here.

Preppers who live in states with winter seasons have the best possible climate for root cellars. Their perishables will stay fresh for lengthier periods than those in hotter and moister regions. But they face shorter growing seasons and need cold weather crops.

Homesteaders who live in wheat-producing states will have the space to grow and store the grains. Breadmaking is far more viable for them.

Don’t stop storing foods that don’t grow locally. They will still serve you well in the short-term, especially if they provide nutrients that aren’t available in local foods. However, do not rely on these foods to sustain you and your family for extended periods.

Self-reliance over the long term is key to successful prepping and homesteading

Not all preppers have the time, space, and energy to plant fields of food crops. Even homesteaders will find that difficult.

Still, try to cultivate as many vegetables, fruits, and other plant-based food crops that grow in the local climate.

Raise livestock. As much as possible, go for breeds that provide both meat and other types of animal-based foods like eggs or milk.

Chickens and rabbits work well for preppers with limited space. Homesteaders may have the room to raise goats, sheep, or even cows.

To make the most out of limited space, budding livestock keepers may select dwarf or miniature breeds. The smaller animals will need less room, food, and water than full-sized ones.

Homesteaders and preppers who keep livestock may also breed their animals. Remember to take steps to avoid inbreeding that may weaken the animals.

You can also supplement your sources of meat by learning how to hunt, snare, and fish.

Learn how to preserve food. Canning and drying are two ways of extending the shelf life of perishables.

Always save plenty of seeds from every harvest. Plant enough to cover current and future needs – keep the rest for a rainy day.

Learn how to raise bees. Both domesticated species and wild ones are suitable for beekeeping. The beneficial insects will not only provide honey, but also pollinate crops.

Self-sufficient living may be challenging at first, but the fruits of your labor will be all worth it.

Source: https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-10-13-grow-your-own-food-support-local-farmers-self-sufficiency.html

8 thoughts on “Growing your own food and supporting local farmers are crucial actions for achieving self-sufficiency

  1. On Thursday Morning … I, am going to attend a champagne breakfast … at 6:00 AM.
    At 9:45 AM I have an appointment with Dr. Frankenstein in Preston.
    I have a driver booked.
    And yes, I intend to drink a bit.
    Won’t Dr. Frankenstein be surprised when I turn up pissed !!

      1. Dear daddy,
        I have arrived at summer camp at last.
        I am sorry I made such a fuss about coming here.
        I promise I will be good
        And participate in all the activities.
        And make lots of new friends.
        And tell uncle Mark that I will pray for mummy in heaven every night.
        And thank all my uncles & aunts who played interesting games with me
        Uncle Nick & Aunt mavis
        Uncle Mark & Aunt Hilda
        Uncle Lance & Aunt Gertie
        Aunt Joyce says I should stop eating sausage cause I will get fat, & that’s silly daddy, so I won’t .. okay.
        Tell Uncle Mark that I will catch as many Ladybirds as I can for his Forget Me Not garden.
        I love you daddy & please stop smoking because Mummy in Heaven does not like it.

  2. Sprouts are the most wonderful thing in the world to eat.
    I sprout mung beans & eat them out of the jar they sprouted in. They are wonderful in soup, a handful at the bottom of your soup bowl, gosh !!

  3. Urbanisation.
    The frenzy that is urbanisation, in that every, & even imaginable inch of space must be accounted for.
    “But why are we paying for a balcony when there isn’t one?”
    Several years ago YV news ran a story about farmland that had been rezoned for housing development not far out of town. The young farmer said, ” This is good farmland, very fertile farmland, why develop it?” & he was right, why can’t there be portions of farmland amidst homes & businesses & why can’t there be hydroponic outlets growing the salad greens for local eateries & restaurants?
    There can & what a treat that we could just pop in & buy freshly picked salads, it is just a lack of romantic imagination that we are structured into a sterile community of homes & apartments …. oh, oh, oh, but we do have trees, not fruit trees, but trees.
    There is room for a potpourri of diversity that makes up a fertile community.

  4. When I was 4 years old, all my hair fell out, all by itself … appalachia.
    But why?
    I was terrified, the adults in my life were vicious bastards & I was the brunt of their jokes.
    The split in the back of my head happened as a result of me being thrown across a room at the age of 2, by an adult & the reaction of that adult was to run for a shovel, only that great gran snatched me up & hid me in the cow shed ’till they left & then she administered love & care & I am still here.
    I never, ever raised my hand to my children or other children in my care & there were quite a few kids I cared for & loved dearly.
    Only that someone asked.

  5. Don’t you dare feel sorry for me.
    I will spit you right in the eye.
    I was a most courageous & resourceful child.
    I went off to far away places & that is where I met the spookies & was gifted with abilities such as the love of classical music & art & drama &romantic notions & the ability to see many beautiful things & much more.

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