April 25, 2024

Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World



Are we living in a virtual reality? Is the universe emerging from an information processing system? And if so, could we ever tell? Is it possible to ‘hack’ the system and change reality? Take a look at the evidence and decide for yourself!

Is reality real? What if you woke up one day and realized that what you thought was reality is really a simulation and that this simulation is being generated by a system that you can contact with your mind?

Are we living in a virtual reality? Is the universe emerging from an information processing system? And if so, could we ever tell? Is it possible to ‘hack’ the system and change reality?

This fascinating documentary offers you a journey through all the points of view that are presented in this article. It will also provide you with a deeper understanding of the history behind the scientific principles that eventually justify the claim that we might just live in a holographic universe and that matter is not what we once thought it to be after all.

Contributions to THE SIMULATION HYPOTHESIS are made by leading researchers from physics, cosmology, mathematics and information sciences. Appearances by Max Tegmark, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Paul Davies, James Gates and many more.

“What an incredible film! Fascinating, mind-bending stuff.”
– Timothy Rhys, Publisher of MovieMaker Magazine

“Supremely interesting, compelling, fantastic!”
– David Hoffman, Producer & Cannes Film Festival Winner

“By far the best video I have watched on this topic, bar none.”
– Prof. Brian Whitworth, Systems Analysis (Massey University)

About The Simulation Hypothesis

Scientists such as physicists and cosmologists believe that we are actually participating in the creation of the reality that we live in. In the digital age science is beginning to see a correlation between our world and the world of a virtual reality.

It was Max Planck who stated:

“There is no ‘matter’ as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”

Plato built his philosophy of Idealism on the concept that the atom isn’t the basic underlying structure of all that exists, but that abstract mental forms determine an object’s properties. Plato believed that ideas are more fundamental than objects. In other words, everything begins with consciousness.

The age-old debate of whether matter gives rise to mind or mind gives rise to matter has finally been settled by science. Many scientists have explored the concept of our world being virtual or dream-like.

First introduced by Democritus, materialism credits the atom as the basis for all reality, making consciousness the result of a material process. Plato, on the other hand, believed it is the mind itself that gives way to matter; therefore reality is borne from ideas.

Dr. Brian Whitworth, a systems analyst from the University of Massey took the two opposing views:

  • Materialism, which supports that our universe is entirely physical;
  • and the Simulation Hypothesis, which declares that our universe exists as a virtual or holographic construct.

He compared both and concluded that scientifically, our universe makes more sense when viewed as a virtual construct from consciousness rather than simply matter existing independently of the mind.

To take things a step further: there seems to be evidence of computer programming in nature. Theoretical physicist Sylvester James Gate has actually found computer codes — strings of bits of ones and zeros — hidden deeply in the equations that define super symmetry.

Prior to observation, matter doesn’t seem to exist. Matter seems to be the result of an interaction between consciousness and waves of potential. This has been repeatedly demonstrated from the 1920s right to today through the double-slit experiment.

Most scientists now believe that materialism is not a valid worldview. Physicists now accept that particles do not exist as objects in the absence of observation. They exist only as waves, which transform into particles when observed. These waves are intangible and are a probabilistic description of where the waves might be if they were checked on. The waves that transform into a particle are only waves of potentiality.

As Werner Heisenberg stated:

“The atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real, they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts.”

The Simulation Hypothesis, which the filmmakers parallel very heavily against the hit sci-fi movie The Matrix, argues that matter and ideas are the result of a complex digital simulation, something akin to a video game.

Are we ourselves composed of binary strings of 0s and 1s? Could it be that subatomic particles are nature’s answer to the bits and pixels that digital worlds are composed of? Though dense in scientific jargon, there is an underlying creationist belief to Simulation Hypothesis – if, in fact, the world is a program, someone must have written it. But who, or what? The film suggests that humans have an innate mental connection back to this universal programmer through the subconscious.

The Simulation Hypothesis is a thought provoking exploration of the nature of our existence, playing into the universal curiosity of how and why we came to be.




  1. * space time was created by a single event billions of years ago & expanded into the world today
    * the theory of the universe as a virtual construct. originating from the big bang, works perfectly
    * virtual worlds always begin from a zero state – the bootup being the bang…the big bang theroy is crap.
    Is there evidence of computer programming in nature …
    James Gates has found computer code hidden in supersymmetry …
    THEREFORE – wait for it folks – “so as you dig deeper you find computer code writ in the fabric of the Cosmos – james gates ”
    ME: we needed this idiot TO FIND that which one would expect a given. worship this fucking simplicity.
    This is exactly why SCIENCE will never find – to the end of etrrnity – the true nature of the source.
    IDENTICLE PARTICLES: every object created by the same code is identical, the objects in our world have individual properties , the quantum bits they are pressed from are all from identical molds – because each bit is created by the same program.
    ME: I do not believe this to be the case in our world of ‘reality’ – diversity is everything to survival – Dumbo has just not “DISCOVERED IT YET”

    “for objects to interact they must be in close proximity” according to the genious Berty Einstein.
    “only if it is a virtual construct can objects interact long distance”
    ME: conscious though via electromagnetic lines allows the long distance communication.
    Q: is this video to glorify Albert Einstien, and to maintain the given beliefs – the main story is being threatened – for sure.
    This video is to re-afffirm the party line & yet again.
    What If:
    your keys are in the right, front pocket of your jeans – you go have a shower – you dry up – you get dressed – you open the front door & reach into your pocket for the keys – the pocket is empty – you are stranded – you go outside to the toilet – you fidle around with something outside – you come in & wash & dry your hands & instinctively reach into your pocket & there, 20 minites laer are your keys: where were they for those aprox: 20 minutes ?
    maybe in the bottom of a black hole – true story.
    What If:
    Have you ever asked for parking ?
    Impossible parking, the day, time, place & that parking was given you – exactly. how – who -?
    What If:
    You have a dream so real that it takes a consentrated effort on your part to realize that it was a dream – years later – you find youself at that place – with the same persons of your dream – a place & people you never knew existed – you remember the dream accurately like it just happened & it somehow melds into reality – you know these people & this place. (?)
    Science will never make it –
    Great Article thank you !

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