April 24, 2024

Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

‘Police State’ Registry System Being Set Up to Track Your Vaccination Status

ACTION ALERT: Oppose Unconstitutional State Forced Vaccine Tracking of Your Family – OPPOSE SB 1680 and HB 1045 (FL)

Your government is watching and tracking your decisions – even saying “No” to vaccines.

The Centers for Disease Control has been quietly rolling out a nationwide program called the Immunization Information Systems (IIS), registering your vaccine information into a database. [1] This effort has been run in parallel with state vaccine registry implementations.

What is the intention of such programs?

My colleague Leslie Manookian, writer and director of the movie The Greater Goodwrote in a recent article, the “CDC has openly stated that vaccine registries are a tool to identify areas of ‘undervaccination’ so that they can be ‘addressed’ and brought into ‘compliance.'” [2]

I would also add to Leslie’s statement that since the government purchases a large bulk of the vaccines (for example, the Vaccines for Children program), it is in their financial interest to make sure vaccines are consumed regularly.

If you exempt your child from being vaccinated, your refusal is also being tracked and put into the database. If you want to know why this is a big deal, read on.

But first, what does tracking every vaccine you or your children have ever been injected with look like?

Big Plans for You

I want to make this very real for you.

The government collects information on who vaccinates their children and who does not. They know how many children have had their vaccines. They also know how many children have opted out of being vaccinated. They have the data.

The government has big plans and the most outrageous part about this entire scheme is you don’t have a choice – your data is entered. In order to accomplish this task we have to answer 3 basic questions.

1. What data is being tracked?

2. Who has access to the tracked data?

3. What will be done with this data?

Let’s start with the first question of what is being tracked.

Question #1: What Data is Being Tracked?

You’ll be surprised at how much data is being tracked. Some of the data is required while other data sets are optional. Rest assured, what is optional today can become required in short order.

According to the Immunization Information System Functional Standards, 2013 – 2017, the following information will be in their databases: [3]

  • REQUIRED: Patient name: first, middle, last
  • Optional: Patient alias name: first, middle, last
  • Optional: Patient address, phone number
  • Optional: Birthing facility
  • Optional: Patient Social Security number (SSN)
  • REQUIRED: Patient birth date
  • REQUIRED: Patient sex
  • REQUIRED: Patient race
  • REQUIRED: Patient ethnicity
  • Optional: Patient Primary language
  • REQUIRED: Patient birth order
  • Optional: Patient birth registration number
  • REQUIRED: Patient birth State/country
  • Optional: Patient Medicaid number Optional
  • REQUIRED: Mother’s name: First, middle, last, maiden
  • Optional: Mother’s SSN
  • Optional: Father’s name: first, middle, last
  • Optional: Father’s SSN
  • REQUIRED: Vaccine Type
  • REQUIRED: Vaccine Manufacturer
  • Optional: Vaccine dose number
  • Optional: Vaccine expiration date
  • Optional: Vaccine injection site
  • REQUIRED: Vaccination date
  • REQUIRED: Vaccine lot number
  • Optional: Vaccine provider

Do you trust anyone with your personal information? This leads us to the next question …

Question #2: Who Has Access to the Tracked Data?

This is where the language should have you a little concerned because it is extremely vague.

According to the Immunization Information System documentation, data can be provided to “healthcare providers, public health, and other authorized stakeholders.”

It goes on to say schools, child care, and child camps may also have access to the records.

One of the major areas the lawmakers neglected to mention was the power granted to your employer. Consider the fact this past year nurses were actually being fired for not having their flu shot, as reported by Natural News. [4] Imagine if the proper pressure were applied to businesses to meet a government mandate. They would be given access to these records. It’s something for you to chew on.

That brings us to our last question…

pilot vaccine and information flow

A snapshot from the Centers for Disease Control Immunization Information Systems data flow.

Question #3: What Will Be Done with This Data?

The Centers for Disease Control’s goal is to get 95% or greater vaccine compliance. How is this accomplished?

In the short term, if your child is not vaccinated or is behind schedule, expect phone calls, emails, and personal visits from local health authorities. One function of the CDC’s Immunization Information System is to “forecast” vaccines due, past due, or coming due.

When these tactics don’t work or are ignored, expect more a more confrontational strategy. Keep in mind what happened on Christmas Eve 2009.

The U.S. Senate passed H.R. 3590. The bill eventually became Public Law No. 111-148, which gives the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) authorization to create “vaccination squads” in local communities and seek out unvaccinated children. The “vaccine squads” are called the Community Preventive Services Task Force. [5]

Not only will the Task Force be working with the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, but on page 1202 of that law, the most relevant responsibilities are listed as:

“(D) carrying out immunization-promoting strategies for participants or clients of public programs, including assessments of immunization status, referrals to health care providers, education, provision [provide] of on-site immunizations, or incentives for immunization;

“(E) providing for home visits that promote immunization through education, assessments of need, referrals, provision of immunizations, or other services;”

“(F) providing reminders or recalls for immunization providers;”

“(G) conducting assessments of, and providing feedback to, immunization providers;”

“(H) any combination of one or more interventions described in this paragraph; or”

“(I) immunization information systems to allow all States to have electronic databases for immunization records.”


The Public Law exclusively states exactly where the data will come from – the Immunization Information Systems. Can you imagine police or sheriffs escorting the vaccine squad(s) for “non-compliant” parents?

At this point, I really can’t put it past them.

Consequently, once this system is completely operational, the sky is the limit. Big Brother has the capability to track more than just vaccines. You can anticipate finding just about any pharmaceutical drug mandated by the government in this same system.

The question then becomes, who influences the government agencies mandating vaccines?

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – Lord Acton

ACTION ALERT: Oppose Unconstitutional State Forced Vaccine Tracking of Your Family – OPPOSE SB 1680 and HB 1045 (FL)


  1. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/iis/about.html
  2. http://www.greatergoodmovie.org/news-views/vaccine-registries-whats-all-the-fuss/
  3. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/iis/func-stds.pdf
  4. http://www.naturalnews.com/037544_healthcare_workers_flu_shots_colorado.html
  5. http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-111publ148/pdf/PLAW-111publ148.pdf

Photo Credit

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

3 thoughts on “‘Police State’ Registry System Being Set Up to Track Your Vaccination Status

  1. “vaccine registries are a tool to identify areas of undervaccination so that they can be addresses & brought into compliance”

    Has Social Services Minister Dan Tehan been notified of the existence of this Tracking Technology?
    Won’t he be tickled pink at the prospect.

    Relevant Question:

    You see SoftWare COSTS a small fortune.
    After the Australian government pays for the – EXPENSIVE – & Ineffective Facial Recognition SoftWare & all the other Security Systems SoftWare:

    Will there be any money left in the Public Purse?

  2. “it is in their financial interest that the vaccines are consumed regularly”

    Sorry to be difficult – but I beg to disagree with you.

    The vaccines are purchased with monies from the Public Purse.
    Money from the Public Purse does not belong to the politicians.
    So, it is no skin off their nose if that money is wasted.
    For all they care, the vaccines could be dumped in the ocean.
    In fact, it would be the ideal – & an end to this extravagantly expensive story.

    Because, upon receipt of the vaccines, it then costs the government more PUBLIC MONEY, to store correctly in refrigerated facilities, manage & arrange the distribution of said vaccines.
    And here, with this registry, they are spending even more monies to TRACK the delivery PER PERSONAGE – Nation Wide – of the said vaccines.
    To what end?
    Only to spend more money to then enforce the delivery of each vaccine to a recipient – each & every designated recipient.

    The cheapest solution would be, that the vaccines be dumped in some sinkhole & forgotten.
    Those corrupt politicians who are receiving kickbacks as a result of the purchase of the vaccines, are already remunerated.
    The added expense is not necessary.
    Just chuck the stuff away.
    It is cheaper & there is money left in the public purse to spend.

    You see – the supply of money to the public purse is not “NEVER ENDING” – money does not grow on trees – what happens when the cupboard is bare?

    I personally am very curious to know – just how much money is REMAINING in the Australian Federal Public Purse – after Our Malcolm Turnbull’s “extravagantly wacky” spending spree in the name of Compulsory National Vaccination.
    “Is there any filtyluca left Our Malcolm?”

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