April 20, 2024

Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Sponsor the AVN’s legal challenge


Your sponsorship will help build AVN into a social force with the numbers required to challengeand change government policy – in particular the No Jab No Pay/Play vaccination laws.
Sponsorship payments may be made via Credit Card or Paypal using the form below.
If you prefer, you may also make a payment via internet banking/direct debit to the AVN bank account where funds for legal challenges will be held.
Westpac Bank
Account name – AVN Community Solutions
BSB 032 591
Account number 188223
 Please Click On This Link To Help: https://avn.org.au/sponsor-avn/

https://avn.org.au/sponsor-avn/ Here is the post that Facebook has tried to censor. Can I please, please PLEASE ask that ALL of you share it on your pages? It is obvious that they are terrified that we will be given the ability to take the Federal Government to the High Court of Australia and demonstrate that they have acted illegally and unconstitutionally. The last thing that Facebook, Pharma or our corrupt government officials want is to see Australian citizens retaining the right to say what goes into our bodies or the bodies of our children. With your help, there will come a time in the near future when people will look back on this time like we do now on the dark ages.

An important message from the AVN National Committee:
We have now raised a bit over $100,000 in sponsorships towards our High Court case against the government to overturn the No Jab, No Pay legislation! That is an incredible amount of money to raise in such a short time, but our ultimate goal is $500,000 so we are only 20% of the way there. Times are hard for everyone, but the AVN SERIOUSLY is out there fighting for your rights and we urgently need all of you to give what you can to help support this effort.
If you have already sponsored – THANK YOU! If you have not done so, please don’t wait – use the link below to give whatever you can. From $5 to $5,000 – it will all go towards this case. Not one cent of these contributions will be used for the AVN’s running costs.
Also, if you are not a member of the AVN or your membership has lapsed – we would like to urge you to join / rejoin now. With your support, we can move mountains.

1 thought on “Sponsor the AVN’s legal challenge

  1. It sounds great, well done & good luck.
    I hope you win the right to challenge the federal government in court.
    a right that you alresdy have.

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