Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

‘Why Most Of The World’s Population Can Not Wake Up To The Madness That We Call “Reality.” Part 3

Scott Snitzer 

Here’s the third part of my series.
‘Why Most Of The World’s Population Can Not Wake Up To The Madness That We Call “Reality.”
Throughout this series of articles, I have referred to the all-too-real crime of organized stalking and electronic harassment (using directed energy/frequency weapons) on targeted individuals and the open secret called “gang stalking” is a superb example of how most self-proclaimed truthers seem to think that all of the people who claim that they are being targeted by their government and community are “paranoid,” or “delusional,” and just a few day’s worth of research into targeting will show any open-minded person that many nations have declared a segment of their population to be “domestic terrorists” but there is no official record of this, because despite the fake domestic terrorist threat that the security agencies of many countries, most of the targeting breaks many laws, including constitutional, state and local laws (going by the U.S. as an example).
And to be clear: There are some people who think that they are targeted individuals who are delusional, but most “TIs” are sane, stable and when they do exhibit paranoia, is mostly hypervigilance and other survival instincts as well as the effects of the isolation, the harassment and the smear campaign that they go through can turn some people into what seems to be a paranoid person, but again, targeting is an open secret to all involved (as the true events of 9/11 are well known to probably a few million people across the globe but the media continues with the false narrative) and were the general public to find out that their own governments have been emotionally and mentally torturing innocent civilians, then you might have some kind of mass awakening and some serious push back at the government from the general public, but one of the many reasons most people remain asleep is that their TV news, news papers, talk radio, opinion TV and radio shows, magazines and all other sources of “news” and opinion are tightly controlled by the handful of conglomerates that own most of the world (and they too are being controlled as some level).
I may mention this later on in these articles, but in my now deleted You Tube videos on targeting (which were without question the best self-help resource for targets online), based on comments from my viewers, phone conversations with targets and emails from them as well as some hardcore exhaustive online research into targeting, nearly ALL people who call themselves “targeted individuals” are relatively close-minded as in they refuse to even try to think outside of their comfort zones and nearly all “TIs” are truthers, but like nearly all other truthers I have heard and read, their confirmation bias and other cognitive mind blocks keep their mind closed to ideas and insights which would widen and deepen their body of knowledge and give them many ways in which they could improve their minds and bodies to better deal with this shit miserable world.
So what in bloody hell is my point?
If being brutally harassed by your friends, neighbors, local businesses and your own government does not wake you up to how thoroughly and utterly corrupt your world is, then nothing will.
If you do some online reading up into the targeting there are plenty of people who despite the in-their-face ruination of their life by city, county, state and federal agencies (in the United States), they still think that the judicial system, law enforcement and the mainstream media will somehow help them get exposure and justice and without a doubt, these are the beliefs of people who are in denial of reality-In several of my now-deleted videos I went into the basics of why it was impossible for the targeting programs to be exposed and I was mostly met with a lack of response and with people in denial thinking that someday, somehow they will get justice, despite the fact that criminal politicians and industrialists rarely if ever face actual justice, or how many of the government-sponsored stalkers that harass targets are literally ex-convicts or criminals avoiding jail or prison, or the in-our-face fast decline of the entire world into a Communist-Technocratic dystopian nightmare.
My You Tube channel for targeted individuals was heavily shadow-banned and yes, I had a very “foul” mouth in my videos, but I covered a lot of uncomfortable subjects in my videos that no other online sources for targets did and only an adult child is going to be close-minded about information which might give them more peace of mind and freedom.
For close to six-years I put out a total of over six-hundred videos packed with in-depth research, my own experience and that of many other people as I did not just vomit out information but always tried to give a practical reason for what I was telling people to try.
And targeted individuals all have some form of complex trauma from the near-daily psychological torment that they go through so my channel covered how to deal with trauma, depression, seasonal effective disorder, anxiety, low self-esteem, learned helplessness and hundreds of other subjects which someone who truly wants to become stronger, happier and more in control in their life would gladly embrace and take seriously.
And a small percent of people did listen to my impeccable logic, but nearly all of my viewers were there for the fix of listening to a video on targeting-And despite the thousands of comments on the suffering of these people that I received in my videos over the years, nearly all of the grounded and solid points that I made went in one ear and out the other and the point of all this is that if being singled out to be declared an enemy of the state by your very own government does not wake you the hell up to how evil this system is, then nothing will-Among truthers, its pretty much common sense that the court system is corrupt and that the U.S. and all other nations are corporations and that we as citizens are all under Admiralty law and are considered objects not people, and of course its in your face obvious that regardless of how much activism people pursue, no matter what the movement is there has been and always will be infiltration by the enemy as in the case of targeted individuals interactions online, nearly every well known advocacy group for TIs is controlled and staff by the same powers that fund and implement the targeting programs, yet nearly all targeted people online think that activism, class action lawsuits, and “getting the word out to their community” will bring awareness to the plight of targeted individuals, and the mega-corporate media, the Masonic police and courts and the rest of this openly corrupt system will come to the aid of these targets and life will magically get better and this is a form of mental illness for which I make no apologies stating it as such and this relates directly to the question of why people will not wake up to the obvious lies of this world and its a fact that nearly all people online who identify as targeted individuals do a lot of truther research but their discernment or their ability to tell bullshit from possible or likely truth is usually terrible and as people who have been deeply traumatized (as most of the population of the world has been for a long time), even if they are truthers, targeted individuals are nearly always very close-minded which in turn makes their life increasingly difficult as they have less and less options or choices because like all other emotionally-scarred people who have been through psychological hell, most targets do not use their thinking and reasoning brain but they function on their survival mechanism alone which of course leads to piss poor outcomes because of choices made based purely on emotion.
In fact, the online TI community is populated with all kinds of charismatic Narcissistic “leaders,” “insiders” and “activists,” most all who I have no doubt are government plants, just as during the Covid crisis you had obvious agents such as David Icke, RFK Jr., Health Freedom for Humanity, Judy Mikovitz, Stu Peters, Jane Ruby, Karen Kingston and a hundred plus other agents basically telling people what to think and almost never speaking up on how the virus has never been isolated while hardcore, grass roots researchers such as Jim West and Tracey Northern received a fraction of the exposure that they deserved during this time, so most people will not wake up to the bullshit in this world because most people will not do in-depth research on the most important things in their life and  just as most people need to have some kind of leader or savior instead of becoming the solution that they seek on their own-Its fine to seek out guidance, inspiration and help from others, but as long as even an otherwise alert truther does not go within for insight and as long as they do not question nearly everything that they hear and read, they will continue to think inside of the box as opposed to being lateral thinkers or outside of the box.
What does this have to do with why most people will not wake up?
Its obvious.
If most self-proclaimed seekers of the truth refuse to question their various truther rabbit holes, then how in hell can we expect the average “normie” to wake up.
In the time that I wasted online listening to truther videos and podcasts, the willful ignorance and the smug self-assurance dumbfounded me-People saying that “I don’t think that nanotech is real” or “they can’t clone a human being,” or “gang stalking is not real” is an example of lazy thinkers who like the general public are in a state of hypnosis-but because they hold beliefs that most of the public deem as “crazy,” these truthers vastly overestimate their discernment and they stay in their comfortable online community going nowhere fast.
To make it clear, I realize what I have been covering in this series is not exactly sunshine and puppy dogs happy stuff, but as bad as this world is in many ways, when you live as close as possible to reality, you have more options and freedom than when you’re depending on others for your opinions (e.g. famous and almost all controlled opposition “truthers” who are all talk and no action).
So not only are most targeted individuals asleep to most of the realities of our world, so too are most self-proclaimed truthers.  
One of Adam’s frequent past guests on The Crazz Files was Jim West, an independent author and researcher with a strong scientific background and a few times I heard him say that “I’m always trying to prove myself wrong,” as I myself am always trying to do, as opposed to tying my ego to what “feels good” and what other researchers into my truther topic believe.
More fun reasons why our human brains are so pliable or so easy to influence: 
Most people in industrialized nations can not think critically for many reasons, but one of the foundational ones is that for at least fifty-years, in the United States alone, the school (indoctrination) system has become increasingly Communist in its ideology and of course high schools, colleges and universities perpetuate the brainwashing spell under the illusion of enlightening the student and teachers alike when its just more Communist societal programming, and expecting a deeply brainwashed person who has a horrible diet and/or underwent ultrasound in its mother’s womb and/or got many vaccines-Expecting this type of person to think for themself is nothing short of delusional.
Oh. And then there’s how nearly every single person who has embraced a system-created ideology will usually refuse to think beyond the artificial confines of their programming as in you can almost never convince a feminist, a communist or a religious fanatic that their beliefs are filled with contradictions and easily disproven lies.
I may have already mentioned this in passing, but if you can not convince someone who worships Trump (or any other world’s stage bad actor) that he has been caught lying hundreds of times and is a criminal incompetent psychopath-If someone even refuses to reconsider their political religious or other fanatical beliefs, this is because they are THAT deep in the Matrix (for want of a better phrase) and if they are not awake by now, there does not exist some magical red pill which will shock them into the awareness that all of you who read and hear this already possess.
On this note, I want to mention that I am on the spectrum as in having both Autism and ADHD and that supposedly most higher functioning people with Autism are truly independent thinkers and I am here to tell you that this is absolutely bullshit-In the time spent in the online TI community over time I realized that many targets have Autism and/or ADHD and very few of these people were willing to go past their comfort zone to be willing to hear and read things that might upset them a bit, but would ultimately give them more true personal freedom.
This is one of the main reasons why most people will never wake up and its part of the screwed up software that almost all human beings are conditioned to think with and some of these errors in thinking that we all have are part of the “hardware” that we’re born with:
We tend to trust what goes on in our brains. After all, if you can’t trust your own brain, what can you trust?
Generally, this is a good thing—our brain has been wired to alert us to danger, attract us to potential mates, and find solutions to the problems we encounter every day.
However, there are some occasions when you may want to second guess what your brain is telling you. It’s not that your brain is purposely lying to you, it’s just that it may have developed some faulty or non-helpful connections over time.
It can be surprisingly easy to create faulty connections in the brain. Our brains are predisposed to making connections between thoughts, ideas, actions, and consequences, whether they are truly connected or not.
This tendency to make connections where there is no true relationship is the basis of a common problem when it comes to interpreting research: the assumption that because two variables are correlated, one causes or leads to the other. The refrain “correlation does not equal causation!” is a familiar one to any student of psychology or the social sciences.
It is all too easy to view a coincidence or a complicated relationship and make false or overly simplistic assumptions in research—just as it is easy to connect two events or thoughts that occur around the same time when there are no real ties between them.
There are many terms for this kind of mistake in social science research, complete with academic jargon and overly complicated phrasing. In the context of our thoughts and beliefs, these mistakes are referred to as “cognitive distortions.”
And this is where I will end part III of my series.
In part IV, I will go into cognitive distortions, which are one of the weapons used to control even the strongest and most alert of of minds.
Thanks for reading, and goodbye for now.

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