Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Here are the biggest enemies of free speech in the UK


Opportunists have used the civil unrest in the UK in the last couple of weeks to advance their long-term plans to criminalise speech they don’t like.  Dan Wootton lists 10 people and organisations that have used the civil unrest to advocate for “the Woke Stasi’s bid to crackdown on expression online.”

There are common tactics and strategies that authoritarian regimes use to consolidate and maintain power.  In her 2007 book, ‘The End Of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot’, Naomi Wolf warned of the early stages of such a dictatorship.

The first stage she noted was that all dictators invoke an external and internal threat; to create a sense of fear and threat to justify authoritarian measures. This can include exaggerating the danger posed by external enemies or demonising a particular group or ideology as an internal threat.

In the case of the UK, they are using a grossly exaggerated and to a large extent falsified internal threat to the Muslim population while demonising a fictional “far-right,” a broad and undefined term they are applying to anyone who acts, speaks or posts on social media in a way that they deem unacceptable according to their opinion, or ideology.

Further reading: Who exactly is “far right”? The Critic, 10 August 2023

Using the excuse of a threat from the so-called “far-right” the UK government has announced a new national Violent Disorder Programme that will consider broader use of facial recognition technology; is supporting police efforts to maintain order, with a focus on online activity; is working with social media companies to prevent the spread of “disinformation” and selective inflammatory rhetoric; and, is using lessons in schools to “arm” children against “putrid conspiracy theories.”

Further reading: The Government’s sinister disinformation unit is threatening free speech again, Big Brother Watch, 7 August 2024

So far, the UK government is focusing on more surveillance of the population, a crackdown on freedom of expression and indoctrination of children with government-approved narratives.  In the case of curtailing free speech, they are enlisting the help of not only the police and courts but also corporate media among others.  Below Dan Wootton has compiled a list of the 10 biggest enemies of free speech in the UK.

Revealed: The Ten Biggest Enemies of Free Speech in Britain Today

By Dan Wootton

According to Winston Churchill: “Everyone is in favour of free speech. Hardly a day passes without it being extolled, but some people’s idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.”

A chillingly apt depiction of life under the instant authoritarianism of Two Tier Keir Starmer’s Labour government which decided to use the civil rest as a result of the gut-wrenching Southport Massacre to advance a long-term plan to criminalise controversial speech, control social media giants and police the internet in a manner considered unthinkable in virtually all modern western democracies.

Just as the late Christopher Hitchens predicted 14 years ago, senior Labour figures like failed London Mayor Sadiq Khan are pushing to make Islamophobia illegal, effectively killing off any debate about a religion with reprehensible views on women and gay men.

Perhaps what’s been more disappointing has been seeing the dying MSM [mainstream media aka corporate media] and some politicians who should know better jump on this bandwagon …

10: Mark Rowley

The Met Police chief has become an increasingly ludicrous figure, literally smashing to the ground a microphone from a TV reporter who dared to ask him about two-tier policing. Then he, with a straight face, suggested he could take action against foreigners like, er, the world’s richest man Elon Musk who were stoking up trouble online! Meanwhile, if you’re mugged or robbed in London, you’ll be lucky if a copper shows up.

9: The Sun

It’s personally devastating that the newspaper where I was previously executive editor has fallen so far. Desperate to preserve its dwindling market share, its editor Victoria Newton endorsed Starmer and then backed his bid to censor the internet, even running increasingly mad articles by leftist Brendan Cox. What makes this even more shocking is that, as director of public prosecutions, Two Tier Keir led the deranged bid to jail Sun journalists and their sources.

8: BBC News/Woke ITV/Channel 4 News/Sly News/GB News

The Ofcommunist-regulated broadcasters have been universally appalling, with dishonest reporting stating as fact that social media disinformation caused the unrest. That is absolute baloney. By the time there was any sign of trouble in the streets, it was well known that the man charged with the triple murder was a British-born 17-year-old with Rwandan parents.

7: Paul Mason

The Labour-supporting journalist and former economics editor at the BBC’s Newsnight showed his full communist streak, demanding the new government end all consultations and immediately “pull the plug” on Twitter/X unless Elon Musk stopped posting. He also wants the messaging app Telegram closed down too! Nuts. Remember, mate, there’s a reason prohibition never worked …

6: The Guardian

No newspaper has been more craven in its bid to shut down open online platforms. Most unhinged was Jonathan Freedland’s column shouting: “You know who else should be on trial for the UK’s far-right riots? Elon Musk.” Their campaign continued with an even more nutty column from the ex-European chief of the platform who wrote a piece headlined: “As an ex-Twitter boss, I have a way to grab Elon Musk’s attention. If he keeps stirring unrest, get an arrest warrant.” He added: “He’s a jetsetter: perhaps fear of unexpected detention will concentrate his mind.” How can these people not see how crazy they have become?

5: Jessica Simor KC

Hard-left human rights lawyer and online provocateur, who regularly opines on X (where else?), doesn’t want human rights for Brits to speak freely online. Indeed, she thinks X should be shut down too, publicly lobbying Starmer to “pass a short Bill closing Twitter down in the UK.” There is “more than enough reason to do so”, she argued, seemingly furious at the fact it is no longer a Remoaner echo chamber.

4: Alastair Campbell

The most ludicrous figure in British politics somehow kept a straight face while calling for the Met Police to arrest the brilliant Douglas Murrayand then comparing him to Nazi propaganda chief Goebbels. Of course, the irony that he is the only modern political operative to use propaganda to send the country into a war seemed to be lost on this moron.

3: Hope Not Hate

The world’s most hateful charity continues to call for the political persecution of anyone vaguely conservative. But that didn’t stop their leader Nick Lowles managing to spread his own misinformation that Muslim women had been subjected to acid attacks, sparking further violence. One rule for thee …

2: DPP Stephen Parkinson

The Director of Public Prosecutions (“DPP”) seemed to keep very quiet when middle-class eco-terrorists were causing destruction and death up and down Britain, but the moment the dastardly working classes are misbehaving you haven’t been able to keep him off the media. His warning that social media users could find themselves facing terrorist charges would be funny if it wasn’t so scary.

1: Two Tier Keir “Slippery Starmer”

What happened to the Starmer who in 2009, when DPP, said freedom of speech would be under threat if too many people were taken to court over offensive tweets? He got into power and was instantly corrupted, that’s what. This bloke is more tyrannical than his idol Tony Blair.

I Need Your Help

But this is where I need your help. This Substack and my new daily Outspoken live show (weekdays 5 pm UK time/midday ET/9 am PT on YouTube and Rumble) is truly independent. Since Southport, I have been committed to exposing the relentless lies of the MSM and politicians.

I am now free of the constraints of working for captured billionaires or Ofcommunist-regulated platforms, but to continue this fearless reporting and commentary, I do need your support.

You can usually subscribe for just £5 a month, the prince of a cup of coffee in most major UK cities these days shockingly.

But because I know how tight and tough times are, to mark reaching 30,000 subscribers, I am launching a summer sale this week offering a one-time 25 per cent discount. Subscribing allows you to read all my posts exclusively for paid members, the full archive, comment on articles, join my regular chats on the Substack app, and give you the ability to message me.

If you are already one of our growing army of paid subscribers, you have my full gratitude. But if you are able to support the cause by upgrading, founding members of the Outspoken community get the opportunity for one-on-one Zoom calls with me and personal videos twice a year.

I know you are aware of how much free speech and independent thinking is now in peril, but I am determined to build up Outspoken to challenge the MSM. If you can help become part of this important movement, I will be forever grateful.

Because I’m writing this thinking about that freedom fighter being questioned for hours on end because she posted something “inaccurate” just once on X and knowing that this slippery slope leads us to tyranny …

We must oppose Starmer’s mission to shut down debate with every fibre of our being.

About the Author

Dan Wootton is a New Zealand-born British journalist.  He began his journalism career in 2007 with the News of the World. In 2013, he joined The Sun on Sunday and became editor of the “Bizarre” column the following year. In 2016, he moved to The Sun, where he remained until 2021. In January 2021, Wootton left The Sun and talkRADIO to become a columnist for MailOnline and present a daily show on GB News.

In March 2024, he left GB News to launch his own independent platform, Dan Wootton Outspokenwhich you can find on YouTube HERE, Rumble HERE and Substack HERE.

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