READ MORE AT CAIRNS NEWS This is the movie we wish we didn’t have to make. But this is a...
Vaccines – COVID (mRNA) Shots
READ MORE AT NATURAL NEWS What could be more dangerous in the field of medicine than government officials knowingly licensing...
READ MORE AT CAIRNS NEWS House of Commons, Canada Letter to the Editor Statistics are now available about covid-19 deaths...
READ MORE AT RENEGADE TRIBUNE Oh, how much the times have changed! The United States Army is now begging COVID...
Senator Katy Gallagher, one of Labor's multi-talented Ministers for Everything, clearly resented having to answer questions from a mere One...
Is Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Nightmare Unfolding?: A Startling Correlation with Shocking Quadruple Vaccinated Mortality Rates Certainly Suggests So… READ MORE...
ELIZABETH HART In June 2021, why did Scott Morrison overrule the AHPPC's advice against compulsory vaccination for aged care workers?...
Health Canada on Thursday confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines and also confirmed that Pfizer did...
READ MORE AT THE EXPOSE Former TV presenter Liz Gunn published a video update yesterday describing an instance of...
Media Blackout: UK Gov. quietly confirms Vaccinated account for 95% of COVID-19 Deaths in England over the past year; 94%...