Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Free speech is in trouble on both sides of the Atlantic


In June, the US Supreme Court reversed a lower court’s decision that barred the US government and its agencies from coordinating with social media to censor and suppress views that don’t follow the government’s narrative.

But free speech is not only in trouble in America.  As David Thunder points out, free speech is in trouble on both sides of the Atlantic.

In the UK, Kier Starmer’s government is using recent civil unrest as an excuse to prosecute people for social media posts.  In Ireland, the government is adamant it will strengthen its “hate speech” legislation.  And in the EU, the Internal Market Commissioner suggested an interview between Elon Musk and Donald Trump might fall foul of Europe’s Digital Services Act.

Free Speech in Trouble on Both Sides of the Atlantic

By David Thunder, 24 August 2024

It’s been a troubling summer, on both sides of the Atlantic, for those of us who care about free speech.

On 26 June, the US Supreme Court vacated a lower court judgment in Murthy v. Missouri[1] that barred officials from the White House, CDC, FBI, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (“CISA”), and the Surgeon General’s office from encouraging social media platforms to censor constitutionally protected speech.

Justice Samuel Alito, in a dissenting opinion that was joined by two other justices, highlighted the history of State-sponsored censorship unveiled in the case, and the stark implications of the majority ruling:

If we cross the Atlantic to America’s traditional allies, Ireland and Britain, things are far from rosy. The Irish government is adamant that it has not given up on its ambition to “strengthen” Ireland’s hate speech legislation, in spite of the fact that the Hate Offences Bill held up in the Senate (which I reported on in May 2023) proved extremely controversial due to some extremely draconian elements within it, including the right of officials to order the arrest of a private citizen for unpublished material that could “incite hatred” if published.

The British government has been using the UK anti-immigration riots, sparked by the Southport murder of children by the 17-year-old son of a Rwandan couple, as a pretext for prosecuting citizens for social media posts they believe could stir up “hatred” toward immigrants, or foment further rioting.

The fact that the line between incitement to “hatred” and legitimate political discourse is impossible to draw in an impartial and legally precise way is, of course, of no concern to prosecutors and politicians leading the UK into a censorious dystopia. Furthermore, the narrative that the anti-immigrant protests across the UK are just the handiwork of “far right” elements conveniently ignores the fact that there is huge public discontent with the UK’s immigration policies, as I explain in a recent post.

As if all of this was not enough, the EU Internal Market Commissioner, Thierry Breton, made an extraordinary intervention concerning a planned Twitter/X interview between X CEO Elon Musk and presidential candidate Donald Trump, suggesting that the interview might fall foul of Europe’s Digital Services Act.[2]

Although the EU Commission subsequently distanced themselves from Breton’s remarks, this intervention was a clear demonstration (in case we needed it) that the vague language of the Digital Services Act, with its allusion to the need to mitigate the risks of “disinformation,” “hate speech,” and threats to “civic discourse” and “public security,” was bound to be interpreted in an ideologically and politically partisan manner, as I explain in THIS post.

About the Author

David Thunder is an Irish political philosopher based at the University of Navarra with a passion for freedom and self-government.  He publishes articles on his website HERE and articles and videos on his Substack page, ‘The Freedom Blog’, which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.


[1] In May 2022, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration and its agencies, including the Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, for coordinating with social media companies to suppress free speech and censor conservative views on issues such as covid-19, election integrity and vaccine policies.

The case went through the Western District of Louisiana and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The district court granted a preliminary injunction against several Biden administration officials and agencies, prohibiting them from contacting social media services to request the blocking of material, except for cases involving illegal activity.

In June, the Supreme Court of the United States (“SCOTUS”) reversed the district court’s ruling stating that the states lacked standing to bring the lawsuit. The Court found that the states failed to demonstrate a concrete and particularised injury, as they did not show that they or their citizens were directly affected by the alleged government pressure on social media companies.

The ruling has significant implications for future lawsuits alleging government censorship or viewpoint discrimination.



4 thoughts on “Free speech is in trouble on both sides of the Atlantic

  1. I have put a few Notes together so your readers can copy and paste and share if they desire. Thank you for your great work.

    These alleged filthy, disgusting, vile and inhuman TYRANTS destroying all our freedoms, rights and choices; must be stopped by the People for the People.
    Conservative Lawmaker Marcel Van Hattem Defies BRAZIL’S Communist Tyrant Alexandre de Moraes – Will Continue to Use X Despite Imposed R$ 50,000 Fine… Update: Even Lula’s Socialist Party Continues to Tweet!
    ** It should be noted that none of this would be happening if the US government had not spent millions to unseat the populist President Jair Bolsonaro and replace him with a dirty criminal Marxist Lula da Silva. **

    HUGE! US State Department Pushed “Voting Machine Semiconductors” Prior to Brazilian Election – Then CIA Pressured Populist Candidate Jair Bolsonaro to Keep His Mouth Shut When He Lost! – Elon Musk Responds!
    *****Bolsonaro, like Donald Trump, was wildly popular as president yet somehow he lost a tight race to the criminal socialist Lula da Silva.
    And the CIA and State Department was working against Bolsonaro and in support of the red socialist, Lula.
    Former State Department official, Mike Benz, the founder of the Foundation for Freedom Online posted a very interesting tweet today on the CIA, former President Jair Bolsonaro, the US State Department, and electronic voting machines in Brazil.
    Mike Benz sat for an interview with Tucker Carlson earlier in the week where he first discussed the Biden regime’s efforts to interfere in the 2022 reelection of populist favorite Jair Bolsonaro.
    The Gateway Pundit posted this morning on the Biden regime, the US Military, the State Department, and the CIA’s efforts to alter the election results in Brazil in 2022. The Biden regime decided it was in its best interest to support the communist Lula da Silva in the election and to fund the censorship ecosystem and subvert the populist Bolsonaro administration.
    Mike Benz published more shocking information on how the US State Department interfered in the 2022 election by pushing semiconductors made by Nuvoton, a Taiwanese company, used in voting machines.
    Via the Financial Times.
    Then, at the same time, the CIA and State Department warned President Bolsonaro to honor the results of the election.
    So the CIA was pushing Brazil to install specifically Nuvoton semiconductors into their voting machines in 2022. It should be noted that Brazil uses voting machines and does not use paper ballots.
    *****Bolsonaro, like Donald Trump, was wildly popular as president yet somehow he lost a tight race to the criminal socialist Lula da Silva.
    And the CIA and State Department was working against Bolsonaro and in support of the red socialist, Lula.
    Elon Musk responded to the tweet, posting, “Interesting

    Was the US State Department behind the arrest of the Telegram chief Pavel Durov ?
    August 31, 2024
    Author: Editor, cairnsnews
    Independent commentator Mike Benz believes US State Department “state craft” was quite likely behind the French arrest of the Telegram CEO Pavel Durov.

    Telegram CEO Pavel Durov – Arrested by French Authorities for Refusing to Follow Censorship Laws

    Russia demands France explains Durov arrest — RT World News
    August 25, 2024
    The embassy also said that it remains in contact with Durov’s lawyer.
    Earlier on Sunday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called upon international human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International to stand up for free speech and put pressure on France to release the Telegram founder.
    The deputy speaker of the Russian parliament, Vladislav Davankov, also urged Paris to release Durov. The tech entrepreneur’s arrest “could be politically motivated and used to gain access to the personal information of Telegram users,” which Moscow cannot allow, he warned.

    Tucker Carlson’s probing of Pavel Durov four months back is very revealing.
    He who controls the information wins the east v west AI war and Pavel isn’t playing ball

    See Cairns news Article – Macron-EU Stasi nab Telegram founder as ‘accomplice in criminal activity’

    Free speech is a fundamental human right
    by Senator Malcolm Roberts – One Nation Party
    One Nation advocates for the enshrinement of freedom of speech as a fundamental human right in our Constitution. We are the only Australian political party actively working to integrate freedom of speech into our legal and social framework. Contrary to popular belief, this right is not currently enshrined in the Australian Constitution, though many Australians assume it is.
    While the Constitution provides a limited form of freedom of speech concerning political communications, it falls short of the comprehensive protection seen in the American Constitution, where freedom of speech is explicitly guaranteed.
    I am calling for a thorough investigation into the necessity and benefits of including such a provision in our Constitution. Such a change would bring an end to governmental overreach and prevent legislation aimed at censoring speech by labelling it as ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’ for political reasons.
    The press and media are also guilty of suppressing dissenting views that challenge the government’s narrative, and social media platforms are known for shadow banning or cancelling comments that oppose government positions. This was particularly evident during the Covid-19 period of mandates and shutdowns, targeting those who questioned government control.
    We must resist any government measures that would further restrict freedom of speech and advocate for stronger protections to safeguard this essential right.
    Also please watch video >

    Everything you need to know about governments’ mass censorship
    “Government censorship is an inversion of democracy itself,” Mike Benz, Executive Director, Foundation for Freedom Online
    Mike Benz is a former State Department official with responsibilities in formulating and negotiating US foreign policy on international communications and information technology matters. Mr. Benz founded FFO as a civil society institution building on his experience in the role of championing digital freedom around the world in the public sector.
    Watch this incredibly in-depth interview with Tucker Carlson to the end. Benz has connected all the dots of surveillance and censorship and its effect on US and Australian media.

    Mark Cuban and Jon Stewart Bitch and Moan, Slam X and Elon Musk for Being Only Major Media Giant Not Pushing Toxic Commie Bullsh*t (VIDEO)
    The elitists are getting really, really tired of Elon and his free speech stuff. It doesn’t jive with their tyrannical plans.
    Read full story >

    Google ‘interfered’ in US elections 41 times to boost Democrats: Watchdog
    March 19, 2024
    Tech giant Google has “interfered” in elections in the United States 41 times since 2008 to censor speech and boost certain Democrats, according to a right-of-center watchdog group.
    Researchers found repeated examples in which Google “utilized its power to help push to electoral victory the most liberal candidates … while targeting their opponents for censorship,” according to a Media Research Center report published Monday. The influential subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., sought to prop up failed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton through its search algorithm in 2016, according to the report, though the pattern of Google’s interference efforts “can be traced back to 2008,” the group alleged in the report.
    “Google’s massive and deliberate efforts to interfere in U.S. elections for the past 16 years is unacceptable and the biggest threat to American democracy today,” Media Research Center President Brent Bozell said in a statement.
    For 16 years Google has done its part to interfere in elections, helping push its favored radical Democrat candidates while attempting to discredit those who are in the way.
    Indeed, the company censored Hillary Clinton supporters in 2008 while its CEO endorsed Obama. In 2012,
    Google once again favored Obama while targeting then-leading GOP candidate Santorum. The company
    then supported Clinton in 2016 and hid search suggestions that highlighted her alleged illegal activity. In 2020, Google suspended the more moderate Democrat Gabbard’s ads account during the height of her popularity.
    The company even reportedly sent out vote reminders only to Democrats and blocked GOP fundraising emails from reaching users’ inboxes. And now, Google is up to more of the same in 2024.
    In many of the cases listed above, Google either admitted that it had made errors or attempted to downplay
    studies and reports critical of its actions. But neither defense explains why Google’s election interference always seems to go in one direction: favoring the radical left at the expense of the right.
    When so-called mistakes and allegedly flawed methodologies consistently point to the same radical political
    preferences, Google makes it easy for Americans to conclude that the tech giant has rigged its policies, and as a result the American political system.
    • Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) should direct relevant committees and committee chairmen to investigate
    Google for abridging people’s constitutional rights; for coordinating with government to violate freedom of
    speech; for interfering in elections by making unreported in-kind contributions; and for defrauding its users
    by failing to meet its Terms of Service.
    • State legislatures should resolve any question of whether Google is a common carrier, which it is; and they
    can follow the lead of Texas and Florida to ensure that Big Tech cannot engage in viewpoint discrimination.
    • Americans should stop using Google products, particularly Google Search and instead opt for one of the
    many alternatives. From our research, alternatives appear to produce better, less biased results.
    Please continue to read full article and see The media Research Center’s 19 page report >
    Source >

    This is what the people of the world are all headed back to – but this time in permanent Tyranny/Totalitarianism.

    Reminder > STARK RAVING COVID CRAZY AUSTRALIAN POLITICIANS/GOVERNMENT – an example of what Australians suffered by the Tyrannical Government
    We allegedly NEED TO stop THE WEF, Globalists, Elite, WHO, UN, DIGITAL IDENTITY, CASHLESS SOCIETIES/SOCIAL CREDIT SCORES (like China) and all treacherous Politicians, or we are going to be back in this position in permanent Totalitarianism/Tyranny.

    Historical Analysis of the Global Elites:
    Ransacking the World Economy Until ‘You’ll Own Nothing’
    Who is the Global Elite and How does it Operate?
    Part 1: 5,000 Years Setting the Stage
    By Robert J. Burrowes
    Global Research, June 24, 2023
    Very Important and please continue to read full article and In Part 2 of this investigation, I will examine how the Global Elite is implementing its final coup to take complete technocratic control over all life on Earth and what we must do to prevent this happening.

    Ransacking the World Economy Until ‘You’ll Own Nothing.’
    Part 2: The Coup de Grâce: The Great Reset
    By Robert J. Burrowes
    Global Research, January 03, 2023
    Building on millennia of learning how to structure and manage an economy to accumulate and consolidate control and wealth in particular hands, as explained in Part 1 of this investigation, the Global Elite launched its final coup in January 2020 under cover of the fake Covid-19 ‘pandemic’.
    Using the health threat supposedly implied by the existence of a pathogenic ‘virus’, the bulk of the world population was terrorized into submitting to an onerous series of violations of their human rights which was tantamount to a declaration of martial law. See ‘The Final Battle For Humanity: It Is “Now or Never” In The Long War Against Homo Sapiens’.
    Under a barrage of propaganda delivered by Elite agents – including organizations such as the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the World Health Organisation, governments, the pharmaceutical industry and corporate media as well as individuals such as Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari and Bill Gates – people were compelled to wear masks, use QR codes, stay locked down in their homes and, later, submit to a series of experimental but involuntary gene-altering bioweapons to acquire a ‘vaccine passport’, among other measures.
    Very important and please continue to read full article >

    MEP Breaks ‘Very Bad News’ About Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies – Total Control
    Catherine Austin Fitts, financial expert and Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the Bush (H.W.) administration, has long warned about the dangers of CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currencies).
    Access Denied: Implementing Complete Control Through Centralized Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
    Let’s say I want to mandate a vaccine. Your financial transaction ability can be turned off; your access to your financial assets can be denied or stopped if you don’t do what you’re told.
    Do Not Comply
    As George Orwell, Author of 1984, once said, “Real power is achieved when the ruling class controls the material essentials of life, granting and withholding them from the masses as if they were privileges.”
    If this doesn’t end now, what you know as freedom will be turned into privileges that can be turned on and off in an instant. Look to China; that’s what they intend to bring to the West. And digital IDs + CBDCs are the exact tools needed to make it a reality.
    As Catherine Austin Fitts said, “Your access to your financial assets can be denied or stopped if you don’t do what you’re told.” So rather than waiting for complete tyranny to hit you upside the head, it’s more important than ever to start resisting now.

    Aug 13, 2024
    Liberal Senator Alex Antic slams the Albanese government’s proposed digital ID laws.
    “This digital ID act that was passed earlier in the year is setting up the framework for a digital surveillance state in this country,” Mr Antic told Sky News host Peta Credlin.
    “I have no confidence in governments being able to keep our data safe.
    “This is why I have introduced a digital ID repeal into the Senate … the is bad law and we are walking into a digital surveillance state trap.”
    Please watch video and EVERYONE PLEASE SUPPORT Senator Alex Antic’s DIGITAL ID REPEAL into the Senate – “This is why I have introduced a Digital ID Repeal into the Senate – this is bad law and we are walking into a Digital Surveillance State Trap.”

    World Economic Forum – Their Time is Up!
    Kevin Roberts’ message to the self-appointed global elitists at Davos adds further emphasis to Javier Milei’s speech

    Senator Alex Antic Warns of WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM (WEF) Infiltration in Australia
    Kurt Mahlburg
    31 March 2022

    WAYNE ROOT: Did Democrats Bother to Vet Kamala’s VP “Tampon Tim?” Because Stolen Valor, BLM Burning, Covid Tyranny, Stolen Teachers Funds, Supporting October 7th and Promoting Hitler are Not Good Looks for a Presidential Ticket.
    This is the most bizarre story in the history of modern-day US politics. Either Democrats never vetted “Tampon Tim”…aka “Drag Queen Tim”…aka “Open Borders & Ladders Tim”…aka “Covid Tyrant Tim”…aka “Stolen Valor Tim”…aka “China-owned Tim”…aka “Jihad Tim”…and don’t forget his wife “Burning Woman.”
    The Chinese Communist Party forced his selection as VP onto China-owned Kamala Harris, and the China-owned Democrat Party.
    Or both.

    See these horrific allegations > Harris-Walz shock: report reveals pair as pedophile defenders > DEMOCRATS
    In May 2023, the Democrat-controlled Minnesota legislature changed the legal definition of “sexual orientation” by removing a clause that excluded pedophilia as a sexual orientation. The bill was authored by a male Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives who identifies himself as a woman.
    Connecticut Democrats, inspired by the example of their Minnesota colleagues, later updated their state’s anti-discrimination laws and similarly expanded the definition of “sexual orientation” to include “attraction to minors.” According to the Connecticut Family Institute, funded by the U.S. Democratic Party, the new definition of “sexual orientation” “changes for the better and becomes free of heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality” and includes people whose sexual attraction “was previously considered a crime.”
    As sociologists and journalists have noted, since 2017, the U.S. media has launched an active campaign to normalize sexual attraction to minors.
    The media and left-liberal opinion leaders have begun to increasingly ignore the word “pedophile,” replacing it with the term “people who are attracted to minors.”
    According to Olin Walker, associate professor of sociology at Old Dominion University in Virginia, this juggling of terms is due to the negative connotation of the term “pedophile” and the desire of interested parties to “normalize public attitudes toward child molesters.”
    Along with a media campaign excusing pedophiles and their unhealthy attraction to children, American scientists sponsored by Democratic Party-affiliated individuals and organizations have begun to conduct unverifiable and bogus studies purportedly proving that pedophilia is an acceptable attraction in modern society that “doesn’t represent anything wrong.”
    n 2018, at an annual conference organized by an American private foundation, a speaker stated that pedophilia should be perceived as an “unchanging sexual orientation,” and people who have sex with children were compared to “sweet lovers who don’t gorge themselves on desserts.”

    Today, as the U.S. presidential election scheduled for November 2024 approaches, more and more Democratic politicians lobbying for pedophiles and those associated with child molestation groups are appearing on the American political scene. In August 2024, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris chose as her vice-presidential running mate one of the leading ideologues and practitioners of pedophilia legalization in the United States, Tim Walz, governor of Minnesota, which currently has the most pedophile-friendly legislation in the country.
    Please continue to read full article >

    Tim Walz’s Own Brother Considers Joining Forces with Trump, Slams Governor as ‘Unfit to Make Decisions About Your Future’: Report
    Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s own brother, Jeff Walz, has reportedly considered joining forces with former President Donald Trump, publicly criticizing his brother as “not the type of character you want making decisions about your future.”
    The discovery was made by conservative journalist Laura Loomer, who uncovered Jeff Walz’s Facebook profile, which contains a series of posts highly critical of both his brother and the current administration.
    Credit: Jeff Walz/Facebook
    One post, dated May 2023—the same day the Biden-Harris administration indicted Donald Trump in New York City—reads, “We’ve just become a third world banana republic.”
    When prompted by a follower to discuss these concerns with his brother, Jeff revealed that he hasn’t spoken to Tim in eight years and is “100% opposed to all his ideology.”
    He further claimed that his family was blindsided by Tim’s political rise and denied security after being selected for office.
    “Haven’t spoke to him in 8 years. I’m 100% opposed to all his ideology. My family wasn’t given any notice that he was selected and denied security the days after,” he wrote.
    Another comment encouraged Jeff Walz to “Help MAGA… Get on stage with President Trump and endorse him… Help save this country.”
    Jeff’s response was equally telling: “I’ve thought hard about doing something like that! I’m torn between that and just keeping my family out of it. The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future.”

    WORLD HEALTH ORANISATION (WHO) – ALSO ABSOLUTELY BLOODY OUTRAGEOUS – THE WHO should be defunded / deactivated ‘yesterday’.
    Outrage Over WHO Guidance on “Sexuality for Infants”
    By Will Jones
    Global Research, May 15, 2023
    The Daily Sceptic 14 May 2023

    If the Democrats are voted back in, our children of the world allegedly, don’t stand a chance.
    Remember also Donald Trump WAS ALSO GOING TO DEFUND the alleged totally corrupted World Health Organisation.

    More Allegations against Democrats > Horrific – Victor Reacts: A Vote for Kamala Harris – Democrats – is a Vote for This (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit
    August 27, 2024
    A vote for Kamala is a vote for more Harris migrant crime. Thanks to the failed Border Czar we have had millions upon millions of illegals pouring into our country and now stories like this are a near daily occurrence.
    As the Gateway Pundit reported,
    Kamala’s America.
    Thanks to ‘Border Czar’ Kamala Harris, more than 15 million illegal aliens – mostly military-age males – have crossed over the border since Joe Biden took office in January 2021.
    Innocent American women and girls are being raped and murdered by Kamala Harris’s illegal aliens.
    One of Kamala’s illegals was arrested in Ulster County, New York for sexually abusing a 7-year-old girl in New York.
    According to the Ulster County District Attorney, Carlos Fernando Pinola Pop, 41, “subjected a 7-year-old child to sexual contact with his hands and penis on her vagina. The child victim told her mother, who informed a third-party community member. The third-party contacted police and the defendant was arrested by the Kingston Police Department on October 13, 2023.”
    Carlos Fernando Pinola Pop pleaded guilty last week to 1st degree sexual abuse of a 7-year-old girl, a Class D violent sex offense.
    He faces up to 7 years in prison and possible deportation after he finishes his prison term.
    Kamala Harris and Democrats will lie to the American people and swear that “if elected into office” they will fix all our nation’s issues yet they are currently in office. If they wanted to, they could fix the issue at the border by resuming the Trump era border policies. Because of their inaction Americans will continue to suffer.

    These alleged filthy, disgusting, vile and inhuman TYRANTS destroying all our freedoms, rights and choices; must be stopped by the People for the People.

  2. Welcome to Rediscovering Medicine Uncensored
    The Australian Tour
    AMPS Australian Medical Professionals’ Society

    Join internationally renowned experts Professor Angus Dalgleish and Dr Paul Marik in this Australian tour expose the medical corruption plaguing healthcare, and empower health independence with breakthrough therapeutic advancements.

    It’s time to reclaim our health from vested interests by rediscovering better, cheaper, and less toxic solutions for health and wellness. This tour will span several cities across Australia beginning on Monday September 30, empowering Australians to restore their health with safe, evidence-based solutions from true experts.

    In partnership with AMPS, Professor Angus Dalgleish and Dr Paul Marik are determined to expose the misinformation, censorship and corruption plaguing science and medicine. It’s time for some rediscovery. The tour will empower you to take back control of your health and that of your family. By focusing on vaccine injury, cancer, metabolic, and mental health conditions, they will provide vital insights into true healing. Rediscovering proved, effective therapies will help us overcome the influence of vested interests, in a bid to help restore faltering trust in medicine.

    We must unite to reclaim ethical evidence-based medical practice through both novel insights and rediscovered older principles. Doctors and patients need representative associations like AMPS and the FLCCC to stand firm against government overreach and the vested interests currently corrupting healthcare.

    This tour is open to the public and provides an opportunity to engage with Professor Dalgleish, Dr. Marik, and other leading experts in the field.

    Join us and help us find a way to a censorship-free medical paradigm.
    Download the Media Release from the website

    Click on your State to find out more
    Tickets on sale now – spread the word please

  3. Some more information for your astute Readers to make it easier for them to share information links >

    Moms for Liberty Co-Founder to President Trump: “They Called Us Domestic Terrorists – for Speaking Out at School Board Meetings”
    President Trump made an appearance at the “Moms for Liberty” National Summit in Washington DC on Friday night. Trump sat for an interview with Tiffany Justice to discuss topics including parents being targeted at school board meetings. Trump spoke with Tiffany Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, for several minutes.
    Under the Biden/Harris Regime, parents who spoke up at school board meetings were labeled domestic terrorists by the Federal Government and Merrick Garland’s DOJ.

    WAYNE ROOT: Did Democrats Bother to Vet Kamala’s VP “Tampon Tim?” Because Stolen Valor, BLM Burning, Covid Tyranny, Stolen Teachers Funds, Supporting October 7th and Promoting Hitler are Not Good Looks for a Presidential Ticket.
    This is the most bizarre story in the history of modern-day US politics. Either Democrats never vetted “Tampon Tim”…aka “Drag Queen Tim”…aka “Open Borders & Ladders Tim”…aka “Covid Tyrant Tim”…aka “Stolen Valor Tim”…aka “China-owned Tim”…aka “Jihad Tim”…and don’t forget his wife “Burning Woman.”
    The Chinese Communist Party forced his selection as VP onto China-owned Kamala Harris, and the China-owned Democrat Party.
    Or both.

    See these horrific allegations > Harris-Walz shock: report reveals pair as pedophile defenders > DEMOCRATS
    In May 2023, the Democrat-controlled Minnesota legislature changed the legal definition of “sexual orientation” by removing a clause that excluded pedophilia as a sexual orientation. The bill was authored by a male Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives who identifies himself as a woman.
    Connecticut Democrats, inspired by the example of their Minnesota colleagues, later updated their state’s anti-discrimination laws and similarly expanded the definition of “sexual orientation” to include “attraction to minors.” According to the Connecticut Family Institute, funded by the U.S. Democratic Party, the new definition of “sexual orientation” “changes for the better and becomes free of heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality” and includes people whose sexual attraction “was previously considered a crime.”
    As sociologists and journalists have noted, since 2017, the U.S. media has launched an active campaign to normalize sexual attraction to minors.
    The media and left-liberal opinion leaders have begun to increasingly ignore the word “pedophile,” replacing it with the term “people who are attracted to minors.”
    According to Olin Walker, associate professor of sociology at Old Dominion University in Virginia, this juggling of terms is due to the negative connotation of the term “pedophile” and the desire of interested parties to “normalize public attitudes toward child molesters.”
    Along with a media campaign excusing pedophiles and their unhealthy attraction to children, American scientists sponsored by Democratic Party-affiliated individuals and organizations have begun to conduct unverifiable and bogus studies purportedly proving that pedophilia is an acceptable attraction in modern society that “doesn’t represent anything wrong.”
    n 2018, at an annual conference organized by an American private foundation, a speaker stated that pedophilia should be perceived as an “unchanging sexual orientation,” and people who have sex with children were compared to “sweet lovers who don’t gorge themselves on desserts.”

    Today, as the U.S. presidential election scheduled for November 2024 approaches, more and more Democratic politicians lobbying for pedophiles and those associated with child molestation groups are appearing on the American political scene. In August 2024, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris chose as her vice-presidential running mate one of the leading ideologues and practitioners of pedophilia legalization in the United States, Tim Walz, governor of Minnesota, which currently has the most pedophile-friendly legislation in the country.
    Please continue to read full article >

    Tim Walz’s Own Brother Considers Joining Forces with Trump, Slams Governor as ‘Unfit to Make Decisions About Your Future’: Report
    Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s own brother, Jeff Walz, has reportedly considered joining forces with former President Donald Trump, publicly criticizing his brother as “not the type of character you want making decisions about your future.”
    The discovery was made by conservative journalist Laura Loomer, who uncovered Jeff Walz’s Facebook profile, which contains a series of posts highly critical of both his brother and the current administration.
    Credit: Jeff Walz/Facebook
    One post, dated May 2023—the same day the Biden-Harris administration indicted Donald Trump in New York City—reads, “We’ve just become a third world banana republic.”
    When prompted by a follower to discuss these concerns with his brother, Jeff revealed that he hasn’t spoken to Tim in eight years and is “100% opposed to all his ideology.”
    He further claimed that his family was blindsided by Tim’s political rise and denied security after being selected for office.
    “Haven’t spoke to him in 8 years. I’m 100% opposed to all his ideology. My family wasn’t given any notice that he was selected and denied security the days after,” he wrote.
    Another comment encouraged Jeff Walz to “Help MAGA… Get on stage with President Trump and endorse him… Help save this country.”
    Jeff’s response was equally telling: “I’ve thought hard about doing something like that! I’m torn between that and just keeping my family out of it. The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future.”

    WORLD HEALTH ORANISATION (WHO) – ALSO ABSOLUTELY BLOODY OUTRAGEOUS – THE WHO should be defunded / deactivated ‘yesterday’.
    Outrage Over WHO Guidance on “Sexuality for Infants”
    By Will Jones
    Global Research, May 15, 2023
    The Daily Sceptic 14 May 2023

    If the Democrats are voted back in, our children of the world allegedly, don’t stand a chance.
    Remember also Donald Trump WAS ALSO GOING TO DEFUND the alleged totally corrupted World Health Organisation.

    More Allegations against Democrats > Horrific – Victor Reacts: A Vote for Kamala Harris – Democrats – is a Vote for This (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit
    August 27, 2024
    A vote for Kamala is a vote for more Harris migrant crime. Thanks to the failed Border Czar we have had millions upon millions of illegals pouring into our country and now stories like this are a near daily occurrence.
    As the Gateway Pundit reported,
    Kamala’s America.
    Thanks to ‘Border Czar’ Kamala Harris, more than 15 million illegal aliens – mostly military-age males – have crossed over the border since Joe Biden took office in January 2021.
    Innocent American women and girls are being raped and murdered by Kamala Harris’s illegal aliens.
    One of Kamala’s illegals was arrested in Ulster County, New York for sexually abusing a 7-year-old girl in New York.
    According to the Ulster County District Attorney, Carlos Fernando Pinola Pop, 41, “subjected a 7-year-old child to sexual contact with his hands and penis on her vagina. The child victim told her mother, who informed a third-party community member. The third-party contacted police and the defendant was arrested by the Kingston Police Department on October 13, 2023.”
    Carlos Fernando Pinola Pop pleaded guilty last week to 1st degree sexual abuse of a 7-year-old girl, a Class D violent sex offense.
    He faces up to 7 years in prison and possible deportation after he finishes his prison term.
    Kamala Harris and Democrats will lie to the American people and swear that “if elected into office” they will fix all our nation’s issues yet they are currently in office. If they wanted to, they could fix the issue at the border by resuming the Trump era border policies. Because of their inaction Americans will continue to suffer.

    Conservative Lawmaker Marcel Van Hattem Defies BRAZIL’S Communist Tyrant Alexandre de Moraes – Will Continue to Use X Despite Imposed R$ 50,000 Fine… Update: Even Lula’s Socialist Party Continues to Tweet!
    It should be noted that none of this would be happening if the US government had not spent millions to unseat the populist President Jair Bolsonaro and replace him with a dirty criminal Marxist Lula da Silva.

    HUGE! US State Department Pushed “Voting Machine Semiconductors” Prior to Brazilian Election – Then CIA Pressured Populist Candidate Jair Bolsonaro to Keep His Mouth Shut When He Lost! – Elon Musk Responds!
    *****Bolsonaro, like Donald Trump, was wildly popular as president yet somehow he lost a tight race to the criminal socialist Lula da Silva.
    And the CIA and State Department was working against Bolsonaro and in support of the red socialist, Lula.
    Former State Department official, Mike Benz, the founder of the Foundation for Freedom Online posted a very interesting tweet today on the CIA, former President Jair Bolsonaro, the US State Department, and electronic voting machines in Brazil.
    Mike Benz sat for an interview with Tucker Carlson earlier in the week where he first discussed the Biden regime’s efforts to interfere in the 2022 reelection of populist favorite Jair Bolsonaro.
    The Gateway Pundit posted this morning on the Biden regime, the US Military, the State Department, and the CIA’s efforts to alter the election results in Brazil in 2022. The Biden regime decided it was in its best interest to support the communist Lula da Silva in the election and to fund the censorship ecosystem and subvert the populist Bolsonaro administration.
    Mike Benz published more shocking information on how the US State Department interfered in the 2022 election by pushing semiconductors made by Nuvoton, a Taiwanese company, used in voting machines.
    Via the Financial Times.
    Then, at the same time, the CIA and State Department warned President Bolsonaro to honor the results of the election.
    So the CIA was pushing Brazil to install specifically Nuvoton semiconductors into their voting machines in 2022. It should be noted that Brazil uses voting machines and does not use paper ballots.
    *****Bolsonaro, like Donald Trump, was wildly popular as president yet somehow he lost a tight race to the criminal socialist Lula da Silva.
    And the CIA and State Department was working against Bolsonaro and in support of the red socialist, Lula.
    Elon Musk responded to the tweet, posting, “Interesting

    CPAC Plans to Deploy Camera-Wielding Observers at Arizona Ballot Drop Boxes, Sending Democrats into a Panic
    Individuals in Michigan drop several ballots in an unguarded Detroit drop box in 2020 (via MC4EI and Gateway Pundit)
    A conservative group has announced plans to deploy trained observers armed with cameras around various ballot drop boxes across Arizona.
    This initiative, aimed at catching any potential fraud, has sent shockwaves through the Democrat establishment in the state, who are now scrambling to block it.
    Matt Schlapp, the influential chairman of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), outlined the group’s intentions in a letter to Arizona state officials, Secretary of State Adrian Fontes and Attorney General Kris Mayes.
    The letter reads:
    Please continue >

    Mark Cuban and Jon Stewart Bitch and Moan, Slam X and Elon Musk for Being Only Major Media Giant Not Pushing Toxic Commie Bullsh*t (VIDEO)
    The elitists are getting really, really tired of Elon and his free speech stuff. It doesn’t jive with their tyrannical plans.
    Read full story >

    Free speech is in trouble on both sides of the Atlantic

    Was the US State Department behind the arrest of the Telegram chief Pavel Durov ?
    August 31, 2024
    Author: Editor, cairnsnews
    Independent commentator Mike Benz believes US State Department “state craft” was quite likely behind the French arrest of the Telegram CEO Pavel Durov.

    Telegram CEO Pavel Durov – Arrested by French Authorities for Refusing to Follow Censorship Laws

    Russia demands France explains Durov arrest — RT World News
    August 25, 2024
    The embassy also said that it remains in contact with Durov’s lawyer.
    Earlier on Sunday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called upon international human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International to stand up for free speech and put pressure on France to release the Telegram founder.
    The deputy speaker of the Russian parliament, Vladislav Davankov, also urged Paris to release Durov. The tech entrepreneur’s arrest “could be politically motivated and used to gain access to the personal information of Telegram users,” which Moscow cannot allow, he warned.

    Tucker Carlson’s probing of Pavel Durov four months back is very revealing.
    He who controls the information wins the east v west AI war and Pavel isn’t playing ball

    See Cairns news Article – Macron-EU Stasi nab Telegram founder as ‘accomplice in criminal activity’

    Mike Benz: US State Department Is Behind the Arrest of Telegram CEO in France – “I Believe the State Dept., at the Very Least, – Is Participating in this Political Prosecution” (VIDEO)

    UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE) suspends deal to buy fighter jets from France over Telegram CEO\\\’s arrest
    28 August, 2024
    The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and French aerospace giant Dassault have a deal for the supply for 80 Rafale fighter planes.
    Following the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has suspended the deal with France for 80 warplanes, according to a report.
    Durov maintains that his mission with Telegram is not driven by financial gain. He has repeatedly emphasised that his primary goal is to promote freedom and provide a platform where users can express themselves without interference.

    Free speech is a fundamental human right
    by Senator Malcolm Roberts – One Nation Party
    One Nation advocates for the enshrinement of freedom of speech as a fundamental human right in our Constitution. We are the only Australian political party actively working to integrate freedom of speech into our legal and social framework. Contrary to popular belief, this right is not currently enshrined in the Australian Constitution, though many Australians assume it is.
    While the Constitution provides a limited form of freedom of speech concerning political communications, it falls short of the comprehensive protection seen in the American Constitution, where freedom of speech is explicitly guaranteed.
    I am calling for a thorough investigation into the necessity and benefits of including such a provision in our Constitution. Such a change would bring an end to governmental overreach and prevent legislation aimed at censoring speech by labelling it as ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’ for political reasons.
    The press and media are also guilty of suppressing dissenting views that challenge the government’s narrative, and social media platforms are known for shadow banning or cancelling comments that oppose government positions. This was particularly evident during the Covid-19 period of mandates and shutdowns, targeting those who questioned government control.
    We must resist any government measures that would further restrict freedom of speech and advocate for stronger protections to safeguard this essential right.
    Also please watch video >

    Everything you need to know about governments’ mass censorship
    “Government censorship is an inversion of democracy itself,” Mike Benz, Executive Director, Foundation for Freedom Online
    Mike Benz is a former State Department official with responsibilities in formulating and negotiating US foreign policy on international communications and information technology matters. Mr. Benz founded FFO as a civil society institution building on his experience in the role of championing digital freedom around the world in the public sector.
    Watch this incredibly in-depth interview with Tucker Carlson to the end. Benz has connected all the dots of surveillance and censorship and its effect on US and Australian media.

    Google ‘interfered’ in US elections 41 times to boost Democrats: Watchdog
    March 19, 2024
    Tech giant Google has “interfered” in elections in the United States 41 times since 2008 to censor speech and boost certain Democrats, according to a right-of-center watchdog group.
    Researchers found repeated examples in which Google “utilized its power to help push to electoral victory the most liberal candidates … while targeting their opponents for censorship,” according to a Media Research Center report published Monday. The influential subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., sought to prop up failed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton through its search algorithm in 2016, according to the report, though the pattern of Google’s interference efforts “can be traced back to 2008,” the group alleged in the report.
    “Google’s massive and deliberate efforts to interfere in U.S. elections for the past 16 years is unacceptable and the biggest threat to American democracy today,” Media Research Center President Brent Bozell said in a statement.
    For 16 years Google has done its part to interfere in elections, helping push its favored radical Democrat candidates while attempting to discredit those who are in the way.
    Indeed, the company censored Hillary Clinton supporters in 2008 while its CEO endorsed Obama. In 2012,
    Google once again favored Obama while targeting then-leading GOP candidate Santorum. The company
    then supported Clinton in 2016 and hid search suggestions that highlighted her alleged illegal activity. In 2020, Google suspended the more moderate Democrat Gabbard’s ads account during the height of her popularity.
    The company even reportedly sent out vote reminders only to Democrats and blocked GOP fundraising emails from reaching users’ inboxes. And now, Google is up to more of the same in 2024.
    In many of the cases listed above, Google either admitted that it had made errors or attempted to downplay
    studies and reports critical of its actions. But neither defense explains why Google’s election interference always seems to go in one direction: favoring the radical left at the expense of the right.
    When so-called mistakes and allegedly flawed methodologies consistently point to the same radical political
    preferences, Google makes it easy for Americans to conclude that the tech giant has rigged its policies, and as a result the American political system.
    • Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) should direct relevant committees and committee chairmen to investigate
    Google for abridging people’s constitutional rights; for coordinating with government to violate freedom of
    speech; for interfering in elections by making unreported in-kind contributions; and for defrauding its users
    by failing to meet its Terms of Service.
    • State legislatures should resolve any question of whether Google is a common carrier, which it is; and they
    can follow the lead of Texas and Florida to ensure that Big Tech cannot engage in viewpoint discrimination.
    • Americans should stop using Google products, particularly Google Search and instead opt for one of the
    many alternatives. From our research, alternatives appear to produce better, less biased results.
    Please continue to read full article and see The media Research Center’s 19 page report >
    Source >

    Reminder > STARK RAVING COVID CRAZY AUSTRALIAN POLITICIANS/GOVERNMENT – an example of what Australians suffered by the Tyrannical Government.

    We allegedly NEED TO stop THE WEF, Globalists, Elite, WHO, UN, DIGITAL IDENTITY, CASHLESS SOCIETIES/SOCIAL CREDIT SCORES (like China) and all treacherous Politicians/Tyrants or we are going to be back in this position in permanent Totalitarianism/Tyranny.

  4. Some more information for your astute Readers to make it easier for them to share information links >

    Moms for Liberty Co-Founder to President Trump: “They Called Us Domestic Terrorists – for Speaking Out at School Board Meetings”
    President Trump made an appearance at the “Moms for Liberty” National Summit in Washington DC on Friday night. Trump sat for an interview with Tiffany Justice to discuss topics including parents being targeted at school board meetings. Trump spoke with Tiffany Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, for several minutes.
    Under the Biden/Harris Regime, parents who spoke up at school board meetings were labeled domestic terrorists by the Federal Government and Merrick Garland’s DOJ.

    WAYNE ROOT: Did Democrats Bother to Vet Kamala’s VP “Tampon Tim?” Because Stolen Valor, BLM Burning, Covid Tyranny, Stolen Teachers Funds, Supporting October 7th and Promoting Hitler are Not Good Looks for a Presidential Ticket.
    This is the most bizarre story in the history of modern-day US politics. Either Democrats never vetted “Tampon Tim”…aka “Drag Queen Tim”…aka “Open Borders & Ladders Tim”…aka “Covid Tyrant Tim”…aka “Stolen Valor Tim”…aka “China-owned Tim”…aka “Jihad Tim”…and don’t forget his wife “Burning Woman.”
    The Chinese Communist Party forced his selection as VP onto China-owned Kamala Harris, and the China-owned Democrat Party.
    Or both.

    See these horrific allegations > Harris-Walz shock: report reveals pair as pedophile defenders > DEMOCRATS
    In May 2023, the Democrat-controlled Minnesota legislature changed the legal definition of “sexual orientation” by removing a clause that excluded pedophilia as a sexual orientation. The bill was authored by a male Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives who identifies himself as a woman.
    Connecticut Democrats, inspired by the example of their Minnesota colleagues, later updated their state’s anti-discrimination laws and similarly expanded the definition of “sexual orientation” to include “attraction to minors.” According to the Connecticut Family Institute, funded by the U.S. Democratic Party, the new definition of “sexual orientation” “changes for the better and becomes free of heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality” and includes people whose sexual attraction “was previously considered a crime.”
    As sociologists and journalists have noted, since 2017, the U.S. media has launched an active campaign to normalize sexual attraction to minors.
    The media and left-liberal opinion leaders have begun to increasingly ignore the word “pedophile,” replacing it with the term “people who are attracted to minors.”
    According to Olin Walker, associate professor of sociology at Old Dominion University in Virginia, this juggling of terms is due to the negative connotation of the term “pedophile” and the desire of interested parties to “normalize public attitudes toward child molesters.”
    Along with a media campaign excusing pedophiles and their unhealthy attraction to children, American scientists sponsored by Democratic Party-affiliated individuals and organizations have begun to conduct unverifiable and bogus studies purportedly proving that pedophilia is an acceptable attraction in modern society that “doesn’t represent anything wrong.”
    n 2018, at an annual conference organized by an American private foundation, a speaker stated that pedophilia should be perceived as an “unchanging sexual orientation,” and people who have sex with children were compared to “sweet lovers who don’t gorge themselves on desserts.”

    Today, as the U.S. presidential election scheduled for November 2024 approaches, more and more Democratic politicians lobbying for pedophiles and those associated with child molestation groups are appearing on the American political scene. In August 2024, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris chose as her vice-presidential running mate one of the leading ideologues and practitioners of pedophilia legalization in the United States, Tim Walz, governor of Minnesota, which currently has the most pedophile-friendly legislation in the country.
    Please continue to read full article >

    Tim Walz’s Own Brother Considers Joining Forces with Trump, Slams Governor as ‘Unfit to Make Decisions About Your Future’: Report
    Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s own brother, Jeff Walz, has reportedly considered joining forces with former President Donald Trump, publicly criticizing his brother as “not the type of character you want making decisions about your future.”
    The discovery was made by conservative journalist Laura Loomer, who uncovered Jeff Walz’s Facebook profile, which contains a series of posts highly critical of both his brother and the current administration.
    Credit: Jeff Walz/Facebook
    One post, dated May 2023—the same day the Biden-Harris administration indicted Donald Trump in New York City—reads, “We’ve just become a third world banana republic.”
    When prompted by a follower to discuss these concerns with his brother, Jeff revealed that he hasn’t spoken to Tim in eight years and is “100% opposed to all his ideology.”
    He further claimed that his family was blindsided by Tim’s political rise and denied security after being selected for office.
    “Haven’t spoke to him in 8 years. I’m 100% opposed to all his ideology. My family wasn’t given any notice that he was selected and denied security the days after,” he wrote.
    Another comment encouraged Jeff Walz to “Help MAGA… Get on stage with President Trump and endorse him… Help save this country.”
    Jeff’s response was equally telling: “I’ve thought hard about doing something like that! I’m torn between that and just keeping my family out of it. The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future.”

    WORLD HEALTH ORANISATION (WHO) – ALSO ABSOLUTELY BLOODY OUTRAGEOUS – THE WHO should be defunded / deactivated ‘yesterday’.
    Outrage Over WHO Guidance on “Sexuality for Infants”
    By Will Jones
    Global Research, May 15, 2023
    The Daily Sceptic 14 May 2023

    If the Democrats are voted back in, our children of the world allegedly, don’t stand a chance.
    Remember also Donald Trump WAS ALSO GOING TO DEFUND the alleged totally corrupted World Health Organisation.

    More Allegations against Democrats > Horrific – Victor Reacts: A Vote for Kamala Harris – Democrats – is a Vote for This (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit
    August 27, 2024
    A vote for Kamala is a vote for more Harris migrant crime. Thanks to the failed Border Czar we have had millions upon millions of illegals pouring into our country and now stories like this are a near daily occurrence.
    As the Gateway Pundit reported,
    Kamala’s America.
    Thanks to ‘Border Czar’ Kamala Harris, more than 15 million illegal aliens – mostly military-age males – have crossed over the border since Joe Biden took office in January 2021.
    Innocent American women and girls are being raped and murdered by Kamala Harris’s illegal aliens.
    One of Kamala’s illegals was arrested in Ulster County, New York for sexually abusing a 7-year-old girl in New York.
    According to the Ulster County District Attorney, Carlos Fernando Pinola Pop, 41, “subjected a 7-year-old child to sexual contact with his hands and penis on her vagina. The child victim told her mother, who informed a third-party community member. The third-party contacted police and the defendant was arrested by the Kingston Police Department on October 13, 2023.”
    Carlos Fernando Pinola Pop pleaded guilty last week to 1st degree sexual abuse of a 7-year-old girl, a Class D violent sex offense.
    He faces up to 7 years in prison and possible deportation after he finishes his prison term.
    Kamala Harris and Democrats will lie to the American people and swear that “if elected into office” they will fix all our nation’s issues yet they are currently in office. If they wanted to, they could fix the issue at the border by resuming the Trump era border policies. Because of their inaction Americans will continue to suffer.

    Conservative Lawmaker Marcel Van Hattem Defies BRAZIL’S Communist Tyrant Alexandre de Moraes – Will Continue to Use X Despite Imposed R$ 50,000 Fine… Update: Even Lula’s Socialist Party Continues to Tweet!
    It should be noted that none of this would be happening if the US government had not spent millions to unseat the populist President Jair Bolsonaro and replace him with a dirty criminal Marxist Lula da Silva.

    HUGE! US State Department Pushed “Voting Machine Semiconductors” Prior to Brazilian Election – Then CIA Pressured Populist Candidate Jair Bolsonaro to Keep His Mouth Shut When He Lost! – Elon Musk Responds!
    *****Bolsonaro, like Donald Trump, was wildly popular as president yet somehow he lost a tight race to the criminal socialist Lula da Silva.
    And the CIA and State Department was working against Bolsonaro and in support of the red socialist, Lula.
    Former State Department official, Mike Benz, the founder of the Foundation for Freedom Online posted a very interesting tweet today on the CIA, former President Jair Bolsonaro, the US State Department, and electronic voting machines in Brazil.
    Mike Benz sat for an interview with Tucker Carlson earlier in the week where he first discussed the Biden regime’s efforts to interfere in the 2022 reelection of populist favorite Jair Bolsonaro.
    The Gateway Pundit posted this morning on the Biden regime, the US Military, the State Department, and the CIA’s efforts to alter the election results in Brazil in 2022. The Biden regime decided it was in its best interest to support the communist Lula da Silva in the election and to fund the censorship ecosystem and subvert the populist Bolsonaro administration.
    Mike Benz published more shocking information on how the US State Department interfered in the 2022 election by pushing semiconductors made by Nuvoton, a Taiwanese company, used in voting machines.
    Via the Financial Times.
    Then, at the same time, the CIA and State Department warned President Bolsonaro to honor the results of the election.
    So the CIA was pushing Brazil to install specifically Nuvoton semiconductors into their voting machines in 2022. It should be noted that Brazil uses voting machines and does not use paper ballots.
    *****Bolsonaro, like Donald Trump, was wildly popular as president yet somehow he lost a tight race to the criminal socialist Lula da Silva.
    And the CIA and State Department was working against Bolsonaro and in support of the red socialist, Lula.
    Elon Musk responded to the tweet, posting, “Interesting

    CPAC Plans to Deploy Camera-Wielding Observers at Arizona Ballot Drop Boxes, Sending Democrats into a Panic
    Individuals in Michigan drop several ballots in an unguarded Detroit drop box in 2020 (via MC4EI and Gateway Pundit)
    A conservative group has announced plans to deploy trained observers armed with cameras around various ballot drop boxes across Arizona.
    This initiative, aimed at catching any potential fraud, has sent shockwaves through the Democrat establishment in the state, who are now scrambling to block it.
    Matt Schlapp, the influential chairman of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), outlined the group’s intentions in a letter to Arizona state officials, Secretary of State Adrian Fontes and Attorney General Kris Mayes.
    The letter reads:
    Please continue >

    Mark Cuban and Jon Stewart Bitch and Moan, Slam X and Elon Musk for Being Only Major Media Giant Not Pushing Toxic Commie Bullsh*t (VIDEO)
    The elitists are getting really, really tired of Elon and his free speech stuff. It doesn’t jive with their tyrannical plans.
    Read full story >

    Free speech is in trouble on both sides of the Atlantic

    Was the US State Department behind the arrest of the Telegram chief Pavel Durov ?
    August 31, 2024
    Author: Editor, cairnsnews
    Independent commentator Mike Benz believes US State Department “state craft” was quite likely behind the French arrest of the Telegram CEO Pavel Durov.

    Telegram CEO Pavel Durov – Arrested by French Authorities for Refusing to Follow Censorship Laws

    Russia demands France explains Durov arrest — RT World News
    August 25, 2024
    The embassy also said that it remains in contact with Durov’s lawyer.
    Earlier on Sunday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called upon international human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International to stand up for free speech and put pressure on France to release the Telegram founder.
    The deputy speaker of the Russian parliament, Vladislav Davankov, also urged Paris to release Durov. The tech entrepreneur’s arrest “could be politically motivated and used to gain access to the personal information of Telegram users,” which Moscow cannot allow, he warned.

    Tucker Carlson’s probing of Pavel Durov four months back is very revealing.
    He who controls the information wins the east v west AI war and Pavel isn’t playing ball

    See Cairns news Article – Macron-EU Stasi nab Telegram founder as ‘accomplice in criminal activity’

    Mike Benz: US State Department Is Behind the Arrest of Telegram CEO in France – “I Believe the State Dept., at the Very Least, – Is Participating in this Political Prosecution” (VIDEO)

    UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE) suspends deal to buy fighter jets from France over Telegram CEO\’s arrest
    28 August, 2024
    The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and French aerospace giant Dassault have a deal for the supply for 80 Rafale fighter planes.
    Following the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has suspended the deal with France for 80 warplanes, according to a report.
    Durov maintains that his mission with Telegram is not driven by financial gain. He has repeatedly emphasised that his primary goal is to promote freedom and provide a platform where users can express themselves without interference.

    Free speech is a fundamental human right
    by Senator Malcolm Roberts – One Nation Party
    One Nation advocates for the enshrinement of freedom of speech as a fundamental human right in our Constitution. We are the only Australian political party actively working to integrate freedom of speech into our legal and social framework. Contrary to popular belief, this right is not currently enshrined in the Australian Constitution, though many Australians assume it is.
    While the Constitution provides a limited form of freedom of speech concerning political communications, it falls short of the comprehensive protection seen in the American Constitution, where freedom of speech is explicitly guaranteed.
    I am calling for a thorough investigation into the necessity and benefits of including such a provision in our Constitution. Such a change would bring an end to governmental overreach and prevent legislation aimed at censoring speech by labelling it as ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’ for political reasons.
    The press and media are also guilty of suppressing dissenting views that challenge the government’s narrative, and social media platforms are known for shadow banning or cancelling comments that oppose government positions. This was particularly evident during the Covid-19 period of mandates and shutdowns, targeting those who questioned government control.
    We must resist any government measures that would further restrict freedom of speech and advocate for stronger protections to safeguard this essential right.
    Also please watch video >

    Everything you need to know about governments’ mass censorship
    “Government censorship is an inversion of democracy itself,” Mike Benz, Executive Director, Foundation for Freedom Online
    Mike Benz is a former State Department official with responsibilities in formulating and negotiating US foreign policy on international communications and information technology matters. Mr. Benz founded FFO as a civil society institution building on his experience in the role of championing digital freedom around the world in the public sector.
    Watch this incredibly in-depth interview with Tucker Carlson to the end. Benz has connected all the dots of surveillance and censorship and its effect on US and Australian media.

    Google ‘interfered’ in US elections 41 times to boost Democrats: Watchdog
    March 19, 2024
    Tech giant Google has “interfered” in elections in the United States 41 times since 2008 to censor speech and boost certain Democrats, according to a right-of-center watchdog group.
    Researchers found repeated examples in which Google “utilized its power to help push to electoral victory the most liberal candidates … while targeting their opponents for censorship,” according to a Media Research Center report published Monday. The influential subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., sought to prop up failed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton through its search algorithm in 2016, according to the report, though the pattern of Google’s interference efforts “can be traced back to 2008,” the group alleged in the report.
    “Google’s massive and deliberate efforts to interfere in U.S. elections for the past 16 years is unacceptable and the biggest threat to American democracy today,” Media Research Center President Brent Bozell said in a statement.
    For 16 years Google has done its part to interfere in elections, helping push its favored radical Democrat candidates while attempting to discredit those who are in the way.
    Indeed, the company censored Hillary Clinton supporters in 2008 while its CEO endorsed Obama. In 2012,
    Google once again favored Obama while targeting then-leading GOP candidate Santorum. The company
    then supported Clinton in 2016 and hid search suggestions that highlighted her alleged illegal activity. In 2020, Google suspended the more moderate Democrat Gabbard’s ads account during the height of her popularity.
    The company even reportedly sent out vote reminders only to Democrats and blocked GOP fundraising emails from reaching users’ inboxes. And now, Google is up to more of the same in 2024.
    In many of the cases listed above, Google either admitted that it had made errors or attempted to downplay
    studies and reports critical of its actions. But neither defense explains why Google’s election interference always seems to go in one direction: favoring the radical left at the expense of the right.
    When so-called mistakes and allegedly flawed methodologies consistently point to the same radical political
    preferences, Google makes it easy for Americans to conclude that the tech giant has rigged its policies, and as a result the American political system.
    • Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) should direct relevant committees and committee chairmen to investigate
    Google for abridging people’s constitutional rights; for coordinating with government to violate freedom of
    speech; for interfering in elections by making unreported in-kind contributions; and for defrauding its users
    by failing to meet its Terms of Service.
    • State legislatures should resolve any question of whether Google is a common carrier, which it is; and they
    can follow the lead of Texas and Florida to ensure that Big Tech cannot engage in viewpoint discrimination.
    • Americans should stop using Google products, particularly Google Search and instead opt for one of the
    many alternatives. From our research, alternatives appear to produce better, less biased results.
    Please continue to read full article and see The media Research Center’s 19 page report >
    Source >

    Reminder > STARK RAVING COVID CRAZY AUSTRALIAN POLITICIANS/GOVERNMENT – an example of what Australians suffered by the Tyrannical Government.

    We allegedly NEED TO stop THE WEF, Globalists, Elite, WHO, UN, DIGITAL IDENTITY, CASHLESS SOCIETIES/SOCIAL CREDIT SCORES (like China) and all treacherous Politicians/Tyrants or we are going to be back in this position in permanent Totalitarianism/Tyranny.

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