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Heart failure surge among children linked to COVID-19 vaccines


Heart failure has been on the rise among children recently, and a new study has linked this phenomenon to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.

In the last three years, medical professionals have observed a rise in children with a range of heart problems, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, which were rare before COVID-19. Both of these conditions are well-known side effects of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

Although the mainstream media often tries to paint these deaths as connected to the COVID-19 virus itself and not the vaccines, a new study shows that these conditions are only appearing in children following vaccination rather than infection with the virus.

The study, which was carried out by researchers from the University of Oxford, looked at more than a million British children aged 5 to 15, comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects and considering the number of doses each one received.

In addition to observing that hospitalizations related to infection with the virus itself were extremely rare among these age groups, they stated that no one in the entire subject population died as a result of the virus.

Moreover, they noted: “All myocarditis and pericarditis events during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals.”

In the study, the researchers found that most pericarditis and myocarditis cases took place after children and adolescents received their first dose of the vaccine, with more than half of the adolescents who did experience these infections going to a hospital for treatment.

Because it is possible to recover from myocarditis and pericarditis if it is detected in time and treated properly, the mainstream media has done its best to downplay these infections and their connection to the vaccines. However, one study found that half of all young men who get a COVID-19 vaccine and go on to develop myocarditis end up suffering from permanent heart damage.

The study, which was peer-reviewed and published in the journal Circulation, did not get a lot of attention as the media continues to cover up vaccine side effects, but Dr. Drew Pinsky explained what could happen to the affected children in the future and said schools that issued mandates should be held accountable.

“That means that we don’t know what percentage are going to be disabled by this as they get older or develop heart failure, or are going to need cardiac transplants, some of them. It’s breathtaking, this study. And why it wasn’t a big headline … I don’t understand why people aren’t reacting to it,” he stated. (Related: CDC “releases” 148-page study on myocarditis following COVID “vaccination” – WITH EVERY PAGE REDACTED.)

Even mild cases of myocarditis can be fatal

Moreover, there is evidence that even mild cases of myocarditis can lead to fatal arrhythmias. One study, which was carried out by pathologists from Japan, described how a healthy 40-year-old man experienced tachycardia suddenly two days after receiving the jab, lost consciousness and ultimately died. That patient tested negative for the virus.

The researchers noted that the man’s case of myocarditis had been “focal and mild, as is mostly observed following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination.”

Meanwhile, a different recent study, this one by researchers from Harvard Medical School, revealed that COVID-19 vaccines were responsible for a surge in sudden deaths seen throughout the world as a result of cerebral ischemia. This type of deadly brain damage is caused by insufficient flow of blood to the brain.

The researchers determined that the spike could be attributed to the Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

Unfortunately, just as many people feared, we are learning more every day about the damage these vaccines cause, and their long-term effects will only grow more apparent with time.


2 thoughts on “Heart failure surge among children linked to COVID-19 vaccines

    From the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society (AMPS) – Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into Excess Mortality
    17 May 2024
    We are writing to provide an important update regarding our recent efforts to present a comprehensive submission to the Senate Committee.
    Despite our team’s diligent efforts, dedication, and expertise, our full submission was denied by the Senate Excess Mortality Committee. At the committee’s request, AMPS provided a summary of our full submission, along with individual submissions, for consideration. This work, undertaken by a multidisciplinary team of medical, scientific, and academic subject matter experts, required hundreds of hours of research, review, and analysis. We believe the compiled information is critically important for the committee to consider on behalf of the Australian people.
    We were very disappointed that a committee of elected servants of the people denied due consideration given the depth of knowledge, experience, and time invested in the creation of these submissions. Our primary goal has always been to seek the best interests of health and safety for Australians.
    The excess deaths in Australia, at rates not seen outside of wartime, is perhaps the most concerning and pressing issue facing our country. It should be of the highest priority for governments whose primary responsibility is to protect their populations. The committee’s refusal to read such a comprehensive submission and their claim that we did not answer the terms of reference directly is deeply troubling, especially considering one of the terms of reference specifically states “(d) any other related matter.” Our responses were directly linked to the TOR, as evidenced in our submission, which is now published on our website.
    Being called to testify at the public hearings only to have our submission denied publication is very concerning.
    We believe this decision undermines the critical importance of the issues raised and the extensive work put into our submission.
    We encourage all members and supporters to read the full submission, now available on our website. Your awareness and support in spreading this information are crucial as we continue to advocate the health and safety of all Australians.
    Thank you for your continued support and your commitment to these vital issues.
    Click here to read the full submission >
    You can watch Dr Neil, Dr Kunadhasan and Dr Madry at the Excess Mortality hearing on 13 June in the recording here from 14:14:30. > Looks allegedly like the Parliament of Australia have disabled that page (which I have reported to AMPS) >…%2fwatch…%2fparlview%2fvideo%2f2525375&user=extranet%5cAnonymous&site=website
    Warm regards,
    Kara Thomas
    AMPS – Australian Medical Professionals’ Society
    P: (07) 3497 5048 | [email protected] |

    Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into Excess Mortality
    17 May 2024


  2. Some of Crazzfiles Articles put together to assist your Readers in sharing your very important Articles. Thank you as always Crazzfiles for bring the information and truth to the people.

    We all await the serving of hard justice of all those involved in the crimes against peoples’ rights to choose what is done or not done to their own bodies and/or what is or is not injected into their own bodies.
    Many of us remain absolutely distressed/horrified at what has been done to the population and there is allegedly no free, independent, unbiased, non-corrupted, uncompromised, ethical mainstream media left …….absolute shame on you all.
    Thank God for all the alternate media sources such as and all the other ethical, honest alternate news sources (including frontnieuws above) who care about what is being done to the people of Australia and the rest of the world.

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