Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Keir Starmer – the ultimate left-wing, grifting straw man


Whichever way the wind blows, that’s the way he bends. New UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is man made of WEF-backed straw. 

 Nobody seems to know what Starmer actually stands for. Like most wolves in sheep’s clothing, he masquerades as a man of honesty and integrity, but his short political career suggests otherwise. So too his early decisions as PM, including introducing a means test for the winter fuel allowancepaid to UK pensioners to help them stay warm during the coldest months of the year.

 From Brexit to gender to the economy, Starmer has happily promised one thing and then done another. He has swung wildly between seemingly contradictory positions, betraying democracy, women’s rights and his own alleged principles in the process. 

 In this excellent analysis, Tom Slater from Spiked argues that Starmer is easily one of the slipperiest, most untrustworthy politicians of his generation – a man who either doesn’t believe in anything, or is willing to say almost anything in order to further his agenda. 

 Having witnessed the civil unrest gripping the UK only a month into Starmer’s tenure, it seems this video (compiled a month before the UK election) only scratches the surface of the corruption lying in wait. CLICK HERE to watch.



In recent days during the riots and unrest tearing through Britain, Starmer – a self-confessed WEF supporter and poster boy of the Davos elite – all but declared war on the British people. He has been accused of enforcing two-tier policing and betraying Britons on their own land. 

Knowing the truth of what is really taking place in the UK and having watched the British and Australian reporting of the unrest, it is crystal clear that the big media companies are fully aligned with the government, aided by woke journalists who are more than happy to push the party line. Thank you Elon Musk for X, otherwise we’d all be drinking the government KoolAid.

UK historian and broadcaster David Starkey argues that Starmer is a fierce anti-democrat who wants to transfer power from the UK’s elected parliament to unelected bodies, from the courts to the civil service to the quangos. His party will establish the supremacy of the establishment while cracking down hard on free speech. 

Starkey says UK democracy and liberty are in peril. We know the feeling and should pay close attention to how it plays out in Britain. Any crackdown on free speech and civil liberties must be vigorously resisted.  CLICK HERE to watch.



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