Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Sack the eSafety Commissioner

Sign the petition now

Imagine living in a country where speaking your mind could get you silenced by your own government. This isn’t some distant dystopia—it’s happening right now in Australia. Julie Inman Grant, the federal government’s so-called e-Safety Commissioner, is leading the charge to crush your freedom of speech, all under the guise of “safety.”

She was supposed to protect our kids from cyber-bullying, but instead, she’s turned her focus on controlling what you and I can say online. This isn’t just wrong—it’s an outright attack on the very principles that make us free. We must take action now before this bureaucratic overreach becomes the new normal.

Are you going to let a government bureaucrat decide what you can and cannot say?

Sign the petition demanding that the Federal Government sacks Julie Inman Grant and refocus the eSafety Commissioner’s Office on its true purpose—protecting our kids from cyber-bullying.

But it gets even worse. At the 2022 Davos Summit, Inman Grant openly called for “recalibrating” free speech to suit the elites’ agenda. If that didn’t raise alarm bells, what she did next should. Earlier this year, she went after Elon Musk, demanding he remove a video from X showing the brutal stabbing of Bishop Mari Emmanuel by a radical Islamist. The video was shocking, but it was the truth—something they clearly don’t want us to see.

Musk stood his ground, and the Federal Court ruled in his favour, calling Inman Grant’s ban “unreasonable.” Justice Geoffrey Kennett warned that this kind of overreach could lead to censorship on a global scale, all at the whim of bureaucrats like her.

Sign the petition now

How much more of your freedom are you willing to let slip away before you take a stand?

Inman Grant didn’t just stop at the video of the attack on the Bishop. She went after Chris Elston, known as Billboard Chris, for daring to criticise a World Health Organization appointee who was a radical transgender activist. She ordered his tweet taken down—another blatant attempt to silence those who speak the truth.

And during the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum, she predicted a surge in racial cyber abuse, whipping up hysteria. But do you know how many complaints actually came in? Just two. That’s it. While she’s off chasing political ghosts, who is dealing with the real concerns that should be addressed by the eSafety Commissioner’s Office?

If we fail to act, the consequences will be severe. More voices will be silenced. More truth will be buried under layers of government control. And worst of all, the real dangers online—cyber-bullying and child exploitation—will continue to grow unchecked because resources of the Office of the eSafety Commissioner are being wasted on policing speech rather than being fully dedicated to protecting our children.

But if we succeed, we can halt this censorship before it spreads. We can return the focus of the e-Safety Commissioner’s Office to its original purpose: safeguarding our kids from real harm. We can make sure our government knows that we will not tolerate this assault on our freedoms.

But that’s only if we succeed in this fight. If we don’t succeed, then, as I said before, it’s going to mean more censorship on you, me and all Australians. Are you willing to stand by and do nothing while your right to speak freely is taken away?

Sign the petition now and send a clear message to the Federal Government: It’s time to sack the eSafety Commissioner and restore her office’s focus on protecting our children, not silencing our voices.

You and I both know how critical this moment is. Every second we delay is another step closer to losing our ability to speak freely. We can’t let that happen.

Thank you for standing with us in this fight for our rights and for the safety of our children.

Sign the petition now

1 thought on “Sack the eSafety Commissioner

  1. I’d be really interested in an agency that would go after the child porn and snuff video makers and users.
    But that hasn’t happened yet in all the years that this industry has been allowed to flourish. Nor do I expect this to happen ever.

    They don’t really care about anyone’s safety but the safety of their own positions of power.

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