Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

A profound near-death experience


One of the interesting things about Anke Evertz’s near-death experience is that when her clothing caught alight she was catapulted out of her body and watched the incident from two metres away.

This is something that we often hear from near-death experiencers. She soon realised that she could then hear what all the doctors were thinking and could put her arms through walls. This continued while her body was in a coma for nine days.

Anke Evertz had a profound near-death experience following a fire accident that resulted in tertiary burns, which required her to receive a facial skin graft and sent her into a coma for nine days. Not only did she experience “spacelessness” and “timelessness”, but she also received a phenomenal healing.

In this interview, she describes what happened during that time of “nine days of eternity” as she refers to it, and what impact the near-death experience had on her life and worldly sensibilities, and why there is no longer a division between body and soul.


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