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Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Australia has spent over $17 BILLION on COVID vaccines



With much focus on Australia’s current economic woes, no MSM media outlet would dare to highlight or question just how much the reckless spending and policy decisions of the federal government has contributed to this crisis.

After grinding the economy to a complete halt over a ‘virus’ with a 99.94% survival rate in Australia, all the while handing out endless welfare payments and inking deals with Big Pharms multinationals, the government has much to answer for.

Now, some of this out-of-control spending — specifically surrounding COVID-19 vaccines — can be revealed.

Health government data shows the Australian government has spent over $17 billion dollars (yes, with a b) on COVID-19 vaccine agreements since the beginning of the ‘pandemic’ in 2020.

One billion dollars is one thousand times the amount of one million.Meaning, the Australian government has spent one thousand times the amount of one million dollars, seventeen times over.

All for a country with 26 million people..

Billions of dollars of taxpayers money thrown at massive corrupt organisations without a second thought, while millions remained locked down, restricted, segregated from society, and everything else that came with this period.

Here is a breakdown of the purchases made by the federal government with your money.

Pfizer Deals

In November 2020, the Australian government agreed to buy 10 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

In February 2021, Australia ordered an extra 10 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

In April 2021, the Australian government ordered a further 20 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

In May 2021, the Australian government purchased 500,000 Pfizer doses through the COVAX Facility.

In July 2021, the Australian government announced the purchase of 85 million more Pfizer doses. These were the booster doses, ensuring Australia’s supply of mRNA vaccines in 2022 and 2023.

In August 2021, the Australian government announced a dose swap deal with Singapore. Australia gained access to 500,000 Singaporean Pfizer doses to boost the vaccine program in September 2021, and returned 500,000 Pfizer doses to Singapore in November 2021.

In August 2021, the Australian government bought 1 million Pfizer doses from the Republic of Poland.

In September 2021, the Australian government announced a dose sharing partnership with the UK. Under this agreement Australia received 4 million Pfizer doses from the UK in September 2021. We then sent 4 million doses back to the UK in late 2021.

We will wait to see if the government purchases any more once supplies run out at the end of this year.

Moderna Deals

Moderna, who infamously revealed long-term studies for their COVID-19 vaccine don’t conclude until the end of this year (2023), has also cashed in on the taxpayers of Australia.

In May 2021, The Australian government secured 25 million doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

This included 10 million doses of the first formulation, available from late-2021.

It also included 15 million doses of future ‘variant-specific versions’ to address viral variants, available from 2022.

In September 2021, the Australian government purchased an additional one million Moderna doses from European Union member states.

In March 2022, the Australian government entered into a ten-year partnership with Moderna, which will see Moderna build an mRNA vaccine manufacturing facility at Monash University, Victoria.

In February 2023, The Australian government secured an additional 3 million doses of the latest Moderna ‘Omicron-specific’ COVID-19 vaccine.

At this time, Moderna forecast significantly declining 2023 COVID-19 vaccine sales, which reached $18.4 billion in 2022.

Three years into the coronavirus ‘pandemic’, Moderna Inc president says the company expects to price its COVID-19 vaccine at around $US130 ($A194) per dose in the United States going forward.

AstraZeneca Deals

Despite being the most unpopular vaccine, the OG ‘clot shot’ still did make some revenue after being the first to hit markets.

On 11 December 2020, the Australia government secured 20 million AstraZeneca vaccines for onshore manufacturing to cover the entire population

On 28 February 2021, the Australia government imported 3.8 million doses from overseas.

On 21 March 2021, the TGA approved Seqirus to manufacture 50 million doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine in Australia.

However, after being scandal ridden and formally recommended against in favour of Pfizer, AstraZeneca did not last long for record-driven profits here in Australia.

On 20 March 2023, the AstraZeneca was officially discontinued from Australia.

Other Deals

On 11 December 2020, the Australian government secured 11 million doses of the Novavax vaccine.

The Australian government also joined the controversial COVAX Facility as part of “a global effort to support rapid, fair and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines”.

In regards to health services in Australia, the Australian government announced they will be investing $977.4 million over two years from 2021–22 to 2022–23, in order to help the country ‘cope with the toll of virus impacts’.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ was big business for everyone involved.

In order to ‘stop the deadly virus’, many people got very very rich.

Especially the vaccine manufacturers themselves; the ones who were selling their biological products to regions like Australia.

Now that we have seen the purchase breakdown, let’s take a look at how much they cost for each dose.

The AstraZeneca jab is the cheapest of the main COVID-19 vaccines, priced at just $2.15 a dose in the company’s contract with the EU, rising to just over $5 a shot elsewhere.

Revenue of $1.2bn was achieved by AstraZeneca from the vaccine it developed with the University of Oxford in the first half of 2021. It shipped 1 billon doses across the world and is aimed to produce a total of 2bn-3bn in 2021 before controversies.

Moderna charged the US government (which helped fund the development of the vaccine) up to $16.50 a dose, and has sold it for $22 to $37 outside of that continent. Exact price for Australia is unknown.

This company generated nearly $6 billion of sales from its vaccine in the first half of 2021, achieving a $4 billion net profit.

Pfizer and BioNTech officially aimed to produce 3 billion jabs in 2021 and 4 billion in 2022. They are now charging the EU €19.50 per jab, up from €15.50 in the first procurement deal, the Financial Times reported.

Vaccine sales contributed significantly to a collective income of over $700 BILLION for the top ten Big Pharma companies.

Now, as subsidies and schemes look to come to an end in most countries, and as the ‘pandemic’ is declared finished, it seems those who wish to continue with their SIXTH shots and beyond may have to start paying for them in the future.

“Could we have to start paying for them?”The author must forget that nothing is actually free in this world.

The government spent our tax dollars — $17 BILLION to be specific — in order to secure these deals.

All this would mean is that Aussies would have another expense to their expendable budget.

The part that isn’t forcibly taken prior to them receiving it.

And, to be fair, if they are lining up for their sixth jab.. taxpayers shouldn’t have to keep paying for their nonsense.

The important issue here is, as society was warned, it will take four generations to recover from the financial toll that locking down entire states and countries for months on end at a time has.

Thank goodness we ‘stopped the spread’, though.

And, thank goodness our government spent $17 billion ‘wisely’ during this time.

I hope my sarcasm can be heard through the text..


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