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Half the US Senate notifies Biden they oppose WHO’s Pandemic Treaty


Last Wednesday, 49 members of the US Senate threw down the gauntlet to President Joe Biden over his administration’s secretive plan to make the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) Dictator-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the dictator of US public health.

As a press release from Sovereignty Coalition stated, Tedros’ malfeasance contributed to the needless deaths of over 1 million Americans during the covid-19 pandemic.

Please note: WHO is attempting to have two instruments ratified at the next World Health Assembly meeting at the end of this month to implement its pandemic plans: Amendments to the International Health Regulations and the Pandemic Treaty, which is also referred to as to as the Pandemic AccordPandemic Agreement and WHO Convention Agreement + (“WHO CA+”). 

The following is the press statement from the Sovereignty Coalition.  In this statement and the letter that is quoted, the term Pandemic Accord is used for Pandemic Treaty.

In one of the most powerful joint congressional letters in memory, spearheaded by Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, every Republican Senator declared that the most recently available version of the pandemic response treaty is dead on arrival.”

The signatories declared that: “Instead of addressing the WHO’s well-documented shortcomings,” that accord would have the effect of “supercharging the WHO” at the expense of, among other things, freedom of speech and property rights.

The signing Senators also served notice that a second treaty, involving radically transformative amendments to the existing International Health Regulations is “not in order.” They properly point to those very regulations’ Article 55, which requires that such changes be provided to member states at least four months before the World Health Assembly (“WHA”) at which they are supposed to be considered. In this case, that would be the meeting starting just 24 days from today [2 May] and scheduled to run between 27 May and 1 June 2024.

Yet, the text of this treaty is still under active negotiation – and appears likely to remain so, or at least will be kept under wraps until it is put to a vote by the WHA at the end of this month. Evidently, Team Biden contemptuously thinks “the Pelosi Rule” should apply: We’ll know what’s in it after it passes.

Every member of the Republican caucus in the United States Senate – constituting nearly half the chamber at the moment and whose numbers are universally expected to grow after November’s elections – is now on record in strong opposition to the Biden administration’s “Global Governance” gambit. As they put it in the joint letter’s concluding paragraph:

In addition, every GOP Senator has also cosponsored Senator Johnson’s S.444, the “No Pandemic Preparedness Treaty without Senate Approval Act.” This legislation and its House counterpart, H.R. 1425, sponsored by Rep. Tommy Tiffany of Wisconsin and 34 of his colleagues, should now be considered “Must Pass” legislation.

And every Senator and House member – Democrats, Independents and Republicans alike – who is not currently listed as a co-sponsor of this bill must be asked why not and insistently pressed to become one. To that end, the Sovereignty Coalition strongly urges the American people to join the Coalition’s “Emergency Campaign to Defend America’s Sovereignty” by signing the “Not Now” Declarationat

These efforts are all the more urgently required as the Biden administration, the WHO and others are beginning to fear-monger about a new pandemic dubbed “avian flu.” Even though – as the eminent frontline medical freedom fighter Dr. Peter McCullough has documented – this virus poses negligible risk to humans, US government officials, the WHO and other shills for Big Pharma are trumpeting the need for and imminent availability of mRNA-powered so-called “vaccines” (actually more, radical, experimental gene-therapies) to “keep us safe.”

Everyone who suffered from the covid-19 “vaccinations” and/or Tedros-prescribed mandates to take them should be aware: If the efforts now being made in earnest by Republican Senators and Congressmen, the Sovereignty Coalition and other patriots – here and increasingly elsewhere around the world – fail to delay, and ultimately defeat, the “supercharging” of the World Health Organisation’s Director-General, it is a certitude the non-medical Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus will soon be able and more than willing to order us to “take the jab.” That must not happen.



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