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Israel is shipping its deported Africans off to Sweden


Israel is in the middle of illegal alien crises with many being deported but there is a back and forth between the right of center parliament and the left-wing courts. Illegal aliens have been marching in the streets of Tel Aviv for three days in a row.

It should be noted that Saudi Arabia just deported 120,000 illegal aliens from Ethiopia in one month’s time. They simply rounded them up, fenced them in, and forced Ethiopia to come get them at their own expense.

Israel is transporting an undisclosed number of Africans to Sweden in a deal brokered by the UN. “Dozens” have already arrived in Sweden. Each is given a $3,500 “grant” by Israel.

Swedes, who already face massive immigration problems, fear that this will only be the tip of the iceberg.

Sweden is a tiny nation of only 9.5 million. Already, a shocking 2 million are non-Swedes. Swedes also have one of the lowest birthrates in Europe. About 530,000 are non-European immigrants. In 2013 Muslims rioted in Sweden for a week straight causing massive amounts of damage.

Reporting from Haaretz

As a strike by tens of thousands of African asylum seekers against Israel’s migration policies entered its third day on Tuesday, Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar announced that dozens of Eritrean asylum seekers had left Israel voluntarily in recent weeks for Sweden.

The announcement did not specify the number of those who had left for Sweden. The majority were apparently women, many of whom had been victims of torture and human trafficking and who had been imprisoned in Israel for a long time.

Sweden agreed to take them in response to a special request by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and to include them in a resettlement plan, due to their special circumstances.

Tens of thousands of migrants stayed away from work Tuesday, as the strike went into its third day. Many of them gathered at Levinsky Park, in south Tel Aviv, to discuss their future action. Among the moves considered were marching toward Jerusalem, Saharonim prison and the Holot detention center in the Negev.

The protest leaders have scheduled a press conference for Tuesday afternoon, during which they are expected to announce what further steps will be taken.

The Interior Ministry said the migrants left for Sweden in the context of a government incentive scheme and were granted $3,500 each upon departure. They are encouraged to leave Israel voluntarily and to promise not to return.

The Jewish Supremacists argue that having non-Jews in Israel “threatens the Jewish nature of the state.”

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned in May 2012 that his country needed to prevent “illegal infiltrators flooding the country.

“If we don’t stop their entry, the problem that currently stands at 60,000 could grow to 600,000, and that threatens our existence as a Jewish and democratic state,” Netanyahu said.


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