Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Letter of Truth to the Australian Federal Health Minister

The total disaster that was the Covid-19 Pandemic Response.
Dear Minister Butler Mark,

It has come to my attention that you may have attempted to absolve yourself and the other Australians (your Colleagues) of responsibilities and repercussions for the disaster that was and still is Australia’s Covid-19 “response”.

The mechanism for this dodging of responsibility and attempt to avoid the punitive repercussions appears reprehensible as it involves handing over the health and human rights of Australians to a Privately funded organisation; the Globalist group that go by the deceptive name of the  World Health Organisation.

Click the picture below:


There’s no stopping the Data, the Studies, the vaccine victim Testimonials, the Doctors that are waking up and the general public who are waking up to realise the following sins for the Handling of Covid 19
These sins were, in part, done by citing the Globalist group that go by the deceptive name of the World Health Organisation.

These sins include:
Participating in Media Campaigns, funded by Tax payers, that were designed to promote fear over Covid-19.
Participating in the implementing of a PCR testing regime (Again funded by Tax payers) that falsely inflated the case number and possible magnitude for the impact of Covid-19.
Blocking known safe and effective early treatment protocols for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 (impacting the at risk) ;including the banning of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin for use in Multi-Drug peer reviewed protocols.
Hiding the risk stratification of Covid-19 from the population and deceiving the population into thinking all ages were at equal risk.

Failing to disclose the role that Natural and Herd immunity has in a healthy Community and what an important part our Children would have been able to play; with no risk to Healthy Children.

Falsely classifying deaths as Covid-19 deaths without autopsies to distinguish between deaths caused by the Covid-19 spike protein from Natural infection and Deaths caused by the much more potent and concentrated presence of Covid-19 Spike proteins resulting from genetic protein production-instruction contained in an uncontrolled biodistribution of Synthetic mRNA “vaccines” where there was no known end to the duration of these instructions; genetic instructions that were being repeatedly given at a far higher rate than natural reinfection rates.

Mandating the use of the same said Genetic instruction “vaccines” onto Health Care Workers (and it was a mandate because Health Care Workers could not remain a Health Care Worker if they did not submit to this Genetic product.
Allowing the TGA to maintain both provisional and full approval of the same said genetic products when it was known very early on that these injections had the highest reported deaths and adverse effects of any product ever released onto the Australian People.

Encouraging injection after injection of same said Genetic instructions product.

Allowing the courts to appoint former legal representatives of the manufacturers of the same said  genetic Products to preside in Judgement over cases challenging the classification and safety of the manufacturer’s genetic products.

Forcing School Closures without any science behind the decision and in stark contrast to the facts that there was no serious risk to Healthy Children and that healthy Children catching Covid-19 had a large part to play in quickly establishing a herd immunity for the Australian Population.

Mandating masks without any science – where now there are far mor studies showing masking has a net negative outcome for both Health and Psychological wellbeing.

Mandating Social Distancing without any science – where it is now known it has zero impact

Restricting freedoms of movement to asymptomatic people without any science

Making false claims that the genetic products touted as “vaccines”  would protect others from catching Covid 19 when it is clearly stated by the manufactures of the genetic products that they make no such claim

Failing to provide informed consent to the majority of Australians coerced, pressured or misled with Government and Health Department “misinformation” into believing they were taking a safe and effective product when it was known by your office or ought to have been known by your office
a) The Pfizer “product” a genetic Instruction
b) The Pfizer “product” had an uncontrolled Bio-Distribution
c) The Pfizer “product” was a synthetic Genetic Instruction with an unknown duration of action and a known tested duration that was orders of magnitudes longer than ANY mRNA instruction found in Mammals
d) The Pfizer “product” data showed that more people died in the Vaccinated trial group than the Unvaccinated trial group
e) The Pfizer “Product” clinical trials were effectively made null and void when Pfizer chose to vaccinate the unvaccinated control group
f) The Pfizer “Product” had no medium or long term safety data addressing the plethora of potential side effects that are both possible and likely from a Genetic Product the Bio distributes through the entire body and inserts a Synthetic Genetic instruction that hijacks the resources of the cells it penetrates having those cells produce a toxic Covid-19 Spike protein; actions that will inevitably lead to Autoimmune and Vascular diseases through repeated exposure and over the spectrum of people injected with this product
Failing to slam the breaks on Covid-19 “Vaccines” when Australia’s Excess Deaths correlate so strongly with the  numbers and temporal roll out of these Genetic Instruction products
Failing to slam the breaks on Covid-19 “Vaccines” when Australia’s Hospital data clearly correlated so strongly with the  numbers and temporal roll out of these Genetic Instruction products
Allowing Doctors to be Deregistered when they acted according to their own expertise and conscience to protect their patients from the follies of irresponsible and reckless public health measures.

Creating an enormous social and Economic debt with businesses failing, schooling and childhood development retarded and uncontrolled government spending on what has turned out to be measure after measure that has caused more harm than good.

Mark the list is growing as the consequences become too hard to hide.
Your personal actions and encouragement for Australians to be bound by Health and Human Rights decisions of the WHO while paying for it with the Taxes of Australians will not be forgotten; and the likely motives for these actions is not lost on the Australian people.

Signing over my health decisions and my human rights over to the Globalist group that go by the deceptive name of the  World Health Organisation only places a stronger focus than ever form me and no doubt a growing Australian people upon your actions and those of your colleagues.

Mark, I invite you to address members of the Aligned Council of Australia representing over 1.7 Million Australians (growing rapidly) to discuss your directions and intentions with the WHO and what these Australians would like you to do with the WHO and WHY.

Please get back to me if you feel you have the confidence to face this Council and or if you feel you have the ability to take on board medical advice that is not linked to Vaccine Stakeholders such as the WHO and the Advisory committees you currently rely upon.

Yours Sincerely

Ben Bornstein.


For the Next Federal Election

In addition, may I suggest to my readers that you take a copy of this letter to all of your local members of parliament. Tell them that you and your friends and relatives are not going to vote for any politicians in the following parties: Labor, Liberal, Greens, and Teals. That you are only going to vote for the true independents and those in One Nation who strongly oppose membership of the WHO and any of its allied offices. That all agreements and treaties signed by Butler et al be rescinded as soon as possible after the next election and no a single dollar be paid to the WHO ever again.

I also suggest that you join one or more of the following organisations:

The World Of Wellness for health and wellness advice

The World Council for Health (Australia)

The Aligned Council Of Australia

Ian Brighthope

1 thought on “Letter of Truth to the Australian Federal Health Minister

  1. THIS IS THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT – Public Consultation of the Discussion Paper Towards the National Immunisation Strategy 2025-30 – closes 19 June, 2024
    Have you seen this ‘so called public consultation’? feel free everyone to give your input !!!! – closes 19 June, 2024 – look at this terrifying crap !! continuing to allegedly line the population up as dart boards for their ‘big pharma agendas’.
    Most of the answers you are permitted to say are limited to 300 words – also look at one of the sections in this disgrace to the Sacred Oath of Medicine of first and foremost FIRST DO NO HARM and the sacred ‘Informed Consent’; where you are forced to mark at least five of the ‘vaccine pushing agenda’.

    We all know that No Mandates EVER should be enacted – Individual Rights to fully informed consent to medical treatment OR Individual Rights to REFUSE medical treatment as per Nuremberg Code/Nuremberg Principles and the Sacred Oath of Medicine FIRST DO NO HARM must never be violated / abused by anyone anywhere anytime for anything.

    Ensuring informed consent is properly obtained is a legal, ethical and professional requirement on the part of all treating health professionals and supports person-centred care.
    Informed consent is a person’s decision, given voluntarily, to agree to a healthcare treatment, procedure or other intervention that is made.

    THIS IS THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT – Public Consultation of the Discussion Paper Towards the National Immunisation Strategy 2025-30 – closes 19 June, 2024

    See cairns News Article >
    Massive censorship of federal Covid Inquiry responses, only 15 per cent visible to public

    See Crazz Files Article >
    Letter of Truth to the Australian Federal Health Minister
    Ian Brighthope’s Substack
    The total disaster that was the Covid-19 Pandemic Response.
    Dear Minister Butler Mark,
    It has come to my attention that you may have attempted to absolve yourself and the other Australians (your Colleagues) of responsibilities and repercussions for the disaster that was and still is Australia’s Covid-19 “response”.
    The mechanism for this dodging of responsibility and attempt to avoid the punitive repercussions appears reprehensible as it involves handing over the health and human rights of Australians to a Privately funded organisation; the Globalist group that go by the deceptive name of the World Health Organisation.
    Please continue and read full article and see Related Posts

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