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‘Make-A-Wish’ to Terminally Ill Kids: Take the Vaccine or Die Without Your Wish

EVIL FILTH: Make-A-Wish America President and CEO Richard Davis


The left’s attempt to force coronavirus vaccines on every American has been both baffling and frustrating. Now, a new announcement from the Make-A-Wish America foundation has crossed the line into downright evil.

According to its website, Make-A-Wish America exists to “create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.” (This includes children with terminal illnesses and those who grow into adulthood.) But apparently, those “life-changing wishes” are only for those who subject themselves to the organization’s preferred government regulations.


In a video posted to Twitter Thursday, Make-A-Wish America President and CEO Richard Davis explains the foundation will lift certain COVID-19 restrictions, but only for children who are vaccinated.

“I’m excited to share that Make-A-Wish will resume granting air-travel wishes within the United States and its territories, as well as granting wishes involving large gatherings for vaccinated wish families, as soon as Sept. 15 of 2021,” he said.

According to Forbes, Make-A-Wish halted granting wishes involving air travel in 2020 near the start of the pandemic. Even as the threat of COVID-19 in America continues to wane, the foundation is now trying to coerce terminally ill children into getting a vaccine before they are allowed to partake in those types of wishes again.

In case his initial comments were not clear enough, Davis continued by detailing the vaccine requirements for anyone who wants to participate in wishes involving air travel or large gatherings.

“All wish participants, including your wish kid and any siblings, will need to be two weeks past completion of either a one-dose or a two-dose vaccine,” he said.

All the while, inspirational music plays in the background to seemingly distract from the fact that a foundation dedicated to making sick children’s dreams come true has now decided to ostracize certain families who exercise their medical freedom.

Davis did say Make-A-Wish will not require proof of vaccination, but they will require a signature from “any adult participants” certifying everyone participating in the wish is vaccinated. Make-A-Wish America did not immediately reply to The Western Journal’s request for comment.

It is hard to overstate how evil this position really is. Davis apparently sees no problem with denying terminally-ill children their dying wish if they or anyone else in their family exercise their right to refuse a vaccine.

Davis does not say anything about children who are too young to receive a vaccine. June guidance from the World Health Organization said the current COVID-19 vaccines are safe for anyone 18 years of age or older, but they stopped short of recommending them for children.

“More evidence is needed on the use of the different COVID-19 vaccines in children to be able to make general recommendations on vaccinating children against COVID-19,” the guidance said.”WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) has concluded that the Pfizer/BionTech vaccine is suitable for use by people aged 12 years and above.”

“Children aged between 12 and 15 who are at high risk may be offered this vaccine alongside other priority groups for vaccination. Vaccine trials for children are ongoing and WHO will update its recommendations when the evidence or epidemiological situation warrants a change in policy.”

What about children who are under 12 years old? Davis does not specify whether Make-A-Wish will require vaccines for those individuals. If they do, they will be contradicting recommendations from the WHO, whom the left has ensured us we must listen to at all costs.

According to Healthline, children under 12 in America currently cannot get vaccinated even if they wanted to. Pfizer and Moderna are currently conducting studies about the safety of vaccines for children 6 months to 11 years old, but they will not be authorized until at least early fall. Even then, Healthline said the vaccines would most likely be approved only for emergency use.

The WHO also noted children tend to have “milder disease” than adults when they contract COVID-19, which means it is “less urgent” for children to be vaccinated.

All of these factors suggest Make-A-Wish America’s vaccine requirements are both unscientific and incompassionate. In an attempt to promote the leftist agenda, the foundation has lost sight of the very demographic they are meant to serve.


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