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Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

‘No means NO!’ The WHO’s power grab fails

We cannot and will not allow the WHO to create a health dictatorship. Getty Images


It’s official. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has no binding legal power over nations, despite its post-pandemic power grab.

There were two separate but equally concerning policy changes on the table: the Pandemic Treaty and proposed changes to the International Health Regulations (to shift compliance from voluntary to binding).

Both documents came brimming with hundreds of pages of bureaucratic confusion, vague rules, and promises to abscond with public money for wishy-washy ‘health’ purposes.

The demands enclosed were extensive, expensive, and extraordinary in that they were tipped to fundamentally change the relationship between government and health while laying the necessary framework for other encroachments on civil liberty.

Ultimately, the answer was ‘no thanks…’

Governments failed to reach any kind of meaningful agreement on the meat of the document and it has been kicked down the road, re-scheduled for May 2025.

The UK’s commentary, here from Andrew Stephenson, forms a great summary of why the WHO failed: ‘Under no circumstances will we allow the WHO to have the power to mandate lockdowns, this would be unthinkable and has never been proposed. Protecting our sovereignty is a British red line.’ Nor would the UK bow to plans to force ‘rich’ nations to give away a fifth of their vaccines or submit to any recommendations that were not part of the national interest.

Australia’s Health Minister Mark Butler deserves and will receive no credit for the WHO’s failed power grab, given he has been seal-clapping from the sidelines at the World Health Assembly in Geneva.

As Mr Butler said:

‘Australia is invested in the future of WHO – to ensuring it is responsive and sustainably financed to fulfil its mandate. We are also fully committed to concluding the WHO Pandemic Agreement. Together we have made considerable progress in our shared ambition towards a set of binding international commitments for pandemic prevention, prepardness, and response.’

Yes, while other countries fought for months to have the word ‘binding’ removed, Mr Butler continues to embrace the chains, longing to have his office answer to directives from on high instead of accepting the risk of health decisions – a job for which his department is generously furnished with public money.

Note: This Disgusting Labor Rat Does Not In Any Way Speak For Or Represent Anyone In Australia! 


It is no coincidence that the Chief Medical Officer, Professor Kelly attended Senate Estimates this week with a World Economic Forum Sustainable Development Goals pin on display over his heart.

Labor and Liberal, in equal measure, have spent the post-Covid years more than happy to leave Australian health in the hands of the WHO. This is not a merit-based position, but rather a chronic allergy to leadership.

Refusing to admit defeat, Twitter is awash with the WHO congratulating itself for a victory that exists solely within the fantasy of propaganda.

The hubris of the WHO Director-General’s social media soiree is exposed in the detail. Contained within the draft document is this:

‘Upon receiving information of an event that may constitute a public health emergency of international concern, WHO shall offer to collaborate with the State Party concerned in assessing the potential for international disease spread … when requested by the State Party, WHO shall provide information supporting such an offer … if the State Party does not accept the offer of collaboration, and when justified by the magnitude of the public health risk, WHO should share with other State Parties the information about the event.’

The document goes on in this manner, highlighting passive language such as ‘offers’ and ‘if requested’ rather than earlier versions which implied forced compliance.

I warn Australians now, do not get comfy.

The trick of bureaucracy is a war of attrition, to exhaust opponents with a repeated assault on rights until some weak and tired politician signs a document hoping to get rid of the aggravation – and in doing so, open the gates…

The WHO is in decline. Its power is weakened. Public opinion is against it. Now is the time for the nations of the world to tie it down in red tape, constrain its ambition, and permanently disable its dark fantasies of power beyond its health mandate. It is we, the free peoples of the world, who must be relentless.

We cannot and will not allow the WHO to create a health dictatorship.

At the very least, Australia must be offered a plebiscite before further decisions are made about the WHO. After all, was it not Labor who said Australians deserve a ‘voice’? Allow us to have one.

Australian citizens have seen through the health fear-mongering and understand that the WHO’s recent actions are about one thing – centralising power.

‘One Health’ is the WHO’s chief policy and it means a single, dictatorial health framework from which you can never escape. Especially not once the digital barbed wire is erected around policies such as global Digital ID and global Health Passports. There comes a point where the democracy of a single nation cannot override the tyranny of a worldwide web of intrusive regulation.

As they say of all things communist, you can vote yourself into a dictatorship – but not out of it.

Not only are we at risk of falling under the shadow of a ‘global health’ bureaucracy, the United Nations is busy merging the ideological arms of its spheres of power together.

‘Global health’ has been repurposed as a marketing exercise by international bodies who sought control in exchange for alleviating ‘public fear’. This approach matches the earlier unhinged mutterings of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres who said: ‘Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning. The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.’

In a tone-deaf display of policy confusion, the WHO held a ‘strategic roundtable on climate change and health’ last week as if to prove ‘conspiracy theorists’ right about their concern that climate change ‘health’ lockdowns might be on the cards. Said Tedros, Director-General of the WHO:

‘The Climate Crisis is a health crisis. And it’s not a hypothetical crisis in the future. It’s right here and now.’

The worrying declaration comes from his recent speech: Climate Change and Health: A Global Vision for Joint Action.

No room for misunderstanding there.

Give us your money, and we’ll take care of your health.

Give us your money, and we’ll change the climate.

Climate Change will be the next pandemic.

The world, and its people, have raised an eyebrow in suspicion and – from the sobriety of a post-Covid era – taken a more cautious approach which ultimately led to the rejection of pretty much everything demanded by the WHO.

Perhaps nations are tired of the WHO’s antics, perhaps they feel their democratic power is being threatened, perhaps they are concerned about class action lawsuits that arose in part from WHO directives, or perhaps the WHO is polling badly and political leaders are worried they’ll lose their seats.

All Director-General of the WHO, Tedros Ghebreyesus, could do in response was wail at the void.

‘I have lost my voice,’ he begins.

‘But it’s a small price to pay. Because tonight we have all won and the world has won. And I offer you all my warmest congratulations.

‘And my deepest gratitude.

‘You have made history here today in approving a strong package of amendments to the International Health Regulations. You have strengthened the cornerstone of international health law. In doing so, you have made the world safer.

‘The Pandemic Agreement is not done yet – but I have no doubt it will be.

‘You have charted a clear path forward and you have demonstrated your clear commitment to finalising it. The success of the IHR working group should give the Intergovernmental Body confidence that you can get this done and you will.

‘The timeframe that you set yourselves was extremely ambitious and rightly so. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is international law. So even if it takes another year to finalise the Pandemic Agreement – and I don’t believe you will need that long – you will still have achieved a lot in a very short time.’

And what was agreed upon?

According to Tedros, the main points supported were:

  • Recognising climate change as an imminent threat to global health.
  • Supporting countries to restructure their economies to serve the health of the people and the planet.
  • Managing emergency preparedness for disasters resulting from natural hazards.

Yes, the climate change agenda has merged into ‘planetary health’ to bring it under the jurisdiction of WHO emergency orders.

I say again, we won last week – but we won a battle, not a war. We must be the piranhas of policy, nibbling away at the globalist agenda until there is nothing left to bury.


1 thought on “‘No means NO!’ The WHO’s power grab fails

  1. Disband the CDC: No WHO Trojan Horse in Australia!
    JUNE 2024 UPDATE:
    If you thought the successful fight against the Pandemic Treaty meant the globalists would stop with their agenda, think again!

    Earlier this year, the Australian Government established the Centre for Disease Control (CDC). This CDC is now poised to enforce the World Health Organization’s (WHO) new International Health Regulations (IHRs), which were adopted at the World Health Assembly under dubious legal circumstances.

    These new IHRs are as bad as the Pandemic Treaty as they grant the WHO unprecedented power to dictate pandemic responses and health policies in Australia. With the CDC being the key government agency to enforce and roll out the IHRs in Australia, we effectively have a taxpayer-funded Trojan Horse for the WHO, doing their dirty work to undermine both our national sovereignty and your personal health choices and freedom.

    How will the CDC undermine sovereignty and freedom? The new IHRs redefine critical aspects of public health governance and empower the WHO to impose mandatory medical procedures, quarantine, and surveillance. The Australian CDC will be the enforcer of these draconian measures.

    The new IHRs, that the CDC will enforce and implement in Australia, clearly contain alarming provisions that will severely impact your personal freedoms.

    Article 1 designates a “National IHR Authority” (which will be the CDC) to implement these regulations, effectively making the CDC a puppet of the WHO. This means that the CDC will act as the main enforcer of WHO policies in Australia, bypassing our national government and any democratic oversight, essentially becoming the vehicle for WHO’s agenda of control.

    Article 12 allows the WHO Director-General to declare a “pandemic emergency” based on vague criteria like “substantial social and/or economic disruption.” The CDC will then be responsible for implementing the WHO’s broad and invasive measures, including forced lockdowns, business closures, and travel restrictions. As the Trojan Horse, the CDC will enforce these mandates, stripping away local decision-making.

    Article 27 authorises the isolation and quarantine of conveyances and travelers. The CDC, in conjunction with other government agencies, will have the power to detain and isolate individuals and groups, enforcing quarantine measures without any local accountability. This could lead to widespread detentions and severe restrictions on movement, as the CDC acts on behalf of WHO directives.

    Article 31 compels individuals to undergo medical examinations, vaccinations, or other health measures, even under isolation. The CDC, working with other government agencies, will enforce mandatory vaccinations and medical procedures, infringing on personal health choices and bodily autonomy. This coercive power, driven by the WHO’s agenda, will strip Australians of their right to refuse medical treatments.

    The IHRs mandate compliance with WHO-recommended health measures (Article 24) and introduce digital and non-digital health documents, including vaccination certificates (Articles 35 and 36). The CDC will be responsible for implementing a nationwide system of health surveillance, tracking individuals’ health status and movements, and enforcing compliance with WHO health mandates. Acting as the Trojan Horse, the CDC will ensure these invasive measures are executed.

    By establishing the CDC, the Australian Government has set up the mechanism through which these oppressive IHRs will be enforced. The CDC will act as the National IHR Authority, implementing WHO mandates without regard for our national sovereignty or individual rights, effectively serving as the Trojan Horse for globalist overreach.


    The Australian Government has just unveiled a new beast: the Centre for Disease Control (CDC).

    It sounds harmless, maybe even helpful, but this is no ordinary health agency. Its draft aim is to fulfill functions under a new treaty on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response — the Pandemic Treaty — currently being cooked up by the World Health Organization (WHO).

    The WHO Pandemic Treaty is an unprecedented assault on national sovereignty and individual freedom! It will empower the WHO to unilaterally dictate pandemic responses and health policies, and, as such, poses a grave threat to state autonomy. The Pandemic Treaty also seeks to undermine free speech under the guise of protecting public health. What’s worse is that, under the treaty, decisions of the WHO will be binding on all member countries.

    The Pandemic Treaty is far from a done deal, with the fight still on to scuttle this attack on sovereignty and freedom. But we’ve often wondered, if the treaty was passed, how could WHO decrees be implemented in Australia, particularly if a brave future government decided to try and push back. Well, now we know.

    This new CDC will essentially act as a Trojan horse, enforcing the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty in Australia, regardless of what the Australian Government says.

    What we will have is a government agency leading the globalist charge, and engaging in a direct assault on our national sovereignty, and personal freedom.

    The good news is that the CDC is still in its infancy. And while that’s the case, we have a golden opportunity to nip this menace in the bud before it grows into an unstoppable force.

    That is why we are urgently petitioning Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his Health Minister Mark Butler to disband this CDC.

    Our fight against the CDC isn’t just about fighting a health agency. It’s about safeguarding our cherished principles.

    This CDC is an open door to foreign influence — globalist influence — over our health decisions. Imagine our domestic health policies being shaped by the likes of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Bill Gates, or Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, courtesy of an Australian taxpayer-funded agency.

    It is clear that this new CDC will become a surveillance tool in disguise. Under the banner of public health, we’ll likely see invasive tracking and monitoring.

    The CDC could also have the unchecked power to impose globalist-decreed health mandates on Australians. We’re talking mandatory medical procedures and restrictions here!

    Our personal freedoms and choices are at stake. This CDC could enforce globalist policies that trample on individual rights, forcing us into a corner.

    And even if the Pandemic Treaty is scuttled, the CDC remains a centralised national health authority, which can make personal health decisions that affect us and our loved ones.

    It’s a threat to our democratic principles, concentrating power in the hands of a few.

    You may be wondering why Prime Minister Albanese and his Health Minister would bother to listen to us on this matter? Simple.

    If the CDC isn’t scrapped, come election day, we’ll remember who sided with globalist priorities over our wishes. Nothing scares a politician more than unhappy voters!

    You can show the Prime Minister and Health Minister that you’re unhappy by signing our petition.

    Rest assured, if we don’t act now, the CDC will become the Trojan horse for the WHO to enforce its Pandemic Treaty in Australia. But if we win this fight, we’ll see the CDC scrapped, and the Pandemic Treaty kept at bay.

    This is our chance to make a difference. We need as many signatures as possible to make an impression. But we have to act now before it’s too late.

    Join our fight. Sign our petition and tell Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his Health Minister Mark Butler to disband the CDC now.

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