Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World


On tonight’s podcast show 28/02/24 i am joined by author and researcher Dawn Lester to break down and discuss her new workshop, Creating Change by the Power of Your Thoughts. 

Please click on the link below For more information about the workshop and to sign up.

Creating Change by the Power of Your Thoughts

Are you:

  • Saddened by all the fear and conflict in the world?
  • Confused by the many ideas of how to solve these problems?
  • Ready to create change in your life, but unclear how to do it?

If you answered yes, and want to know more, please join us on Saturday March 2nd 2024 for an inspiring free 90 minute workshop with Dawn Lester.

In her empowering presentation, Dawn will share game-changing information to help you understand the true power of thought and how to use that understanding to change your life experiences.

Join together with our like-minded community and learn how you can move out of conflict and fear, and into clarity and inner peace.

You are not alone!

Join us on Saturday March 2nd 2024 at 9am US Pacific/12noon US Eastern/5pm UK.

This event is Free / by donation.
Donations help to support my work 🙏

Yes! Our session will be recorded and all registered participants will receive the replay link afterwards.

You’ll also receive a special invitation to a followup Q&A session.

We look forward to seeing you!

Creating Change by the Power of Your Thoughts

If there is one thing this plandemic taught those with eyes to see and ears to hear, is that most of what they have been sold by the “system” is a lie.

An idea was born: we need to put this matter to bed, once and for all, we need to prevent such a scam from ever happening again.

Click HERE for more info and to sign up for The End Of COVID 

Dawn covers some incredible research into virus-germ theory and we also chat about the book WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL?  

We discuss the importance of taking back our health, the incredible and toxic power of fear and why people need to break free from this state of control. 

Dawn Lester and David Parker have backgrounds in the fields of Accountancy and Electrical Engineering, respectively.

Contact Dawn Through Her Website Here 


Dawn Lester

Dawn Lester is a researcher and co-author of What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong, published in December 2019. Her research into the problems within the modern medical system arose as the result of her study of the nature of reality and led to the publication in 2010 of 2 co-authored books under the pen-name NoR, The Nature of Reality and Why Germs Don’t Make You Ill and Drugs Can’t Cure You. Dawn continues to research and write about a variety of health and non-health related topics to help people empower themselves through knowledge.

These fields both require an aptitude for logic, which proved extremely useful for their investigation that has involved more than ten years continuous research to find answers to the question: what really makes people ill?

A popular saying, which is often attributed to Albert Einstein, claims that problems cannot be solved by using the same way of thinking that created them. The concept underlying this saying can be extrapolated to indicate that a problem can often be better understood by people outside of the discipline in which it occurs because they are not bound by any dogma or biases inherent within that discipline.

The authors’ investigation of why people become ill was conducted from a different perspective from that of the medical establishment; it was therefore free from the dogma and biases inherent within ‘medical science’. This unbiased and logical approach enabled them to follow the evidence with open minds and led them to discover the flaws within the information about illness and disease that is promulgated by the medical establishment.

The results of their investigation are revealed within their book: WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL? WHY EVERYTHING YOU THOUGHT YOU KNEW ABOUT DISEASE IS WRONG.

You can message Dawn here 

Click on image to buy the book

Creating Change by the Power of Your Thoughts

Be The Change To Create The Change

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