Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Sacrificial Virgins: Is Gardasil even necessary?


By Jacqueline Gwynne

The documentary film, Sacrificial Virgins, about human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil was launched to a packed audience at the Melbourne screening in early August. The film attracted as much controversy as the vaccine itself when the authorities attempted to shut it down and the filmmaker was banned from entering the country.

Joan Shenton (pictured here) is the award-winning UK producer of the documentary. Sacrificial Virgins received honours for investigative journalism at the Watch Dog Film Festival in Brisbane, including the prize for Best Film. The film is named after the girls who receive this vaccine before becoming sexually active. The World Health Organisation has record of 167,900 adverse reactions. Over 280 deaths of young women after they received the Gardasil vaccine have been reported.

Doctors around the world claim there is no proof that HPV causes cervical cancer, nor is there scientific evidence that the Gardasil vaccine protects against cervical cancer at all. The trials for the vaccine were fast-tracked unethically and unscientifically by manufacturer Merck in order to rush the vaccine out onto the global market over a decade ago due to the corporate greed of the pharmaceutical company.

A lot of information is being kept from the public and the medical community, and a lot of misinformation is being circulated via the mainstream media, regarding what vaccines specifically contain and their proven effectiveness. Vaccines contain aluminium and mercury, which are toxic to the human body. They contain human cells harvested from aborted fetuses.

Aluminium is known to cause many health complications and illnesses, allergies, autoimmune disorders and is linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Mercury is added as a preservative and is associated with many common health conditions such as acne, anxiety, depression, cancer, ADHD, Crohn’s disease and dementia. Aluminium is used as an adjuvant to boost the immune system. In the Gardasil vaccine trials, one type of aluminium was tested and, before it was released on to the market, that ingredient was changed.

The Gardasil vaccine is funded by taxpayers and aggressively pushed onto adolescent girls – and now boys – and is provided free through schools. Parents do not need to provide consent for the vaccine to be given to their children. Although the vaccine is not mandatory, parents are not able to give informed consent or choice. They are put into a position where they are not allowed to say no, nor given adequate information.

Amid the more general movement against vaccination that has risen in society, there are reports of children bullying and ostracising another child if that child is not vaccinated. Child-care centres won’t accept unvaccinated children and Centrelink will cut parents off child-care benefits.

The caution about Gardasil is not, however, part of that. The concern comes solely from the facts of the case and evidence gathered worldwide.

Sacrificial Virgins interviews girls and doctors from around the world, including young women in the UK and Australia permanently disabled after receiving the second Gardasil injection. Shortly after the second shot, they reported severe reactions, including paralysis of limbs and respiratory failure.

Ruby Shallom from the UK is still a teenager, paralysed in three limbs and in need of constant medical care. Kristin Clulow in New South Wales suffered severe neurological damage – becoming physically disabled – and nearly died after receiving the vaccine. There has been a rise in chronic illnesses attributed to the vaccine such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

In Japan 120 victims are suing the pharmaceutical companies and in Columbia over 400 women have launched a class action lawsuit. Adverse reactions to Gardasil are more than triple those of other common vaccines including MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella).

Vaccines are routinely administered to those not equipped to give consent or to communicate health complications: infants, minors and elderly, incapacitated people in nursing homes.

This is possibly the reason for the thousands of women who have reported the detrimental health effects. Teenage girls, although not equipped to give informed consent, are able to communicate their pain. Babies and immobilised aged people are not.

At present conversation is being shut down. If you even question the effectiveness of the vaccine, you are abused and silenced by your peers. The film coincides with the release of Helen Lobato’s book, Gardasil: Fast Tracked and Flawed(Spinifex Press).

If your child is being offered the Gardasil vaccine, do some research from several independent sources.

Ask your doctor for the facts and whether the vaccine is really necessary at all. Gardasil is no longer being administered in Japan and is being rejected across America because of a lack of proof as to its effectiveness and mounting reports of serious health complications.

Watch the documentary for free here!!!


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