The Terminator Would Kill Your Freedom… But Don’t Worry, He Won’t Be Back!
Covid is still with us.
So is the propaganda and freedom-busting laws which have accompanied it.
Thankfully now, the hysteria seems to be dissipating and we should all feel more comfortable pushing back. The laws which are eroding our civil liberties? Removing them will take years.
In light of Pfizer executive Janine Small’s admission to the European Parliament that their Covid vaccine does not stop transmission, government policies around the world which sought to deny the vaccine hesitant their basic human rights are now discredited.
The media, which relentlessly proselytised ‘the vaccine stops the spread’ and ‘you are selfish if you don’t take the vaccine’ in order to retain their broadcasting licences, revealed just how inadequate they are as a bulwark against government over-reach.
So much for our Fourth Estate!
Both government and media co-opted celebrity too in their efforts to control. Sometimes the mouthpieces were celebrities who even previously held high office.
Take this clip doing the rounds on social media …
“The only way we prevent this is to get vaccinated” was wrong, says Pfizer itself.
And the “Screw your freedom!”, from a former Republican no less, is chilling.
Sometimes it takes years before the present catches up to history, proving past events and decisions wrong.
In Arnold Schwarzenegger’s case, mere months.
Well may the Terminator have said, “I’ll be back.”
In the case of his visceral ‘screw your freedom’ remark, let’s hope never again in the public square, especially when mouthing government and media propaganda now discredited by the very manufacturer of covid vaccines.
Fortunately for me I was never interested in watching this bloke’s violent movies and after hearing what this vile creature said about our Rights Freedoms and Choices I wouldn’t watch anything of his if I was paid to.
ALL Australians better get off their arses NOW and bring down ALL the Tyrants before it’s really too late.
McGowan – Western Australia Premier’s Emergency Bill – Totalitarian Regime ! An Outrage !
TGA Therapeutic Goods Administration
Is it true? Were COVID-19 vaccines rushed through approvals or given emergency use authorisations in Australia?
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) provisionally approved these vaccines after a complete assessment of all the available data (comment > NOT TRUE AS NO DATA WAS AVAILABLE !)
The TGA does not have an “Emergency Use Authorisation” pathway for COVID-19 vaccines.
9 August, 2022
TGA COVID 19 Vaccine PRODUCT INFORMATION – First Approval 16 February, 2021 – Date of Revision 8 April, 2021 – NO DATA AVAILABLE FOR SAFETY & EFFICACY ! No data available on anything !
Also in Vaccines Graphene Hydroxide/Graphene Oxide >
GLOBAL CLIMATE CRISIS EXPLAINED – Let’s clear the air and get a more accurate picture :-
Richard Lindzen, Atmospheric Physicist, Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at MIT. for Prager University.
CO2 is a Greenhouse Gas WITHOUT WHICH LIFE ON EARTH IS NOT POSSIBLE (continue reading on Link).
Transcript of Prager U’s video: What do Climate Scientists say ?
See the work of Rosalind Peterson Former USDA Farm Service Agency Agricultural Crop Loss Adjuster – Geo Engineering
Watch “Press Conference after Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla refused to answer in front of European Parliament > INJECTION/VACCINE DOES NOT STOP TRANSMISSION
Is Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum the most Dangerous Man in the World
Digital Identity Globalist Agenda Destructive Scam
Smart Cities | China
The New China: The World’s First Example of a Medical Tyrannical Totalitarian State in 2022
In this video we see China’s Zero COVID-1984 policy in what is being reports in many of their major cities that are ‘Smart Cities’, which includes long lines of thousands of people lining up each day to be tested for COVID-1984 before going to work or shopping so that their QR code, which must be carried at all times MUST show green, what happens when it turns red, the massive amounts of quarantine camps that are currently being built, how drones are being used to threaten people to stay locked up, how Chinese children are being raised in this society, and the insane amount of cameras that are being installed everywhere to induce fear and force compliance.
China is being used as the model for the coming beast system.
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Professor of Law Mr Augusto Zimmerman warns Government Covid Measures are unlawful, this includes Vaccine Passports.
The real reason Vaccine Mandates are wrong
PROHIBITED – New Ruling by Fair Work Commission
Law Firm releases Bombshell Legal Opinion on alleged Illegal Control of Doctors Conduct – Senator Malcolm Roberts
Covid Inquiry 2 – Senator Malcolm Roberts
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Concerned Lawyers Network
“GRAVE breaches” include: Giving medical treatment/interventions/procedures without obtaining freely given informed consent. BE WARNED! Anna de Buisseret U.K. Lawyer