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US Government Loses Vaccine Lawsuit — Has Lied to the Public for Decades — Vaccines NOT Tested

Rebecca Campbell: US Government Loses Vaccine Lawsuit — Has Lied to the Public for Decades — Vaccines NOT Tested — Autism Will Drop If Parents Use This Case to Legally Challenge Mandated Vaccinations


Lengthy commentary below the fold.


…Vaccine injury lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Del Bigtree, producer of the suppressed anti-vaccine documentary, Vaxxed and the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) are credited with this victory. They demanded the relevant government documents proving that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality over the past 32 years — and there were none.

Here are the huge legal and practical implications in this legal victory for the American people:

o This means that the US Department of Health and Human Services and all vaccine makers have been lying to the American people for over 30 years about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines; this may
ultimately mean that continuing the existence — at least in their current form — of five US “healthcare” agencies are now in doubt: the CDC, the FDA, the IOM, the NIH and the “Health” part of DHHS itself;
this may also threaten the existence of state medical boards and exclusive medical guilds like the AMA:

o This means that vaccine makers have been fraudulently exempt from what all other pharmaceutical drug makers have been forced to do concerning biannual recertification for quality and effectiveness — meaning that their vaccines have never been tested for quality and have had no proven safety or effectiveness for over 30 years;

o This case can now be legally cited by all parents fraudulently mandated by any government/organizational regulation/requirements that they must vaccinate their children for school or any other activity to stop
the forced vaccination of their children;

o This case can now be legally cited by all employees being mandated by their employers to be vaccinated in order to retain their jobs;

o This case can now be legally cited by all those who seek compensation for vaccine injury, making it likely that the pharmaceutical vaccine industry can in the near future be legally bankrupted out of existence, like Bayer-Monsanto after the landmark legal victory won by the dying landscaper in San Francisco several weeks ago, as well as their stock value plummeting precipitously;

o The future of allopathic medicine in its current form is now in doubt, as well as that of the global pharmaceutical cartel, since almost all of the drugs allopathic practitioners prescribe come from pharmaceutical corporations which have also committed vaccine fraud and injury;

o The existence of the deep-state corporate mainstream news media will now also be further endangered, since 70% of their income stream comes from the global pharmaceutical cartel, which in America has been
responsible for 750,000-1 million human sacrifices per year for at least the past half century;

o Autism rates will now likely plummet, freeing the American people from another deep state-engineered debility, and providing further evidence of mass vaccination-caused autism;

o All government officials who have passed laws legalizing vaccine fraud at the state, national, or international level, or otherwise aided and abetted this vaccine fraud can now be charged with vaccine fraud, criminal malfeasance and in some cases, war crimes under the Nuremberg Code.


2 thoughts on “US Government Loses Vaccine Lawsuit — Has Lied to the Public for Decades — Vaccines NOT Tested

  1. It all sounds good !!

    As the lies get found out
    Watch the US government of the day
    Do back flip after back flip
    Trying to distance themselves from the crimes
    And avoid the compensation payouts
    The writing on the wall is now pounding loudly on the doors of congress
    And the establishment cannot help but know

    “A new government survey suggests that 1 in 45 children aged 3 through 17 have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)”

    “There are nearly 74 million children younger than 18 in the US accounting for 23% of the population which give us a total of roughly 1.650.000 children who have been diagnosed with ASD”

    And these are the figures for Autism Spectrum Disorder – there are more children damaged in other ways.
    Who will care for all these people throughout their lives ??
    Where will the billions come from to pay for care of these damaged people ??

  2. When will the RIP VAN WINKLE that is the Australian governments both State & Federal WAKE UP ??
    Oh, Malcolm, Malcolm, Malcolm do you sleep at night ??

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