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Australian Health Minister urges countries to find a way for WHO’s Pandemic Treaty to progress

Australian Health Minister Mark Butler Flushing Our Health Freedoms Down The Toilet. 


Australian Health Minister Mark Butler addressed the 77th World Health Assembly (“WHA”) and called for an urgent road map to finalise WHO’s Pandemic Treaty.

These efforts follow the failure of the International Negotiating Body to reach an agreement on the proposed text.

To show his determination and commitment to the cause, Butler called for the “binding” Treaty to be resurrected and progressed as fast as possible not in just one speech at the WHA, but in two.

Please note: WHO was due to present two new texts for adoption at the WHA being held in Geneva, Switzerland, this week:  Amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHR”); and, the Pandemic Treaty, which has also been referred to as the Pandemic AccordPandemic Agreement and WHO Convention Agreement + (“WHO CA+”). The Pandemic Treaty is gone and the IHR amendments although they will be presented to the WHA for adoption, have been all but neutralised.

Australia calls for urgent roadmap to finalise “binding” WHO pandemic treaty

By Rebekah Barnett

Last week it was reported that plans to adopt an international pandemic treaty had stalled, as countries failed to reach an agreement on the final draft before the 77th World Health Assembly (“WHA”), which started in Geneva on Monday.

Australian Health Minister Mark Butler is not taking the news lying down.

In two addresses at the WHA in Geneva this week, Butler called for the “binding” World Health Organisation (WHO) treaty to be progressed as fast as possible, committing Australia to it in principle.

Speaking on behalf of Australia in the second plenary meeting at the WHA on Monday, Butler told those present:

(With thanks to Michael Arbon for transcribing and clipping up the video of Butler’s address, below. [You can find the original on WHO’s website HERE by scrolling down and selecting ‘WHA – Plenary, Second Plenary Meeting 27/05/2024’.  Bulter’s speech begins at timestamp 2:47:50.])

Labor Cretin Mark Butler Does Not Speak For The Australian People & He Is Acting Alone Here

In the ‘Committee A’ session the following day, Butler reiterated Australia’s commitment to the “binding” treaty, stating that countries were continuing to work on iterations of the draft agreement while the WHA is in progress, with a view to voting on next steps before the culmination of the Assembly on 1 June.

Butler went on:

He then voiced support for finalising and adopting the IHR amendments, which is the second set of proposed WHO reforms to be voted on at the WHA.

( With thanks to Michael Arbon for transcribing and clipping up the video of Butler’s address, below)

It is notable that Butler repeatedly referred to the treaty as “binding.” However, Senator Katy Gallagher, who represents the Health portfolio in the Senate, previously indicated that it won’t supersede Australian will or law. Senator Gallagher stated in September last year:

For Gallagher’s statement to be correct, “one of two things would have to happen” Dr David Bell, public health scientist and former WHO Medical Officer, told me last year:

Given Butler’s statements to the effect that Australia will adopt both the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the IHR amendments, option two seems most likely. That is, the Australian Government intends to bring Australia’s domestic legislation into line with its binding WHO commitments. Australia has already incorporated key IHR standards into domestic law, such as in the Biosecurity Act 2015 and the National Health Security Act 2007.

media statement released by the WHO this week confirms the details of Butler’s address to the WHA on 28 May, stating:

Katie Ashby-Koppens, Co-Founder and legal advisor of the non-profit Aligned Council of Australia (“ACA”), said that despite the draft treaty not being ready, “It is clear that Australia’s leadership is fully committed to moving forward with these binding reforms at the fastest pace possible.”

“The Hon Mark Butler’s statements seem to be solely focused on the risk that pandemics are regular occurrences, which lacks any proportionality based on reality. He appears to be acting under a remit that does not have the support or comprehension of the Australian public,” said Ashby-Koppens.

The ACA, which was formed to oppose the WHO reforms, comprises 37 member organisations reaching a total of 1.7 million Australians, indicating that a good number of Australians do not want the reforms.

Ashby-Koppens highlighted that it is not only the treaty draft that has not been finalised – the IHR amendments are also still being drafted while the WHA is in progress, leaving insufficient time for member countries to consider the amendments before voting.

“The IHR amendments are still being workshopped while the WHA is in progress, with agreement not yet being reached on a final draft. Under the WHO’s own rules, the IHR amendments were required to be agreed, finalised and delivered by the Working Group by mid-January 2024,” said Ashby-Koppens.

The news of Australia’s full-throated commitment to finalising the IHR amendments and expediting the “binding” WHO Pandemic Treaty comes after 14 Australian parliamentarians urged the Australian Government to reject the reforms, in an open letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

In the letter, parliamentarians from the Coalition (Opposition) and the crossbench expressed “deep concern” at the prospect of committing Australia to the reforms, which they say “pose a significant threat to Australia’s autonomy and independence on the global stage.”

“If adopted, and implemented into Australian domestic law, the World Health Organisation will hold an unacceptable level of authority, power and influence over Australia’s affairs under the guise of declaring “emergencies,” wrote the Senators and MPs.

The WHA started on 27 May and remains in progress until 1 June 2024.

Bonus content! Australia’s “binding” WHO commitment: How it started, and how it’s going, by MilkBar TV

About the Author

Rebekah Barnett is an Australian independent journalist.  You can follow Barnett on her Substack page ‘Dystopian Down Under’ HERE. Twitter HERE and Instagram HERE.  To support her work, you can make a one-off contribution to Dytopian Down Under’s Ko-fi account HERE.

She is also a volunteer interviewer for ‘Jab Injuries Australia’,  a website that collects stories of people who claim to have been injured by covid vaccines.

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