Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Frenetic-Paced TV Programming Like SpongeBob Destroys Attention Spans of Children

By Torchy Blane

Clues as to why there is the existence of a population of younger zombies comes from research published in the journal Pediatrics. The paper indicates that watching fast-paced cartoons like SpongeBob SquarePants, even for just a few minutes, hinders abstract thinking, short-term memory and impulse control in preschoolers.

The study focused on four year olds. One group watched (((Viacom’s))) Nickelodeon Channel’s SpongeBob SquarePants. Researchers chose SpongeBob for its frenetic, chaotic pace. The show switches scenes on average every 11 seconds. Afterward the preschoolers were asked to do four different “executive function” tasks that test cognitive capability and impulse control, such as counting backwards, solving puzzles, and delaying gratification by waiting to eat a tasty snack until told to do so.

Compared with those who were drawing and those watching PBS (scenes switch every 30 seconds), the SpongeBob kids performed significantly worse on the tasks. The researchers hypothesized that the cause was the fantastical events combined with the rapid pacing of the show. By contrast, the PBS show was slower and exhibited real life events about a preschool-age boy.

SpongeBob isn’t alone, all fast-paced, fantastical kids’ shows are called into question. In addition the tendency to multi-task on electronic devices reinforces this brain rot as the child gets older. The average kid is plugged into some kind of media, be it the internet, smart phone, video games or TV for up to eight hours a day. Many pediatricians and psychologists fear that the rapid oscillating between different stimuli make kids unable to focus, especially when they start juggling listening to music, playing a video game and texting on their cellphone at the tender age of five.

This fits perfectly into the prevailing and widespread cartoon world mindset and worldview that TNN often references as infecting the population, especially of Americans. This is also the active driving force of what we call, “black magic.” The impacted population can’t effectively tell the difference between real and surreal fantasy. This also makes them easy to control, and game.

Dr. Dimitri Christakis, director of the center for Child Health, Behavior and Development at Seattle Children’s Hospital said,

From what we know about children’s neurodevelopment, the early years are truly formative. The concern is that TV is unnatural; it happens at a speed that’s unachievable in the real world. Our brains didn’t evolve to process things that happen at this surreal speed, so it becomes exhausting to kids’ brains.”

SpongeBob plays an aborbent sponge living in the Bikini Bottom. There are seven characters in all who represent the seven deadly sins.

If you’ve never seen SpongeBob, and why would you if you are over 12, here is a sampling. The program is quite annoying if you aren’t conditioned to it. There is also a huge amount of subliminal messaging: sexual innuendos and generally deviant behaviors.If you’ve never seen SpongeBob, and why would you if you are over 12, here is a sampling. The program is quite annoying if you aren’t conditioned to it. There is also a huge amount of subliminal messaging: sexual innuendos and generally deviant behaviors.

If you’ve never seen SpongeBob, and why would you if you are over 12, here is a sampling. The program is quite annoying if you aren’t conditioned to it. There is also a huge amount of subliminal messaging: sexual innuendos and generally deviant behaviors.

If you’ve never seen SpongeBob, and why would you if you are over 12, here is a sampling. The program is quite annoying if you aren’t conditioned to it. There is also a huge amount of subliminal messaging: sexual innuendos and generally deviant behaviors.

And what’s a little SpongeBob without throwing in the standard Muslim demonization Allahu Akbar traumatizing psyops.

There is an antidote to this mind poisoning. The researchers suggest to “look for other opportunities to ‘exercise kids synapses’,” with engaging activities like reading, playing outside and engaging with others. What a novel concept!


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