It Could Be a Criminal Offense for Indigenous Brits to Re-Post Factual Information
The UK government is considering new legislation that could criminalize the mere retweeting of information related to riots. This move is portrayed as an attempt to curb the spread of misinformation and prevent further violence.
Director of Public Prosecutions Stephen Parkinson sat down for an interview with Sky News to lay out the new Orwellian plan, under which Brits do not even need to post “offensive” content themselves, as merely sharing the content via “retweeting” could land one in prison. Parkinson made it clear that social media users could be found guilty of “incitement to racial hatred” if they in any way disseminate “insulting or abusive” content that is “likely to stir up racial hatred.”
“So if you retweet that, then you’re republishing that and then potentially you’re committing that offence,” he said, stating that dedicated police officers are “scouring social media” hunting down any such wrongthink.
“People might think they’re not doing anything harmful, they are, and the consequences will be visited upon them.”
Even just posting information about demonstrations that are taking place outside of immigrant (aka invader) facilities could get someone hit with terrorism charges.
“The fact that it’s organised groups that might be motivated by ideological reasons, the fact that they’re promoting potentially very serious offences – that’s the sort of instance where we might want to consider terrorism charges.”
The potential implications of such legislation are concerning. It could indeed lead to even more Orwellian restrictions on freedom of speech, as if the UK was not already bad enough. If simply retweeting information becomes a criminal offense, it sets a dangerous precedent. The assertion is that the government can control what information is shared, even if it is factual. This will completely stifle public discourse and prevent people from expressing their views, even if they are based on facts, which is exactly what the government wants.
The application of these laws will obviously be skewed against the indigenous population, which is facing genocidal conditions, while favoring invading demographics. The British government has created a two-tier system where immigrants are given special privileges, with different rules applying to different groups of people based on their ethnicity or origin. The principles of “equality” are thrown out the window whenever White people need to be silenced and otherwise oppressed.
While the intention behind these laws is purported to be to prevent violence and maintain public order, they are just another way to ensure that the Indigenous population of Britain is unable to actively resist White genocide in any meaningful way.
‘We do have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media to look for this material, and then follow up with arrests.’
The director of public prosecutions of England and Wales warns that sharing online material of riots could be an offence
— Sky News (@SkyNews) August 7, 2024