Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Jewish-Influenced Porn on the Rise


I don’t know about you, but I hold nothing but contempt for the porn-Jew. Porn is one of the most important factors in the destruction of Western civilization. If you don’t know why porn is bad for you, you can find out in articles like this one (linking HuffPo because why the fuck not). From the article:

“Our findings indicated that gray matter volume of the right caudate of the striatum is smaller with higher pornography use,” the researchers wrote in the journal article, referring to an area of the brain associated with reward processing and motivation.

… Heavy porn consumers also had a weaker connection between the striatum and the prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain associated with decision-making.

 I hope I don’t have to spell it out for you, but basically, watching porn (not even excessively) literally shrinks your brain in the most important areas. It ruins your reward system causing an incredibly low level of motivation, desensitization, and often porn-induced erectile dysfunction. Porn also shrinks the prefrontal cortex, which is essential in things like memory, concentration, working memory, and willpower. Basically, porn turns you into a much worse, much more degenerate version of yourself.

These effects have made porn an unknown public enemy for the general population. It has always been like that since porn existed. However, the industry has taken a much more sinister turn during the last couple of years.

If you are on a site like this, you’re probably familiar with A sickeningly well-funded porn studio that creates nothing but Nigger-on-White-Woman miscegenation videos. The popularity of this studio has skyrocketed the last year, and has dragged lots of degenerate filth with it. The front page of porn sites has always been a flagship of normie porn, no fetishes and negligible amounts of miscegenation. However, it would be hard not to notice that this has changed a lot lately. I could visit the front page of say XVideos right now and find at least three interracial videos, all of which would be black-on-white. This rise in popularity can be either synthetic or natural, but it doesn’t matter because either way this has been caused by one man:

(((Greg Lansky))). 

Oh, wow, what a surprise! That’s right, this French Jew is the Chief Creative Officer of Blacked. His intentions are obviously to corrupt the image of the white man from proud and strong to weak and effeminate. And the way he does it is truly diabolical (Jews being Jews am I right). You see, he started with only Blacked, but it didn’t gain popularity fast enough. The subversion wasn’t as effective as (((they))) wanted it to be. Therefore, they created Tushy and Vixen, two sister studios of equally high quality. Those two would act as a gateway to interracial porn, and from there they could start manipulating the minds of millions of white guys. At first, Blacked had mostly normal videos, two people having sex, albeit akin to bestiality. Then something happened. A video came out where the white woman was cheating on her husband with the protagonigger. Then another one, and another one, and another one. Suddenly the white male audience is unknowingly jacking off to porn containing anti-white sexual propaganda. These cheating-vids are made to lure white guys into accepting and even getting turned on to the concept of white women cheating on their white husbands with an obnoxious negro. This technique has sadly worked amazingly well, since the cheating videos have more views than the “normal” ones. But the corruption does not stop there, because this is not the end of Lansky’s collectivistic sexual experiment.

First, I want to introduce you to another niggertastic studio: Dogfart. And yes, its content is even more distasteful than the name. Dogfart specializes in a very new subgenre of porn, notorious throughout the nationalist community and the origin of its most popular insult. Cuckolding (in the porn sense) is when a man lets his wife fuck another man, while he sits there and watches, preferably with his dick out. This genre is already morally reprehensible, but what makes it worse is that the vast majority of all cuckold videos are black-bull-white-cuck. Many of them even humiliate the white cuck, and a few openly slander the entirety of the white race. I’m not even exaggerating. There are thousands of these videos, some with millions of views. It’s blatantly obvious how the kikes are intentionally subverting the sexuality of white men and the perception of them in women. Speaking of kikes, do I even need to state the ethnicity of Dogfart’s owner? His name is Cable Rosenberg. Dogfart’s videos are reprogramming millions of white men to become effeminate, submissive, and literally turned on by the thought of white genocide.

This is where Blacked comes back. You see, they newly branched into cuckolding (notice how Blacked’s content gets worse and worse). This is done so those who discover Blacked get led on down the rabbit hole. Soon enough, all they can get off to is miscegenous brain destroying white-genociding videos. The end goal of this pornographic psychological war is to compromise the sexual value of white men and promote race mixing to further the extinction of the white race. Porn is one of the most effective tools of the Zionists, but due to its explicit and absurd nature it’s seldom discussed. Fixing this issue is such a paramount step towards white liberation that it must be done, lest all our other work would be for nothing. One of the main goals of white nationalism is a high birthrate for whites, and without pushing this Jewry out of porn, we will not be able to achieve that.

– Bin Baner


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