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Long range Tasers to zap Queenslanders instead of lead


Ammunition manufacturer Winchester will have to scale back its Australian supply if all police departments start using long range lasers.

Their supply of .40 cal Glock ammo to police should slowly dry up after these new, deadly Tasers are deployed.

Maybe there will be fewer unlucky citizens shot with firearms by the inaccurate shooters of general police.

Queensland Labor is funding the rollout of world leading taser technology to  front line officers in the Queensland Police Service.

It will mean Queensland will become the largest police jurisdiction in the world to be equipped with this technology.

Queensland Labor is providing the QPS with funding of $8.5 million over three years to purchase 1,000 Taser 10 devices.

This commitment also ensures that all tasers retired from service moving forward will be replaced with the Taser 10 technology.

The Taser 10 deliver a significant increase (more than double the existing capability) in its functional distance out to a range of 13.5 meters.

The Taser is also far more accurate than existing technologies used by Queensland Police and also does not need to be reloaded to fire multiple shots.

This greatly reduces the need for police to escalate to a lethal use of force option.

In instances where persons of interest are outside the limited range of the current taser fleet, Police will typically and necessarily present firearms to de-escalate or resolve the incident.

The Taser 10 extends the use of taser out to a far greater range, which will lessen the need for presentation, and critically use, of lethal force in a wide number of incident types.

Police advise the Taser 10 will save lives, reduce trauma for attending police and  reduce trauma for involved persons families.

Prolonged and multiple discharges

ALMOST half of the people tasered by Queensland police are subjected to “prolonged or multiple” discharges, prompting calls for greater scrutiny of how the devices are used.

The debate comes as the Brisbane Coroners Court is set to release its findings over the death of a north Queensland man after he was allegedly tasered 28 times.

Queensland police use Tasers more than 30 times a month, according to the Crime and Misconduct Commission, but the police union says the devices save lives and are integral to law enforcement.

“Our latest recommendation seeks to improve Queensland Police Service policy and training in this area,” CMC research and evaluation director Rebecca Denning told the Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference last week.

“The CMC is also very keen to see QPS make further improvements to Taser monitoring and review processes.

“Unfortunately the existing processes tend to rely almost exclusively on the reporting officer’s version of events.”

Ms Denning said information should also be sought from other police who attended the scene where a Taser was used, civilian witnesses and CCTV footage if available.

The use of Tasers was widely debated at the conference attended by senior police, government and anti-corruption agencies held in Fremantle.

It was agreed they were here to stay, but better policy and guidelines for use were necessary.

“It remains that 40 per cent of all subjects who had a Taser deployed against them were the subject of either a multiple or a prolonged discharge,” Ms Denning said.

“International research suggests that multiple or prolonged deployments may increase the risk of a subject suffering an injury or adverse health consequences.

“Approximately 4 per cent of subjects of Taser deployment was suspected of having a physical health condition, 17 per cent was suspected of having a mental health condition and just under 80 per cent was suspected of being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.”

Queensland Police Union president Ian Leavers said Tasers had saved “many lives” in Queensland.

“There seems to be a misconception in the community that police like to inflict pain – that is not the case,” he said. “Use of force is a last resort.”

QPS policy stipulates that Tasers should only be used when a person poses either a risk of serious injury to police, another person or themselves. -News Ltd


2 thoughts on “Long range Tasers to zap Queenslanders instead of lead

  1. The fight continues against the Queensland Community Safety Bill

    Even though I sigh with despair at how any previous petitions for serious matters like fluoridation and injections, pesticides and many more have been useless – I will still try and help with this Petition by spreading the word – these people actually put a full page advertisement in the mainstream media newspaper with the headline ‘community control and safety bill struck out with a big red X – it was never about your safety….When this many different groups raise concerns, you know something is very wrong’ (and it had a long list of groups).

    Here is a note you can share around to ask people to sign the Petition against the Queensland Community Safety Bill –
    Here is it >
    The fight continues against the Queensland Community Safety Bill
    Our fight against the civil liberties nightmare of the Queensland Community Safety Bill 2024 continues in earnest, and has included a formal submission to the Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee, an in-person appearance in front of that same committee, and a full-page ad in the Courier-Mail – not to mention the countless e-mails and letters our members have been sending to their local MP about the Bill.

    We are supporting a petition to have the Bill subjected to genuine and widespread community consultation. More than 10,000 Queenslanders have signed it already, and we ask you to join them – and share the link with everyone you know. This isn’t just about guns – it affects every Queenslander and their civil rights.

    Sponsoring Member Mr.l Nick Dametto MP

    Source >

    The fight continues against the Queensland Community Safety Bill
    Our fight against the civil liberties nightmare of the Queensland Community Safety Bill 2024 continues in earnest, and has included a formal submission to the Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee, an in-person appearance in front of that same committee, and a full-page ad in the Courier-Mail – not to mention the countless e-mails and letters our members have been sending to their local MP about the Bill.

    We are supporting a petition to have the Bill subjected to genuine and widespread community consultation. More than 10,000 Queenslanders have signed it already, and we ask you to join them – and share the link with everyone you know. This isn’t just about guns – it affects every Queenslander and their civil rights.

    Sponsoring Member Mr.l Nick Dametto MP

    Source >

    Two Warriors give their accounts of success against a System stacked against them
    TWO outstanding Australian men who were at the coalface of the battle against the criminal global Covid19 bioterrorism operation, will present their stories at an afternoon meeting at the Gold Coast Croatian Club on July 27th, 2024 at 2.30 p.m. at the Croation Sports Centre, Carrara, Gold Coast, Queensland.

    Those two men are Nick Patterson of Melbourne and Tristan ‘Triccy’ Van Rye, whose organisation The People’s Revolution is hosting the meeting. Paterson was the victim of Victorian Labor Premier Dan Andrews’ brutal Covid lockdown enforcers, Victoria Police, and Van Rye the leader of massive Brisbane freedom marches who also encountered police and establishment persecution.

    Both fought back from dire circumstances to uphold the rule of law, those constitutional and common law rights that still exist in Australia and underpin our essential political freedoms, but which were simply cast aside by unlawful state and federal legislation during the planned Covid19 global assault on freedom from 2020 to 2022.
    Please continue to read full article >


    Also See >
    The fight continues against the Queensland Community Safety Bill
    Even though I sigh with despair at how any previous petitions for serious matters like fluoridation and injections, pesticides and many more have been useless – I will still try and help with this Petition by spreading the word – these people actually put a full page advertisement in the mainstream media newspaper with the headline community safety bill and safety was struck out with a big red X and with control written instead – it was never about your safety….When this many different groups raise concerns, you know something is very wrong\’ (and it had a long list of groups).
    Here is a note you can share around to ask people to sign the Petition against the Queensland Community Safety Bill –
    Here is it >
    The fight continues against the Queensland Community Safety Bill
    Our fight against the civil liberties nightmare of the Queensland Community Safety Bill 2024 continues in earnest, and has included a formal submission to the Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee, an in-person appearance in front of that same committee, and a full-page ad in the Courier-Mail – not to mention the countless e-mails and letters our members have been sending to their local MP about the Bill.
    We are supporting a petition to have the Bill subjected to genuine and widespread community consultation. More than 10,000 Queenslanders have signed it already, and we ask you to join them – and share the link with everyone you know. This isn’t just about guns – it affects every Queenslander and their civil rights.
    Sponsoring Member Mr.l Nick Dametto MP
    Source >

    Also see >
    The situation is worsening – when you realise what’s behind the prevention to protect yourself!! Very worrying. Note > The film maker is a long time former Border Force Officer !

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