Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Overcoming The Addiction To Negativity In The Matrix (Part 1)


An addiction to negativity in the matrix overlaps the world. Everywhere, people are trapped in unconscious compulsive behaviors that render us negative.

Any emotional attachment to anything three-dimensional that manipulates us into believing that our well-being and illusory happiness depends upon the emotional gratification we receive from the illusory sensory pleasure, is the poison that keeps us from what reality ultimately is.

An array of unconscious repetitive behavioral patterns is an addiction that needs attention.

Whenever you are unconscious in this three-dimensional plane, you are negative. This means you are on input mode and being run by the mainframe.

Most of our actions, of using various forms and arrangements of letters, numbers, shapes and sounds to justify our experience here as real, are holding us in the unconscious negative state.

Through using these constructs that have brought forth everything society has been molded into, energy is being brokered from you to add to the world of matter —matter which is the product of mass hypnosis of the mostly negatively polarized humanity.

“Mind gives rise to matter”

The world is filled with constructs and hierarchies of illusory power that serves to invalidate you as an all powerful soul, armed with the five elements of creation.

Your soul is the only reality that is relevant in this three-dimensional hologram. Seeking anything else as the answer to life that is part of the illusion, does indirectly invalidate your soul.

When you hand yourself over or grasp at any form of temporary delusional ecstasy resulting from an illusory hologram, then you inadvertently place the absolute on the sideline and put the obsolete in the center, where the soul must be.

Albeit we all do this temporarily, it is these inconsistent moments that are keeping us from gaining enough power to manifest!

“Soul gives rise to manifestation”

Body, Soul, Mind

Many of ancient spiritual texts speak of “mind, body and soul.” Nobody has ever questioned the subliminal message hidden in this statement. Look at the order of these words, first we have mind, then body in the center and soul as the last word.

This spiritual quote insinuates that the body is in the center, which is a three-dimensional holographic construct. And subliminally spells out that the mind gives rise to it.

Indeed, what most people believe to be holding the most significance on this plane, is the body. Everywhere you look, people are paying billions to look beautiful and feed this body specific fuels, like it’s some kind of a formula one car.

You should deprogram this notion and overwrite it with body, soul, mind. Now we have the absolute cosmic consciousness in the center.

The mind does not tell the body what it is because it has to pass through the soul first. The soul negates the information technology of the mind that is the same mind as the collective unconscious mind that is hardwired to receive matrix-based nonsense from the main-frame (Luciferian mindset).

The body also, together with its DNA codes that play out in a sequence in your life, loses its power when the obsolete holographic truth of it is brought into the light of the eternal, untouched and pure soul.

The body and the mind want to remain in power and, when one wants to become soul centered once again, there may be a battle.

In order to win this battle, you can use this mantra which serves to hack the mind and body in order to eliminate and uninstall thought-forms that have been energized for most of your life.

Please see this article I have recently written to use this supreme mantra that WILL change your life.

Breaking the Addiction to Negativity

Do you have what it takes to become positive, to manifest with freedom, unhindered by the matrix that enforces limited manifestation capabilities by the implantation of foreign thoughts?

Are you brave enough to become home in an unfamiliar space that feels like nothing, but is actually everything?

If there ever was any evolution to speak of, I think this enormous change from negative to positive is the juggernaut of all and will change the face of all matter we have come to worship.

Although time is a relative illusion, I believe it has been millions of years for humankind on the receiving end of a reality beyond their control. This is all about to change, and we are going to this now.

Stopping the process that generates a reality that is originally programmed to make us negative, so that we seek positive externally, will invert our world from input to output.

This is to say your output will manifest instead of the input from the matrix. You will become the hands and the fingers of the programmer, instead of being played like a game on the Playstation, stuck in the effective hands of the creator.

In order for you to block programmers or hackers, any portals into your domain, you need to target the last unconscious behaviors that you still take part in, which stem from repetitious behavioral patterns.

Obsessive compulsive disorder is seen today as a psychotic diagnosis where people feel the need to check things repeatedly, have certain thoughts repeatedly, or feel the need to perform certain routines repeatedly.

Many of us exhibit such behavior on a daily basis without being aware that it is actually harming our progress to attain mastery over the positive pole of the matrix.

As long as you are doing anything that inserts foreign thoughts from the mainframe into your mind, then that behavior is prolonging your addiction to the matrix and slavery on the negative/input pole.


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