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Stroke Risk: COVID Shots 200 Times More Likely to Cause Blood Clots in Brain

The COVID-19 vaccines had an over 1,000-fold increased risk of blood clots in the brain compared to the flu vaccine and more than a 200-fold increased risk compared to all other vaccines, according to a study by Dr. Peter McCullough and colleagues.


The COVID-19 vaccines carry a much higher risk of blood clots in the brain compared with other vaccines, according to a new study by Dr. Peter McCullough and colleagues.

The researchers looked at reports in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from January 1990 through December 2023.

They counted the number of cerebral thromboembolism events — as in, blood clots of the brain’s veins or arteries — reported in people who received a COVID-19 shot compared with those who received a flu shot or other vaccines.

Blood clots that block blood flow to the brain account for roughly 87% of all strokes, according to the American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association.

McCullough — a cardiologist with over 1,000 publications and over 685 citations in the National Library of Medicine — told The Defender the study showed “an unacceptable risk of catastrophic thrombotic injuries to the brain” in individuals who took one or more COVID-19 shots.

McCullough summarized the study’s results on Substack:

“Compared to influenza vaccines given over 34 years, COVID-19 vaccines in 36 months of use had over 1000-fold increased risk of most blood clot events, and compared to all vaccines combined administered over 34 years, this risk remained at over 200-times greater with COVID-19 vaccination.”

Prior research has suggested that the spike protein in both the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 vaccine can cause serious blood clotting, McCullough and his co-authors noted in their report.

Blood clots in the brain are difficult to treat, McCullough told The Defender, and “oftentimes leave patients with devastating disabilities.”

“This and other sources of data,” he added, “support calls to remove all COVID-19 vaccines from public use.”

The study — co-authored with Claire Rogers, Dr. James Thorp and Kirstin Cosgrove — is under peer review and available online as a preprint.

Women especially at risk

For the study, McCullough and his co-authors used 12 search terms to find VAERS reports of adverse events related to blood clots in the brain: cavernous sinus thrombosis, cerebral artery thrombosis, cerebral infarction, cerebral thrombosis, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, cerebral venous thrombosis, embolic cerebral infarction, ischaemic cerebral infarction, sigmoid sinus thrombosis, superior sagittal sinus thrombosis, thrombotic cerebral infarction and transverse sinus thrombosis.

In the three years since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, they found 5,137 reports of a brain blood clot event in those who received one or more COVID-19 shots.

Meanwhile, VAERS data showed only 52 reports since 1990 of a brain blood clot event following a flu vaccine and 282 since 1990 following all other vaccinations, they said.

The actual number of events may be higher due to underreporting in VAERS, they said, for several reasons.

First, CDC staff may have “tremendous difficulty” in processing the reports due to an overwhelming increase in VAERS reports since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Also, clinicians may not have the necessary awareness and knowledge to recognize injuries as being vaccine-related and thus may not report them in VAERS.

Moreover, they added, “The VAERS database is well known for its difficulty in entering events, making it even more challenging for healthcare workers to submit each event with limited time in a hospital or clinic setting.”

The authors said their findings are especially concerning for women of reproductive age — who are particularly at risk for certain blood clotting events in the brain, such as cerebral venous thrombosis.

The American Heart Association said in a Jan. 29 review article that roughly two-thirds of all cerebral venous thrombosis cases occurred in women of reproductive age.

Given this reality, the study’s authors called for “an immediate global moratorium on the use of COVID-19 vaccines … with an absolute contraindication in women of reproductive age.”

CDC: no plan to change COVID vaccine recommendations

The Defender asked the CDC if it planned to alter its COVID-19 vaccination recommendations in light of McCullough and his co-authors’ findings.

A CDC spokesperson told The Defender, the “CDC does not comment on findings or claims by individuals or organizations outside of CDC. Current CDC recommendations can be found here.”

The CDC has found the COVID-19 vaccines to be safe and effective, the spokesperson said. “The CDC continues to encourage Americans to get vaccinated, as the COVID-19 vaccination continues to be the best way to protect against serious illness.”

When asked specifically about the risks of COVID-19 vaccination for women of reproductive age, the CDC spokesperson directed The Defender to the CDC’s webpage COVID-19 Vaccines While Pregnant or Breastfeeding, which states that the vaccines are safe and effective.


1 thought on “Stroke Risk: COVID Shots 200 Times More Likely to Cause Blood Clots in Brain

  1. Still waiting for all these alleged criminal bastards who pushed this C0vid jab on to the global population / all those alleged mongrels who forced their employees and / or residents et al to be jabbed and all those complicit in this including all the so called \’medical professionals\’ who pushed this jab without knowing any or all the facts and thereby soiling/violating their sacred oath of patients\’ to be fully Informed Consent (mandating/duress/forcing/bullying/threatening job loss etc., is not consent) and First Do no Harm – we all await your most severe accountability and the harshest punishment possible for all the global deaths and injuries which has been allegedly totally covered up — and you had better not let these alleged big medical / big pharma / treacherous politicians / big media / big tech / elite thugs do it ever again.
    Stop the Australian Government from forming their own version of the CDC also.

    Parliamentary question – P-003358/2022
    European Parliament
    Priority question for written answer P-003358/2022
    to the Commission
    Rule 138
    Bernhard Zimniok (ID)
    At a meeting of the Special Committee held on 11 October to discuss the findings regarding COVID-19 pandemic and recommendations for the future, a Pfizer executive confirmed that the vaccine had never been tested for its ability to prevent the transmission of COVID before being put on the market.
    Data emerging since the introduction of the vaccine indicates that it is in fact unable to do so, thereby refuting the claim that the COVID-19 Digital Passport provides any guarantee of protection.

    1. Can the Commission say whether the European Medicines Agency (EMA) was aware that Pfizer/Biontech had failed to have the vaccine tested for its ability to prevent the spread of the virus before it was put on the market and whether the Commission itself was accordingly apprised of this?
    2. If not, how could the EMA and the Commission have been unaware that Pfizer/Biontech had not had its vaccine tested for its ability to prevent the spread of the virus before it was put on the market?
    3. When does the Commission intend act on this revelation and the clear body of evidence to the effect that the vaccination does not provide significant protection by abolishing the COVID-19 digital passport, which is only serving to discriminate against millions of European citizens without medical justification?

    Stroke Risk: COVID Shots 200 Times More Likely to Cause Blood Clots in Brain
    The COVID-19 vaccines had an over 1,000-fold increased risk of blood clots in the brain compared to the flu vaccine and more than a 200-fold increased risk compared to all other vaccines, according to a study by Dr. Peter McCullough and colleagues.
    Read more at The Defender >

    PLEASE continue and read full article as well as all highlighted links >

    Sonia Elijah investigates
    Source: Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to December 2022
    A bombshell study was recently published in BMJ Public Health by a group of researchers (Mostert et al.) from Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. The group’s findings were shared in the mainstream media with The Telegraph daring to write: ‘Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths.’
    The researchers from The Netherlands analysed all-cause mortality reports abstracted from 47 countries using the ‘Our World in Data’ database. Only countries that had all-cause mortality reports available for all three consecutive years (2020–2022) were included. To calculate the baseline of expected deaths, a Karlinsky and Kobak’s estimate model was used. This model uses historical death data in a country from 2015 until 2019 and accounts for seasonal variation and year-to-year trends in mortality.
    The alarming results revealed:
    The total number of excess deaths in 47 countries of the Western World was 3,098,456 from 1 January 2020 until 31 December 2022. In 2020, the year of the COVID-19 pandemic onset and implementation of containment measures, records present 1,033,122 excess deaths. In 2021, the year in which both containment measures and COVID-19 vaccines were used to address virus spread and infection, the highest number of excess deaths was reported: 1,256,942 excess deaths. In 2022, when most containment measures were lifted and COVID-19 vaccines were continued, preliminary data present 808,392 excess deaths.
    Please continue to read full article >

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