The Gang Called Victoria Police and an aggravated kidnapping in company
The Gang of criminals Called, Victoria Police and an aggravated kidnapping in company.
Victoria Police doing what they do best, using threats and intimidation to further a political or other ideology. This is the definition of of an act of terrorism in the Commonwealth of Australia.
(To the best of my ability, I have done some research on this and there are a few dots that can be joined – so if you disagree, or have an alternative view/evidence to the contrary, lets hear it…)
These ‘cops’ are now NWO cops. On their uniforms, you’ll see (if they are all weariing them) a blacked out Australian flag with a horizontal line through the middle of it. Make out of that what you will, but to me it indicates UN control, seeing blue lettering is used for the UN lettering, logo and other purposes.
So symbolically speaking, the UN is ‘crossing out’ Australian nationalism and this is practically being done in Victoria because Andrews signed Melbourne up to the Strong Cities Network some time ago. Google that title and read between the lines and you’ll see what that means.
Melbourne and by extension, Victoria, are now under UN control and that’s why the cops down there are using the tactics of brutal supression – just like the so-called UN “peacekeepers” do – military mercenaries, pretending to ‘keep the peace’. Australia be warned and rise up before this happens in your state and territory capitals…
Link to UN program – courtesy of Zac Schluter – thanks for that one Zac!