Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

‘The real plague’ is the ‘madness and disproportionality’ of politicians: Alan Jones

Sky News host Alan Jones says the real plague we are facing is the “madness and disproportionality” of politicians who can’t be told and who won’t listen.
“They are arrogant, indifferent, thoughtless, lacking in compassion, but above all, and this is the rub, ignorant,” Mr Jones said.
“We are being run by know-alls who care nothing about the damage they are doing to adults, to business, to children, and to the distrust for politicians that they are creating.
“You go to Western Australia, three cases. McGowan has locked down all of Perth and the Southern region of Peel. Four days.
“Queensland will now go into a three-day lockdown from 6 PM tonight. Local Government Areas, Townsville, Palm Island, Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan City, Moreton Bay, Redlands, Sunshine Coast, Noosa, Summerset, Lockyer Valley, Scenic Rim, and the Gold Coast.
Mr Jones reiterated the comments made by Special Envoy on COVID-19 for the WHO, Dr David Nabarro, in an interview with UK magazine The Spectator.
Dr Nabarro said, “lockdowns have just one consequence that you must never, ever belittle and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.”
“The real plague that we are facing is the madness and disproportionality of politicians. They can’t be told. They won’t listen. They won’t be interviewed – unless they get a soft run,” Mr Jones said.

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