Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

What The Technocratic Elitists Plan For Your Future


We are currently living through one of the most important periods in human history, as the biofascists move to transform the world into something out of a science fiction novel.

The following piece takes a look at some of the most pressing world-altering agendas that are currently on the horizon for the future of society – and what we can do to fight back.


The upheaval of society is not set to end there, however, with a number of moves being made (and predictions propagated) that suggest more times of ‘crises’ may be on the way.

The ‘pandemic’ changed the world in ways we are yet to fully realise, and governments across the world are now coming together to form a unified response in preparation of any future ‘outbreaks’.

In September 2023, the Australian government released a consultation paper detailing their adherence to a “global accord” on “pandemic prevention, preparedness and response”.

As was the concern, this will come in the form of negotiating an international agreement to ‘protect nations and communities from future pandemic emergencies’.

To date, member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) have met to discuss priorities for a new worldwide ‘pandemic instrument’, as well as changes to International Health Regulations (IHR).

The new paper details the two “important processes” being worked on to “strengthen the international community” as a means to “prevent, prepare for, and respond to pandemics”.

The implementation of a pandemic treaty would make any future ‘pandemic’ responses faster and more efficient, allowing for a seamless, centralised international process.

What is the timeline they are hoping to achieve this by?

The consultation paper says member states have agreed to establish an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to draft the final instrument for consideration by May 2024.

The concern by many since word broke of these discussions has been the notion that any finalised treaty is likely to include the condition that international ‘health troops’ would be able to be quickly deployed to any nation to assist outbreak responses in a unified fashion.

Effectively bypassing our national sovereignty and decision-making processes.

What raises even more eyebrows is news that Bill Gates has proposed setting up “pandemic prevention team” called ​​’Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization’, or GERM, for short.

Bill Gates speaks at TED about ‘GERM’.
Photo: AOP

This has left many wondering just what may be lying for us around the corner in the not-too-distant future, with the Big Pharma monopoly getting a taste of record profits during these periods.

If signed, any future ‘outbreaks’ would effectively be managed entirely by offshore entities, rather than at home in the face of scrutiny from the taxpaying public.

But, if that doesn’t work, one thing also being discussed heavily is the potential for a manufactured ‘water crisis’ that could transform how we consume this resource over the coming decades.


Track-and-trace systems join together.
Photo: AKJ

Smart cities and mass tracking systems have emerged in all facets of life in recent years, but as we move forward, digital identity profiles are the ‘natural’ progression to link all of this together.

Now, what was once called a ‘conspiracy’ is almost a done deal here in Australia.

In 2021, the federal government moved behind the scenes to establish an oversight body to ‘regulate’ new plans for a national digital identity system.

In August 2023, a detailed strategy was released explaining the roll out of this digital ID framework, both in the near future and long-term, and the challenges they will face in the process.

The National Strategy for Identity Resilience outlines the ‘seamless integration’ of Commonwealth, state, and territory digital ID systems, “inclusivity” in accessing services, and the roles of individuals, industry, and government in “building resilience” in a future world.

The strategy states there will be a ‘need’ for new identity management systems to “evolve alongside emerging risks”, considering ‘the importance of privacy and strong security measures’.

It also praises the role of digital credentials and biometrics in “enhancing identity resilience”.

The strategy aligns with the nation’s ambition to become ‘the most cyber-secure nation by 2030’.

Other Australian industries, particularly the banking sector, are also moving to introduce their own digital identity frameworks, with ‘secure checking services’ set to be rolled out this year.

On a state level, governments are incorporating these plans into their own services apps, following the federal myGov framework that lets users create their own digital ID for ‘easy login’.

Australian job seekers will also soon be able to “store and share verified job skills and qualifications with employers” through a newly announced ‘National Digital Skills Passport’.

This passport would function as a digital ID for job qualifications.

Together, state systems will merge with the federal government’s oversight body and national strategy of implementation, centralising the data of millions of Australians for ‘security’.

Australians once rallied in the tens of thousands to resist a national ID card, understanding how the move had the potential to become a track-and-trace gateway to total control.

It may be time for citizens to take to the streets once again to resist such Orwellian moves.


This 11-page feature piece continues to cover:

The End of Cash?

Synthetic Milk and Food

The WEF’s ‘Predictions’

The Final Revolution

Manufactured Water ‘Crisis’?

And, most importantly, what we can do our best to navigate the coming storms ahead.

The full feature is published in the latest Special Edition of New Dawn Magazine.

Available in newsagents across Australia or directly online below:


Physical and digital copy options!

Check out more of my New Dawn work by clicking here.

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