Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

After Saying COVID Jabs Won’t Be Mandatory Sco-Mo Announces Mandatory Shots For All Aged Care Workers


crazz files

The dangerous and deadly COVID vaccine rollout in Australia has just taken a dark turn with PM Sco-Mo announcing that the experimental technology will be mandatory for aged care workers across the country.

This ia a huge turnaround after Sco-Mo back flipped last year when he stated that the shots would be as mandatory as possible. Morrison backtracked after earlier suggesting vaccinations against the coronavirus could become mandatory for Australian citizens.

A survey conducted in WA among aged care nurses showed that 31 per cent would leave their job if they were forced to be vaccinated against coronavirus.

Sco-Mo is offering an $11 million grant program to encourage aged care facilities to support staff while they head out to be poisoned and killed by COVID injections.

What kind of compensation will the Australian Government be offering to all those aged care workers when they become sick from the experimental jabs or die after receiving shots.

We can clearly see that this is only the beginning of the COVID-19 jab rollout and it should be very clear to many Australians that things are only going to get worse.

Photos taken in Brisbane this week

With most of Australia now being totally locked down because of a fake virus and more restrictions being piled on every hour most Australians should now be deeply concerned.

We are now basically being told by Government, health officials, media and now the Military that the lock downs are set to continue unless we are all jabbed so it should be painfully obvious to many that this now has nothing to do with some fake virus variant.


Why aren’t the Australian media questioning Sco-Mo’s handover of the COVID-19 jab rollout to the Military and why are the Australian people just sitting around without a care in the world.

Why aren’t the Australian media or people questioning the New Bill to Allow Foreign Forces and Troops to be Used on Australian Soil? This law will allow foreign troops and foreign police forces to be used on Australian soil against the Australian people in times of a declared “emergency”. Most likely under the banner of NATO or the United Nations.

Why are people now taking photos of what appear to be US military troops on our streets and what will be the militaries exact roll and will these jabs be forced onto us?

According to these posts which i cannot confirm people are being murdered and injected in hospitals with COVID jabs while asleep so try to imagine what’s going on in nursing homes.

If i were to take a look at Australian healthcare workers and nursing home staff i would say that what is needed are massive national strikes and non compliance nation wide.

We are already starting to see Australian police spying on and using data being collected by check in apps as the COVID big brother grid gets rolled out across the country.

Anyone aware of PRE-CRIME? Pre-crime intervenes to punish, disrupt, incapacitate or restrict those deemed to embody future crime threats. The term pre-crime embodies a temporal paradox, suggesting both that a crime has not occurred and that the crime that has not occurred is a foregone conclusion.

If we as a nation continue to take this and do not stand up to fight back then the COVID-19 tyranny is only going to get worse, much worse.


1 thought on “After Saying COVID Jabs Won’t Be Mandatory Sco-Mo Announces Mandatory Shots For All Aged Care Workers

  1. Morrison is showing his true colours.
    That may be OK but what concerns me about this bloke is his slimy, behind the scenes and outa sight dealings he has been doing with the United nations and other non governmental organisations that are not elected by people but put in place by a silent power to advance their agenda. That power is the Rothschild’s and the elite English families who go back a long way. They have always controlled; it is written in history should we care to read.
    Australia is the lowest in the world for being jabbed and that has put this slimy prick we connote as PM under pressure from his overlords so more pressure on us is forthcoming.
    We have already seen cowardly fat gutted police illegally forcing a young woman to comply against her legal rights but they succeeded by force and that is against the Law.
    So much for our Law! We must ask; “do we have a law for the people.” Answer is…. we don’t, as Whitlam and his Communist comrades changed our Laws in the seventies.
    We have been under Corporate/Communist control since then.

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