Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

EXCLUSIVE: Police deploy counter-terror squad on construction workers in Melbourne

Thousands of unarmed construction workers marched Melbourne’s streets in protest of the world’s longest and harshest lockdown.

Suddenly they found themselves confronted by an armored vehicle operated by a counter-terrorism squad, backed by hundreds of riot police.

Doesn’t it make you feel safe, knowing that our tax dollars spent on beefing up Victoria’s counter-terror capabilities have now been turned on the people they were designed to protect?

Much more happened yesterday, so make sure to give me your details at so I can send you the rest of this story that you won’t see in the mainstream media.

1 thought on “EXCLUSIVE: Police deploy counter-terror squad on construction workers in Melbourne


    Victoria fascist (or bolshevi) regime deploy counter-terror squad on construction workers in Melbourne

    We will get andrews, people need to keep coming and fighting.

    people need also to organize groups, secuirty services and eventually militias. The weapons are there on the fascist thugs sent by the scum who control andrews.

    These people are scared, they are losing the narrative, they are losing the plot.

    They promised their puppet masters 70% people injected with poison, it’s not happening and they are losing.

    The secret: never ever get injected and they will lose.

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