Anti-vaxx mandate bill fails in Canadian parliament
House of Commons, Canada
Letter to the Editor
Statistics are now available about covid-19 deaths in England. It appears that in the year ending May 31, 2023 only 5% of the deaths happened to those who were unvaccinated. The more vaccines and boosters people received, the more they died. 95% of the covid casualties were from the vaccinated group.
Remember when Biden told us that only unvaccinated people would die of covid?
The caveat here is that hospitals were paid a lot of money to treat covid patients. So many cases of the common flu were attributed to covid in order to gain more government subsidies. Even so, it is of interest to note that unvaccinated people had a far greater survival rate.
Nonetheless, the Canadian parliament has failed to learn this lesson. Bill C-278 to ban vaccine mandates failed by a vote of 114-205.
Poilievre-backed anti-COVID-19 vaccine mandate bill fails to pass House
From Kev Moore