The shadow forces behind the New World Order (NWO) are following a slow-paced agenda of total control over mankind and our...
Since Google kicked off their autonomous automobile program, the goal of allowing robots to pilot a vehicle has become more...
In researching the MK ULTRA programs and their various offshoots, I came across an interesting connection to the coming SmartGrid. ...
In a recent experiment conducted at the University of Washington, scientists successfully sent the thoughts of one person through a...
Federal intelligence agencies aren't the only ones secretly collecting sensitive private information about American citizens these days; it's happening on...
A blanket video surveillance system over Beijing has turned the city into an Orwellian nightmare. Beijing police say they have...
DARPA: Creating the Ultimate Super Soldier With Brain Implants from on Vimeo. US Army: GM Soldiers of the Future...
For the very first time, a modern day Noah’s Ark has opened its doors for an exclusive inside look offering...