April 19, 2024

Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World


Thought Crimes & Lying Politicians as testing clinics are set ablaze! The writing is on the wall:

A COVID testing clinic in Sydney was set on fire with anti-government graffiti left behind with COVID cops on the scene immediately but did the cops start the fire?

NSW police just happened to be patrolling the scene and as soon as the fire was started it was of course extinguished.

Grubby and corrupt NSW police simply cannot be trusted and are looking to implement more and more restrictions onto the people.

By committing these false flag events NSW police can justify their illegal and criminal violence against the people so i would strongly say the police committed this act.

NSW police are now just a pack of criminal dogs roaming the streets looking for people to abuse, harass and arrest using Draconian emergency powers laws.

The people do not trust or respect criminal police forces anymore and it would not shock me one bit that they are setting up these false flag events to grab more power.

The police abuse around the country yesterday against peaceful protesters was disgusting and should prove to all Australians that these coward thugs simply cannot be respected or trusted ever again.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtwMWtpia0Q&t=151s


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