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Dr. Mike Yeadon: You’re Being Lied to About Chicken Influenza

By Dr. Michael Yeadon June 7, 2024

Obviously, I now understand the methodology.

There’s absolutely nothing to fear except fear itself. Familiar ring, eh?

Do remember, a century of published clinical experimentation has failed to demonstrate that, whatever the causes of acute respiratory illnesses, they are NOT CONTAGIOUS.

In no case, when a healthy person (“recipient”) was asked to remain in close proximity for hours to a person unwell with such an objectively determined illness (“donor”), like we used to use to decide if someone is unwell, did the recipient healthy person go on to develop the same symptoms.

Just to be clear, we mean here “the recipient people didn’t develop similar symptoms to those of the donor people at a frequency greater than when two healthy people shared the same space for the same period of time”.

They sought evidence of transmission, aka contagion, and failed to find it, study after study, from 1918 to the present day.

Some investigators very recently made the same kind of attempt to see if healthy recipients would “catch covid19”, whatever it was that had caused the donors here to be unwell. In that study, too, the healthy recipients did not become unwell.

I recognize that many people will reject this evidence. They’ll cast around for reasons why the conclusions must be invalid. They do that because many people are “sure” that they’ve definitely “caught” colds or the flu from sick people or that they’ve “infected” others in the same manner.

I confess I struggled with this at first, dismissing what I was being told out of hand. I did so because i, too, “knew” that in the past, I’d “caught” colds from others.

The evidence shows that this doesn’t happen.

That then simply invites us to find other explanations for our strong sense that contagion in relation to acute respiratory illnesses does happen.

Do note I’m not commenting on contagion generally. Right now, I suggest we focus only on the type of illness being used to crush our freedoms and medical autonomy. Diversionary discussions aren’t helpful.

As a scientist, I’ve explained before that one is in no way obligated to provide a new hypothesis while invalidating a current one, now shown to be in discord with a mass of empirical evidence.

However, it might be helpful in making a mental transition to be aware of some possible alternative explanations.

1. Acute respiratory illnesses are really quite common. I experience a couple of colds annually. Flu, rarely, only 3 times in my life. Being commonplace, consider how likely it is that you might develop a cold over the next couple of weeks. It’s not that low a probability. If you do, you’ll cast your mind back. If you recall a person with similar symptoms, you may well conclude you caught it from them. How many occasions did you have such encounters, yet not go on to develop a cold? It would be fair to ask that question. I think we rarely notice when we don’t “catch a cold”. Here, the explanation proposed is coincidence of two, not uncommon things.

2. People do become unwell with acute respiratory symptoms. There’s no argument against that, only it’s cause. Whatever the cause is, imagine there’s an environmental or other shared component (like diet, or even genetics). You develop a cold and someone you live with or work with shortly afterwards also goes down with a cold. While it’s entirely understandable that you both conclude it was passed between you, here I’m proposing that you both developed the same kind of illness because of shared environmental factors.

3. We’ve this mental model of causation of acute respiratory illnesses. We’re told they’re due to submicroscopic, infectious particles called “viruses”. But if they’re not the cause, what might be? I confess I do not know. However, I laid out a decent length hypothesis a while ago on this channel. Essentially, a derangement of regulation of airway surface liquid and associated mucus and the mucocilary escalator mechanism which, among others, keeps your airways in good order.

Changes in temperature, humidity, various solutes and salts, are hypothesised to trigger an inflammatory response & it’s this that we notice as “a cold”. In this hypothetical model, if you’re run down, stressed and don’t have time to attend to your bodily clues and cues, you’re more likely to develop all sorts of syndromes.

Anyway, bottom line is, you’re being lied to about chicken influenza. Ditto cow flu. Just laugh at them and point out to others, this sounds the same sort of lying & catastrophising that we heard in early 2020.

It was mad and illogical for the events that followed to have happened. None of it happened by luck. There was an agenda to amplify whatever it was for malign motives.

The same thing appears to be happening again. Oddly enough, it’s precisely the same cast of characters as last time.

Please don’t give in to fear.

Best wishes,



1 thought on “Dr. Mike Yeadon: You’re Being Lied to About Chicken Influenza

  1. UK Requires Residents to Register Chickens – War on Farming
    Posted Jun 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong
    The Great Reset requires those in power to usurp our ability to farm and cultivate our own food. What better way to control the masses than to have complete control on their ability to survive. The World Economic Forum has proposed a ban on farming, a ban on gardening, and bans on any attempt to live off the land that already provides us with all we need as humans. Nations are slowly implementing laws to restrict our access to food. In the UK, anyone owning a chicken must register with government.
    Beginning in the fall of 2024, anyone in the UK who owns a single chicken in England and Wales will be required to register their bird before October 1, 2024. Those in Scotland have until September 1, 2024, to register. The previous law required anyone with 50 or more birds to register, but the government now wants to know who may have access to eggs and meat. Poultry keepers must renew their registration every 12 months.
    The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) claims that they are simply attempting to prevent diseases from spreading. Are the people who own a handful of chickens really contributing to the spread of the bird flu? Why should people who own a single bird be required to maintain a permit with the federal government? This is government overreach at its finest. Next, they will expect an egg tax or require poultry owners to vaccinate their birds with an experimental substance.
    Make no mistake about it – these measures are intended to control the food supply. Will the people of the UK protest or fail to adhere to this asinine law? Germany already requires citizens to register their chickens, and other nations will follow the WEF agenda.

    How to create a pandemic
    Dr Sam Bailey ( )
    In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that there was a “pandemic” of a new disease called ‘COVID-19’. However, there was a critical problem from the start. On 7 July that year, the historically well-respected Cochrane group published a systematic review to determine how doctors were supposed diagnose the “new” disease in either the office or hospital setting. The conclusion of the review was staggering because it stated that:
    “based on currently available data, neither absence nor presence of signs or symptoms are accurate enough to rule in or rule out disease.”
    This meant that the traditional diagnostic techniques – taking a careful history and examining the patient – were useless in determining whether a person had the alleged new disease. Perhaps not surprisingly, something very odd was seen the following month when the WHO published its official COVID-19 case definition stating that a confirmed case was:
    “a person with laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection, irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms.”
    In other words, a loop of circular reasoning was created in which a case was defined by a test and this test defined a case. It was a monumental sleight of hand that disconnected the concept of disease from the case definition.
    Indeed, during the COVID-19 era, many aspects of time-honoured medical practice were flipped on their head. When I was a medical student 20 years ago, a large part of our training was dedicated to the art of making a diagnosis. We were cautioned that while there was an ever-increasing number of “diagnostic” tests available, the most important part was listening to the person in front of you and carefully examining them. After that, the doctor may elect to perform tests to provide confirmatory evidence for the suspected diagnosis or at least use a test to help differentiate between competing “differential” diagnoses.
    See full information and the active ‘blue links’ for this story >

    BIRD FLU PLANDEMIC 2024: The Secret Agenda
    Read More At State of the Nation
    There seems to be a great amount of confusion and misunderstanding regarding the latest Plandemic-in-the-making. As follows:
    The Latest “Bird Flu” Death is “Covid” All Over Again—[NOT]
    The perpetrators of the COVID-19 Plandemic know that it’s now impossible to pull off another fake pandemic as they did with the non-existent SARS-CoV-2 beginning in January of 2020. The world community of nations will simply resist any attempt to duplicate that engineered coronavirus hoax and society-destroying ruse.
    However, that does not mean the same genocidal perps will not try to carry out a fake Bird Flu Plandemic with the explicit intention of decimating the world’s food supply.
    The NWO scheme to manufacture a worldwide
    famine by 2025 to starve much of humanity.
    So what’s really going on here?
    As we all know by now, The Powers That Be have an endless number of complex and convoluted conspiratorial plots on the shelf designed as global depopulation schemes (COVID-19 bioweapon & weaponized Covid ‘vaccines’), as well as national genocide operations (Ukraine & Gaza).
    Next up on the New World Order agenda to systematically reduce the world’s population to 500 million are geoengineered famines and artificially manufactured mass starvations. See: 92 Million Chickens have been killed by the government for bogus bird flu BS
    In order to accomplish these major objectives, the perps are running with the rapidly evolving Bird Flu Plandemic (which has very little chance of ever becoming a human pandemic).
    Latest Bird Flu Scariant Purposefully Propagated
    To Set Stage For Next Plandemic.
    However, all the perps really care about this time around is raising the specter, as dramatically as possible, of a worldwide bird flu contagion that spreads like wildfire among the animals and especially farm livestock raised for human consumption. In this way, they can establish their false pretext to proclaim a cataclysmic famine followed by mass starvation, so they think.
    Please continue and read full article >

    Dr. Mike Yeadon: You’re Being Lied to About Chicken Influenza
    By Dr. Michael Yeadon
    June 7, 2024
    Obviously, I now understand the methodology.
    There’s absolutely nothing to fear except fear itself. Familiar ring, eh?
    Anyway, bottom line is, you’re being lied to about chicken influenza. Ditto cow flu. Just laugh at them and point out to others, this sounds the same sort of lying & catastrophising that we heard in early 2020.
    It was mad and illogical for the events that followed to have happened. None of it happened by luck. There was an agenda to amplify whatever it was for malign motives.
    The same thing appears to be happening again. Oddly enough, it’s precisely the same cast of characters as last time.
    Please don’t give in to fear.
    Please continue to read full article >

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