Even Disney Princesses Need HPV Shots, Cervical Cancer Screenings And STD Testing
After Belle marries the Beast and Tiana opens her restaurant with Naveen and Aladdin and Jasmine fly off to see the world on a magic carpet honeymoon…then what? As they’re living happily ever after, there’s probably some sex involved at some point. And that means even Disney princesses need to take responsibility for their reproductive health.
Enter writer and sex ed speaker Danielle Sepulveres and artist/illustrator Maritza Lugo, who collaborated on a series of illustrations at Sepulveres’ Tumblr showing Disney princesses visiting their gynecologists to raise awareness for Cervical Cancer Awareness Month and all the healthy behaviors that women can take to reduce their risk of this almost completely preventable cancer. Sepulveres became frustrated last fall when she and fellow writer friends had trouble successfully pitching stories to write about Gynecological Cancer Awareness Month in September. After sharing her frustration in a blog post at a cervical cancer “cervivors” site, she decided she needed a new approach to catch people’s attention when January rolled around.