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Mareeba residents suffering nose bleeds and headaches blame 5G network


Test run for Telstra 5G believed to have caused severe nose bleeds and other illnesses

Residents of the rural town Mareeba, west of Cairns, have complained to Telstra they suffered extreme nose bleeds, headaches and other physical injuries allegedly when Telstra conducted a trial run of its 5G tower in the centre of the CBD.

Telstra 5G communications tower Mareeba with the Naturopath’s clinic underneath.














In response to query from Cairns News Telstra did not deny the complaints were made.

Naturopath, Dr Aliki Strydom-Hensen whose clinic is situated approximately 20 metres from the tower, suffered extensive nose bleeds and headaches allegedly when Telstra switched on 5G for a test run in October.

She said a number of her patients had told her they too suffered similar injuries and after their complaints were made to Telstra the injuries subsided.

However it appears Telstra may not be the only culprit. Another company claiming 5G capacity at the Mareeba tower is Vodaphone according to coverage and rollout maps.

Telstra’s 5G rollout continues across Australia with more and more towers going up in cities, towns and townships making way for Artificial Intelligence to be deployed in every household.

Yet the evidence against 5G technology is becoming stronger by the day in spite of Telstra and the regulatory authority claiming it is safe to use.

Telstra maintains the operating frequencies of the 5G network are included within the limits set by the ARPANSA safety standard. 5G infrastructure and devices emitting RF EME are regulated by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), and emissions are required to comply with the limits of the ARPANSA safety standard.

A Telstra spokesman told Cairns News:

“Cities, towns and communities across the nation, including many parts of Far North Queensland, have been benefitting from the faster speeds and higher capacity that Telstra 5G delivers for some time now.

“At Telstra we take our responsibilities regarding the health and safety of our customers and the community very seriously. We also acknowledge that some people are genuinely concerned about the possible health effects from electromagnetic energy (EME) and we’re committed to addressing those concerns responsibly.

“We rely on scientific advice, not only from our own local experts, but also from international researchers at places such as the World Health Organisation. 5G is similar to both 4G and 3G when it comes to EME levels and both these technologies have been in operation across Australia for many years.”

Any research emanating from the UN WHO, based on their criminal conduct creating a fraudulent Covid plandemic, would have to be disregarded by any serious analyst.

If this is the case then RF EME, at Low Band (700 – 900MHz) – for coverage and mid band (1800 – 3600MHz) frequencies it appears, have proven to be too strong and the guidelines are insufficient to prevent injuries.

Acute problems with 5G rollout in the US

Firefighters in California counties from San Francisco to Sacramento to Los Angeles, in 2018, reported severe neurological damage, headaches, insomnia, memory problems and confusion after 5G towers were installed outside their stations. When tested, they were found to have brain abnormalities and measurable neurological deficits and firefighters have now filed to be exempt from the California law that would enforce the installment of 5G towers near their places of work.

Race horses die in Kentucky US:

12 race horses have died after EMF devices, Stridesafe, which records a horse’s physical condition during a race, were fitted to the animals.

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