Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Pornography and the Deliberate Manipulation of Human Sexuality With jeanice Barcelo

The Use Of Pornography Provides A Direct Gateway For Demonic Influence, And Every Video Or Website Opens another Door. 

Dear friends – I am pleased to announce the release of my latest work entitled Human Sexuality, Pornography and the Attack on Human Love,” which is now available on DVD as a two-part DVD set.

Jeanice Barcelo live at Free Your Mind 4, April 2016. This talk outlines the deliberate and methodical manipulation of human sexuality during the 20th century. Beginning with the Rockefeller-funded “research” of Professor Alfred Kinsey, a well known sadomasochist and pedophile, and continuing on with the introduction of pornography which now saturates our world and has been moved into kindergarten classrooms, our children, our relationships, and even our ability to love is under direct assault. In less than one hundred years, the Luciferian forces have succeeded in manipulating us to such an extent, that our sexual behaviour and attitudes have been radically altered, as well as our ability to create happy families and enduring human love. It is imperative for us to understand the mechanisms by which we and our children are being targeted so that we can put a stop to this madness and throw a kink in the control system that seeks to destroy our lives.

This talk is a condensed version of a much longer presentation which goes deep into the mechanisms by which we have been manipulated — and offers solutions regarding how we can free ourselves from this control. If you would like to know more, please visit this link:


Please also share this video widely so that others will have access to this information.

Dear friends – I am writing to enlist your support.  I believe I am under strong psychic attack.  A youtube video of my talk from Free Your Mind 4 was released today and it dealt with the Luciferian occult influence of pornography.  It appears that there are energies who are not happy about the things I shared and I am now believe I am being targeted in a serious way.

Several things have happened to today, just hours after the release of that video, that are dark and painful.   I ask you all to please hold me strongly in your prayers and perhaps visualize a container of protection around me.  Whatever you feel called to do, please do.

Sorry to trouble you with this.  I just really feel I need your support.  Thank you for your love,


Click Here To Buy: “Human Sexuality, Pornography and the Attack on Human Love,”

Also See: Human Sexuality Pornography & The Attack On Human Love With Jeanice Barcelo

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