Remote Neural Monitoring: How They Spy on Your Thoughts
How many times did you have thoughts that you never wanted to share with anyone and have been constantly worried at the thought of someone ever finding out about these thoughts? All of us have been through this process, and the new and improved technologies being developed around the world, supposedly to deal with crime and terrorism, and inadvertently intrude on one’s privacy, should probably bring us all to the brink of paranoia. These technologies are funded by governments at the highest level and some of the countries involved include USA, UK, Spain, Germany and France. Recently, the infamous National Security Agency (NSA) of the U.S.A. has developed a very efficient method of controlling the human brain. This technology is called Remote Neural Monitoring (R.N.M.) and is expected to revolutionize crime detection and investigation. R.N.M. works remotely (ever wondered why have we all been driven relentlessly towards wireless systems?) to control the brain under the objective to detect any criminal thought taking place inside the mind of a possible culprit. Inevitable question: How can you isolate a criminal thought if you do not have a comparative measure of non-criminal thoughts? This undertaking is based on two principles: The research studies have shown that the humanoid intellect thinks at a speed of about 5 kilobits per second and, therefore, does not have the capability to contest with supercomputers acting via satellites, implants and biotelemetry. The human brain has a characteristic set of bioelectric resonance structure. By using supercomputers, the R.N.M. system can home in on it, and send messages through an embedded individual’s nervous system in order to affect their performance in a preferred way. The entire system has been developed after about 50 years (!) of neuro-electromagnetic human experimentations, claimed to be involuntary, but there is no evidence to support this claim. According to many scientists involved in this program (their names are not revealed for obvious reasons), within a few years it is expected that DNA microchips, under the guise of medical breakthroughs that will be presented to launch the disease cure processes on speed and efficiency, will be implanted in the humanoid cereberum, which would make it inherently controllable. R.N.M. will then have the ability to read and govern a person’s emotional mental procedures along with the involuntary and visions. At present, around the world, supercomputers are watching millions of people at the same time, with the speed of 20 terabits per second, particularly in countries like USA, Japan, Israel and a number of European countries. A similar program is supposedly under way in Russia. How does R.N.M. work? It employs a set of programs functioning at different levels, like: The signals intelligence system which applies electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), to excite the brain for the system and the electronic brain link (EBL). The Brain Stimulation system that has been planned as particle emission intelligence, which means receiving information from unintentionally created electromagnetic waves in the environment. However, it is not related to radioactivity or nuclear detonation. The recording machines that have electronic equipment to examine electrical action in human beings from afar. This computer-generated brain charting can always record all electrical events in the cerebrum. The recording aid system deciphers individual brain maps for security purposes. The underlining technology of this system takes under consideration that the electrical activity in the speech center of the brain, can be translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts. R.N.M. can send encrypted signals to the audio cortex of the brain directly circumventing the ear. This encoding assists in detecting audio communication. It can also perform electrical mapping of the cerebrum’s activity from the visual center, which is achieved by avoiding the eyes and optic nerves, consequently projecting imageries from the subject’s mind onto a video display. With this visual and audio memory, both can be visualized and analyzed.
The machinery involved can, remotely and non-invasively, detect information by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in 30-50Hz, 5 mW electromagnetic emissions from the cerebrum. Evoked potentials are called the spikes and patterns created by the nerves, as they produce a shifting electrical pattern with an ever-changing magnetic instability, which then puts on a constant amount of electromagnetic waves. The interesting part about this is that the entire exercise is carried out without any physical contact with the subject. The EMF emissions can be decoded into current thoughts and audiovisual perception, in the subject’s gumption. It sends complicated cyphers and electromagnetic pulse signals to activate evoked potentials inside the mind, consequently generating sound and visual input in the neural circuits. With its speech, auditory and visual communication arrays, R.N.M. allows for a comprehensive audio-visual mind-to-mind connection or a mind-to-computer association. The mechanism needs to decrypt the resonance frequency of each specific site to modulate the input of information in that specific location of the cerebrum. Furthermore, R.N.M. can detect audio via microwaves, and features the broadcast of precise directives into the subconscious, producing visual disorders, illusions and instillation of words and numbers into the brain through radiation waves. With all the given paybacks for tracing the unlawful and traitorous activities, there are many alarms and dangers being pointed out by human rights advocates and scientists. The agencies of human rights, worldwide, have criticized the system as an affront to the basic human rights because it violates privacy and the dignity of considerations and events of life. Several countries have opposed it and refer to it as an offence on their human and civil rights. Along with other biological concerns voiced by scientists, R.N.M. remains a controversial technology, which is being used in many countries for security maintenance and surveillance.
George Orwell ~ 1984
“There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.”
The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system. The signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity. The mind / brain has no firewall!
The magnetic field around the head, the brainwaves of an individual can be monitored also by satellite. The transmitter is therefore the brain itself just as body heat is used for “Iris” satellite tracking (infrared) or mobile phones or bugs can be tracked as “transmitters.” In the case of the brainwave monitoring the results are then fed back to the relevant computers. Monitors then use the information to conduct “conversation” where audible Neurophone input is “applied” to the target / victim.
We are in an era in which these data processors of the human body and mind may be manipulated or debilitated. An entirely new arsenal of weapons, based on devices designed to introduce subliminal messages or to alter the body’s psychological and data-processing capabilities, can be used to incapacitate individuals. These weapons, known as Remote Neural Monitoring aim to control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data-processing systems of the human organism. In both cases, the goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in equilibrium and destroy.
Have you ever thought about something you never shared with anyone, and believed the thought was between you and God? Have you ever been angry at someone and thought “I could kill him or her” a temporary emotional expression, but knew you would not do such a thing? Have ever reminisced on the past, and experiences, which were designed to help you advance and grow, and shape you positively, and the thoughts are used against you through mind reading software?
Today with the advancement of mind reading technology, a staple in Remote Neural Monitoring programs, and programming, a capability from numerous operation center setup’s across the USA and globally, this is no long fiction but science nonfiction. Technology in research, TESTING, and ongoing develop around the world, for Remote Neural Monitoring has achieved the unimaginable by playing God. The fact is, it is not the first thought that matters, but the 3rd, 4th, and 5th or more which draw final conclusions and establish a belief which could also change, with the introduction of a new point of view or new information. However, in Remote Neural Monitoring operations, a first thought is being amplified by individuals, who in most cases, have little to no education, military and law enforcement, hired at age 18, working in state-of-the-art operation centers spearheading RNM nationwide efforts and revealing how “The Program” is working.
For example, after a target is placed into the program, operatives targeting him, or her, work in shifts around the clock looking for anyway to sabotage the target’s life or take them down. The key to this is based on what they are hearing as the target or target’s are thinking. Without access to your thoughts, used to gage what is effective, or locate any weaknesses to exploit or focus on, these efforts would not have the full, traumatic, and devastating impact, on a personal and intimate level of the psyche.
Here are a few examples of how Remote Neural Monitoring is being used on Targeted Individuals:
- You decided to go out to the store or the gym. The operator targeting you listening decides it is the perfect time to beam your legs and cripple you so that you will be unable to walk. The success is in then listening to the target’s thoughts about the pain they are feeling letting the operation know they are effective in what they are doing and it is working and useful.
- You decide on eating at your favorite restaurant later as a thought. The operator knowing your plans in advance, calls ahead and instruct’s staff you are on a list as a Domestic Terrorist, criminal, drug addict, or mentally ill patient and dangerous, etc., and staff are prepared to play along when you arrive in organized stalking efforts.
- You are watching television and a love making scene comes on. The remembrance of a normal healthy sex life flutters through your mind before the targeting. The operator then uses the patent that is documented to stimulate you sexually as a form of PsyOp, sexual terrorism, and waits for your thoughts on what is happening knowing it torment’s you. Or, you look through a fashion magazine and size up other women, something everyone women does, and think she’s so cute, love the shoe’s, etc., the operation then begins sexually stimulating you after misconstruing this thought as being an interest in women sexually and the same with any thought about men.
- You have a fear or phobia of bugs in your home, make extra efforts towards cleanliness, and find them disgusting in thought. The operator then decides that one way to bring you down would be to release a bug infestation inside your residence, beam bug nightmares, or some report even release deadly gases. You develop a fear of heights you never knew you had before. This is downloaded into the supercomputer, when the thought is registered, and when an opportune time arises in the future, and you are in a high place, those monitoring you, who have also cloned and uploaded your various emotional responses through the monitoring, then beam the computer cloned emotions back as an electromagnetic frequency.
- You think about your children and decide to call them later. The operation targeting you for years, typically want to isolate ALL targets and keep them that way, and who have also downloaded your family’s biometric signature, and that of everyone within the US, Total Information Awareness Program, and globally, immediately access the family member’s biometric signature, connect to them wherever they are on the face of the Earth and begin RNM on them by implanting negative thoughts about you or even anger even before you even pick up the phone.
- While out in public, the thoughts of people around you are being read, as the real time focus follows you from location to location, and people are being beamed that they should not like you, or various other nonsense, for whatever reason. People start acting in a manner in which is rude, out of the blue, and they have not a clue of how and why and you do not know them and never met them before.
- You think I hope they don’t give me breast cancer. The operation then believing it is a useful thought to frighten and horrify you, then begins focusing the microwave Directed Energy Weapon on your breast while still monitoring you for fear and a reaction that can be amplified with repeated attacks and used to break you down and submit. Or the beam is repeatedly focused on the inner thigh a the same location for months, with hip joint slowly deteriorating tissue and organs and depleting the fluids, you believe will surely harm you. This is also a sign to these operations of success who then escalate the torture to specific areas because you are concerned and can now be possibly controlled by the thought of death. My knees are literally being microwave cooked, dissected from my legs by the radar laser beam’s continued focus from the operation center. This is after this effort already deteriorated both hip joints while writing the first two books in this series resulting in a condition of which the surgeon said I am far too young to have after radar laser beam surgery harassment and torture by this program. Total knee replacements are imminent and the result of this effort’s inability to silence me, or force me into having the books taken down. This is especially true, due to escalated efforts, after I made Book V a free ebook download, and their inability to stop my relentless exposure efforts.
- You come home late one night and enter a pitch black house, a thought crosses your mind that someone might be inside. The satellite then begins to make sounds as if someone is opening a door or walking around upstairs.
- You are working, and deeply focused on a project, the door bell rings giving you a startle reflex. They register fear due to you being startled and heart briefly pounding. You are beamed via RNM that it is operation center personnel finally there to cause harm to you, as the they have been threatening. The satellite beam then beams a door bell sound but no one is there another day just to see if they have finally found something. Fear is a powerful control mechanism.
- If in my case, I think any thought related to my health, while the Directed Energy Weapon slowly continues covert deterioration, strategically, of my body, using non-ionizing radiation, the operator, confident that the illness will be written off as the natural aging process, or even delusions when all target’s try to explain invisible electromagnetic weapon attacks, know what your game plan before you even open your mouth trying to explain. They know that killing the target would be a sure way to silence them and also stop the book publications in slow kill operations. However, because some are relatively well known, they can’t, so working in shifts until their retirement, they become satisfied with spending 8 hours insuring that most targets live a physically, extremely painful life from ongoing cooking if the target makes it that long.
- You are relaxing at home, once a private sanctuary, comfortable, t-shirt and sweats, your hair frazzled, and not looking like a beauty queen but loving yourself and comfortable. You look in the mirror and the operator / buffoon remotely monitoring you then says, literally “She ain’t that cute” beamed from a location in the ceiling indicating a satellite or drone of which you can hear scratching around in the ceiling and following you as you move around your residence. Why does this idiot care? He cares because he is an idiot, this is his brilliant PSY OP and on the wrong team!
- In some cases, some of these operators will simply sit for his entire 8 hour shift repeating back or mimicking everything you think and believe themselves intellectual giants by doing so.
- One day one of my daughters and I were fussing about something that was not serious at all, however, she was more agitated than I. I distinctly heard one of the individuals watching everything in real time, and sounding as if projected in mid-air, and it was, using the beam, say “Beat her up!!!” In the heat of the disagreement, they were trying to nudge my daughter into fighting her mother similar to the way they nudge people into horrific acts who are then written off as mentally ill. A look came across her face that read “Where did that thought come from?” You did not have to tell me because I already knew. Most of the time, at lot of their heinous tampering, and hopes to create chaos, destroy, and use others, are done through subliminal messaging and the person believes the thought is their very own.
- Covert kill can also be applied to aneurysms, stomach cancer beams, and energy weapon heart attacks, when these efforts want to silence the target/whistleblower, or your average man or woman awakening to the technological capability. They will also simply beam the heels of your feet, which has little nerve endings and the damage gradually escalating to crippling. The whole time listening and registering your thoughts about the pain and anguish through subvocal thought reading and using this awareness to escalated the effort to destroy you. Or perhaps, deteriorating your hands with the beam believing it will stop you from activism, exposure, or creating books, etc., on your computer. Many targets also report eye cooking which results in cataract by cooking eyes lightly, even while you sleep, with extremely low frequencies. This causes your eyes to fill with fluids for no apparent reason, your feel the pressure and after which your vision begins to blur then increases to deterioration. Understand, one thing, this is a heinously motivated and inspired program!
- If these operations register that you like your hair, they will beam your head hoping to burn your hair from your head. The objective is to rape your mind, and look for anything that will emotionally traumatize the target.
Nearly every NATO country in the world is involved with use of this advanced technology under the NWO promotion of the “War on Terror” now turned loose on its citizens and those who might become troublemaking protesters, protesting against War Inc., GMO food manipulation, Big Pharma, and numerous other corrupt activities today.
The fact is Remote Neural Monitoring, has been all dressed up and promoted as useful to humanity. This is just half of the truth. The capability to beam voices directly into the human brain could be used for communication with a deaf or stroke victim. Or microwave energy weapons can be used to give a target a covert, undetectable, Heart Attack or Stroke. However, its main use today as reported by growing numbers, and packaged to the public, is as a method to revolutionize the “War on Terror,” hunt for terrorist, crime detection before a crime is committed, as a thought, or many test subjects actually nudged into in testing efforts, then targeted in bogus investigations of which never see the light of day in a Courtroom which would mean exposure the last thing wanted. As a result a person is literally interrogated, with repetitive suggestions, even while sleeping, and it played out inside their heads. If you do not accept what the effort is attempting to program into your mind, they then escalate typically, covert microwave Directed Energy Weapon coercive torture.
The fact is that today, supercomputers are sending messages through biometrics, DNA, iris, gait, facial recognition, and fingerprints uploaded of millions into supercomputers which then can track, harass, degrade, manipulate, influence and control a person even if deep within a bunker beneath the earth. Biometrics is the new paradigm.
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Biometric Satellite Surveillance or electromagnetic frequency tracking is not being promoted as a factual capability to the public.
Well over 70 years of neuro-electromagnetic, nonconsensual, involuntary human guinea pigs has bought radio frequency, EMF, extremely low frequency technology to a high state of perfection. And, according to many Military Industrial Complex scientists, and contractors, within a few years it is expected that DNA microchips will be implanted in the human brain which would make it inherently controllable. With Remote Neural Monitoring, it is already possible to read and control a person’s emotional thought processes, as stated, along with the subconscious and dreams and especially if the target is unaware of what is factually happening to them. Programming of the subconscious while in the dream state continues to be a major effort for programming and total mind control as well as hypnosis.
If you want to understand the full power of technology at play today, simply look to the global Elite controlled Hollywood. In fact the movie “Inception” was based on dream manipulation.
The synopsis reads:
It is based on a thief who steals corporate secrets through use of dream-sharing technology and who is given the inverse task of planting an idea into the mind of a CEO. Dream manipulation is also playing a major role in mind control programming. Remember that a lot of these patents are nothing new.
However, one thing is certain and must be remembered, that is, they can record emotional thought, our reactions but cannot record the feelings which are far more powerful than thought in this respect. They can record, agitation, blood pressure rising, nervousness, heart pounding, intense breathing, and listen to your thoughts when processing these experiences. However, thank God, there is no technology that can record feelings which come from the heart and have higher electromagnetic love frequency. Human intuition & wisdom are also not “machinable.” They operate at a higher frequency then what this evil is attuned to. The thought of love can be recorded but no technology can capture the invisibility of electromagnetic feelings of kindness, caring, compassion, etc. This is where this technology becomes an immoral, unethical, horrific and an evil intrusion in use by mere humans who decipher thought and do not understand that, again, it is not the first thought that is the most important. Thought and feelings and intellect work together as one setting the stage for conclusions within the understanding that thoughts and beliefs fluctuate.
Today in the very real, NWO order global effort, supercomputers are in place just for the occasion and are literally monitoring millions of people. Some have become aware of this reality, resulting in the term Targeted Individuals. Many are have their lives manipulated and influenced in a playful manner, for their amusement, and some, though Remote Neural Monitoring heinous intervention and resulting destruction, have not a clue. Some estimate that millions are being remotely monitored at a speed of 20 billion bits per second, via highly advanced computers, globally.
RNM combines functioning at different levels, for example Signals Intelligence (SIGINT). SIGINT can remotely detect and monitor a person’s bioelectric field. SIGINT has the proprietary ability to monitor remotely and non-invasively, information in the human brain. This is done by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 Hz, by the 5 milliwatt electromagnetic emissions of the brain. This system uses electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), to stimulate the brain for RNM and the electronic brain link (EBL). An invention called the Neurophone lies at the center of the debate.
The Neurophone first invented by Patrick Flanagan in 1958, was confiscated by the US government for 10 years with Flanagan placed on Secrecy Orders, and was returned to him for patenting in 1968 officially ten years later.
Your peripheral nervous system connects the nerves from the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) to the rest of the body, including the arms, hands, feet, legs, internal organs, mouth and face. The job of these nerves is to deliver signals about physical sensations back to your brain which is how the technology is being used to create pain inside of the body as many target’s report from the inside out as well as microchips.
The Neurophone first invented by Patrick Flanagan in 1958, was confiscated by the US government for 10 years with Flanagan placed on Secrecy Orders, and was returned to him for patenting in 1968 officially ten years later.
Your peripheral nervous system connects the nerves from the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) to the rest of the body, including the arms, hands, feet, legs, internal organs, mouth and face. The job of these nerves is to deliver signals about physical sensations back to your brain which is how the technology is being used to create pain “inside” of the body as many target’s report. I’ve noticed that to destroy my shoulders the beam is focused on the nerves connected to my shoulders in my upper arm by this operation.
The neuroPHONE also delivers verbal harassment directly into the human brain by those at the helm of this technology through the nervous system.
After this post the torture has increased “We have got to get her” after continually inciting me to become pro-active and this operation’s psychopathic belief that I should remain silent about this unheard of cruelty by those who appear to be programmed to be nothing more than human monsters in global efforts. One thing is certain, “We have got to get her” you can bet does not mean coming into the open or knocking on my door morally. The effort has intensified, specifically during the hours, just after midnight non-stop until around 6:30 a.m. in the early morning. When I wake to use the rest room, around 3:00 a.m., for example, it is obvious. What does this tell you? In fact, Book III is titled “Covert Technological Murder: Big Brother Approved!”
In “The Targeting of Myron May: Florida State University Gunman,” Myron May reported those who pushed him over the edge were white, through relentless racial profiling, and harassment, in a COINTELPRO type setting, but also mainly a specific group of black men. They were also factually heard in the background of our phone conversation one day when I asked him to assist in legal representation for a possible Class Action suit, heard saying, “We can’t let that happen.” A few days later Myron May went postal, shot three and died in what appeared to be a “Suicide by Cop” scheme / mission after his detailing extreme Remote Neural Monitoring combined typically with, energy weapon torture 24/7, and total covert high tech destruction of his career through what he said was the covert monitoring was at the focus. One thing must be clear, we are in the “MILITARIZED” Police State” with the use of highly advanced military technology, etc.
Neuropathy is a condition that people with Diabetes experience. Nerve damage, neuropathy, leads to amputation, for example, of a foot. This is likely why the beam is intensely focused on the inner thigh, right leg, knees, hand nerve and shoulder nerves. Any claim of technological of specific damage by government operatives would be written off as diabetes, which I don’t have and doctors saying that there is a logical medical explanation and it is definitely not technological and I must be delusional. Get the picture? This is the slow kill effort being utilized in many cases in a, I must admit, brilliant program decades long perfecting.
US Patent # 3,393,279. July 16th, 1968
US Patent # 3,647,970. March 7th, 1972
Dr Patrick Flanagan in 1958 as a teenager when he invented the Neurophone. The abstract reads that It’s a device that converts sound to electrical impulses using the nervous system. In its original form electrodes were placed on the skin but with defense department developments, the signals can be delivered via satellite. They then travel the nervous system directly to the brain (bypassing normal hearing mechanisms). Dr Flanagan’s “3D holographic sound system” can place sounds in any location as perceived by the targeted / tortured listener. This allows for a variety of deceptions for gullible victims.
Today, the use satellites and ground-based systems and devices is used to deliver verbal threats, deafening noise and propaganda; using neurophone technology. Anything from TV’s/radio’s appearing to operate when switched off through to “Voices from God” and encounters with “telepathic” aliens are all cons using neurophone technologies to torment, deceive and (most importantly) discredit agency/targets. Naturally, the system can mimic anyone’s voice with automatic computer translation into any language are incorporated.
Anecdotal evidence indicates that people like David Koresh, Martin Bryant and others could have been programmed then remotely triggered (or tricked) using harassment technologies like the neurophone. For example, John Lennon’s killer, Mark Chapman, reportedly heard voices before and after silencing the agency-hounded peace advocate. “God” apparently told him to confess verbally. Many tragedies today are back by people with similar claims.
To explain why others physically moving into the path of the laser (or whatever) do not pick up the signals, please note the following “possibilities”…
a) Kirlean photography may be an ancillary system so it’s attuned to the targets personal energy field (their unique EM waves).
b) The magnetite in our brains can act as a detectable fingerprint.
c) Equally each of us has a unique bio electrical resonance frequency in our brains. EMF Brain stimulation may be encoded so that pulsating EM signals sent to the targets brain cause audio-visual effects which only the target experiences. This, to me, is the best explanation.
d) The individuals “vibrational pattern” could be used as a signal filter like a radio receiving only the sound modulating the frequency of the station it’s tuned to.
e) The monitors simply adjust the volume downwards when you’re in a position where the signal could hit someone else’s body. Even if they heard it (briefly) they’d attribute it to another voice in the crowd etc.
If it wasn’t so effective it would not be used to facilitate silent communications between agents and military personnel. And, by numerous reports, today used in relentless, ongoing, technological harassment of millions and growing as well as attacking the nervous system within and creating intense pain.
The two-way Electronic Brain Link has become an ultimate communication goal for legalized military / law enforcement testing programs focused heavily on Remote Neural Monitoring efforts, The Neurophone or newer advancements utilizing the nervous system which can carry audio into the brain for the “Hearing Voices” effect as being the reported method deployed via satellites. Remote Neural Monitoring literally uses supercomputers which translate mind reading communication and thoughts then interpret into spoken words by using the electrical activity in the speech centre of the brain translated also as verbal thoughts expertly. Your DNA, again biometric signature, literally becomes the antenna in biometric bioelectric monitoring and tracking. Computer-generated EEG brainwave heterodyne can make a imprint of your emotional brainwave patterns, store them, then they can be beamed back to you. The recording aid system decodes individual brain maps and results in your thoughts effortlessly being displayed onto a computer monitor in which operatives, from a distance, then interact remotely with the target, who can be individuals, groups or large populations. An algorithm which is race specific as well can be set and applied to isolate certain groups for specific testing efforts.
Remote Neural Monitoring can send encoded signals to the auditory cortex of the brain directly bypassing the ear resulting in the High Tech “Hearing Voices” effect through the nervous system a characteristic of Flanagan’s Neurophone. This encoding is the source of two way audio communication aka synthetic or artificial telepathy. The electrical mapping of the brain’s activity from the visual centre of the brain, which it does by bypassing the eyes and optic nerves, thus projecting images from the subject’s brain onto a video monitor. In other words Remote Neural Monitoring allow the operatives to see literally through the eyes of the target using the target’s eyes as their operation center lens and see what you see. With both visual and audio memory, both can be visualized and analyzed. Many target’s report beaming of porn into their heads this way, which is another form of the typical sexual PsyOp terrorism designed to bring negative emotions from the target. The technological brilliance is that the entire exercise is carried out without any physical contact with the subject but EMF. The mechanism decodes the resonance frequency of each specific site to modulate the insertion of information in that specific location of the brain. RNM can also detect hearing via electromagnetic microwaves, and audio transmission to the brain for the microwave again as another two way “Hearing Voices” affect and it also features the transmission of specific commands into the subconscious, subliminally, also producing visual disturbances, visual hallucinations and injection of words and numbers in to the brain through electromagnetic radiation waves. It manipulates emotions and thoughts using the thought uploaded as the center of focus technologically, then beaming the appropriate emotion to a thought, reading thoughts remotely. This advanced system can cause pain to any nerve of the body, and allows for remote manipulation of behavior, controlling of sleep patterns, such as sleep deprivation, a priority in these operations, through which control by bioelectric communication is made easy. It can hypnotize as well and is reported to have the capability to create sleep like trance Manchurians.
The uses for RNM technology as a policing tool is pure disinformation. Any government’s use of this technology is in violation of every, Constitutional, civil and human right’s law in existence. In the new paradigm the technology is operating at every level and those working in numerous operation centers set-up, well over 100 or at least two in every state within the USA, not to mention thousands globally, are using this technology to remotely access and monitor the thoughts of millions in what can be described as nothing less than a modern day version of George Orwell’s Big Brother on STEROIDS many familiar with the capabilities of this massive program have factually concluded. Citizens are in reality being targeted as candidates for nonconsensual technology testing, neural monitoring, without ever being charged with a crime, and essentially used a lab rats as the 4th Amendment Right is completely denied them and the Constitution today non-existent.
In the United States, alone, thousands of people have already come forward to describe this technology and how it is being used to both illegally spy on them, while also manipulating their thoughts. The results is a massive cover-up by those in high, places and powerful positions, and ongoing strategic effort designed to discredit EVERYONE by using Intel Agency psychiatrist, on the payroll, who historically spearheaded early RNM programs, and who then create bogus mental disorders designed to deceptively hide the horrific truth of a program so evil no one can believe it exist, or that other human beings are capable of such cruelty, in the name of science, or control, and who appear to actually believe human lives are nothing more than human guinea pigs!
It is a well known, scientific fact, that deadly health concerns continue to become issues with the escalation of various technology and in many ways. In fact when testing first began in the 50’s at the US Embassy in Moscow, the 1800 US State Department personnel working there were used involuntarily as test subjects and ultimately were compensated after diagnosis from everything ranging from cancer, leukemia, and psychological illnesses. Scientist still believe that, like leukemia, there is a cancerous risks posed by mobile phones which also emit microwaves and numerous cell phone towers literally popping up on almost every corner.
RNM can also pose similar threats to a subject’s overall health as the heating effect of tissues with the speed of light as a known effect of high powered microwave and electromagnetic pulse weapons which I and numerous others are being literally slowly cook by within our private residences. This is the capability which is being used in deterioration of organs, then moving on to the next organ, apparently based on the belief that, again, the public will not believe what is happening and again, DECADES LONG, successful efforts at covering up reality, using the mental illness ploy, which has worked successfully in a program dating back to what Nikola Tesla called the “Death Ray,” which escalated after World War II, the grew during the Cold War, and today has become a powerful force to be reckoned through a nothing less than what can be consider a Crime of the Century backed up, supported, and covertly enforced by the globalization ideals and the dynamic of using mental programming and brainwashing of humanity and technology playing key roles as a source for the arrogance of a small few, that consider humanity as mere Sheeple!
There is nothing new under the Sun as small groups of Elitist have sought throughout the ages to control the masses! Or is it a new day? IT IS!!!
Mind reading technology has been around for decades and studies began with the invention of the Electroencephalogram in the 1920s which eventually led up to the use of highly advanced brainwave analyzing technology today.
NOTE: Don’t forget to download a **FREE EBOOK** version of Book V in this collection, “The Targeting of Myron May: Florida State University Gunman” at to your computer, smartphone, or tablet, etc., and begin reading it immediately on the device of your choosing!
United States:
Great Britain, India, Switzerland, Ethiopia, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Trinidad and Tobago, Thailand, Finland, Croatia, Denmark, etc., etc., etc.,
European Target Websites:
New Zealand:
Activist Paul Baird –
China and Asia Pacific:
Activist Solelimavis –
South Africa:
When I first published this blog the above image was within it, however, it was deleted by the operation center when I looked at the blog the next day checking for tampering. Hilarious!!!
I guess these operations want to pretend, and convince themselves, and the public, as exposure looms, that HIDING aka covertly, and destroying human lives, technologically, is a good thing and that they are doing good works!
I reinserted it and made it larger.
Many are trying to understand the great cruelty today that is creating great suffering by these numerous, well hidden operations and by those sitting at the helm of a supercomputer system, intentionally designed to give the operatives the impression of simply playing a video game, happening within the USA and in global efforts.
At the core of these efforts undoubtedly is a desire for complete control over individuals, groups, and large populations. This is a massive psycho-physical technology testing program and a dynamic that reveals ego driven efforts by those hired into these positions who appear to have become little more than programmed human monsters who will destroy ANYONE’S life from a distance. Simply laying across my bed inside my residence, once a guaranteed Constitutional Right, has become an opportunity for those seeking to silence me, and they will KILL!
What is done in the darkness inevitably, history proves, will come to light!
Brain download occurred in 2011. Since then the clandestine agencies have been doing was is called parallel construction mixing factual people with fictional acts. The project them to my visual cortex in my brain that results in images that I have to fight everyday. They program my mind with filth every night and have been controlling or manipulating my sleep. They see through my eyes and hear my hearing so therefore whatever my eyes see/ears hear, they can use to manipulate my thoughts in an attempt to make me fit a filthy narrative that they are perpetrating. Please realize that these individuals serve no government although they control government but rather a select group of individuals. Their only concern is protecting self and domination. Most of us they have been targeting since our childhoods. We are among the 2 billion that they consider expendable. Please read, if you can stomach it, Cathy O’brien’s book for starters. Key words: Monarch, Remote Neural Monitoring, Scalar Weapons, Psychic Driving etc. You will see what they are trying to protect. But again, it is not patriotism but rather self preservation disguised within nation states; this being the primary nation state. They have already taken the entire contents of my mind – my life is no longer worth living. Nevertheless, I am grateful to my lord for my life. Thank You.
Electronic harassment and electronic torture list
Below is the list of all (most) effects I experienced from these horrible electronic weapons( RNM – Remote Neural Monitoring ) High Power Microwave / Bio electro magnetic frequency wave cooks/ burn your body cells while high power ultrasound simply destroys your body cells. But in the end the result is the same, a damaged body.
Sub vocal speech Through RNM ..they can talk or speech what they want with silent slow sound
How it is applied
They read your sub vocal speech and react to it
Unbelievable at first, then you get depressed because the last thing you thought was private appears not to be private anymore. Then you accept that you probably are even more Horrible torture
Why it is applied
To drive you insane
Seeing through your eyes Through this RNM ….( user of RNM ) they can see what can targets see through their eyes. .
Voice-to-skull Through RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring ) they used to beam voices, or in fact any sound, into your head.
How it is applied
They make you hear voices that you should not hear. For example, they let you hear voices from people far away very clear as if they are standing next to you. I have experience. There are a lot of Victims who claim they are attacked by voices
Why it is applied
To drive you insane
Top of your head beam The top of your head is very sensitive. They( RNM user ) burn the top with some electro magnetic frequency wave with high range
How it is applied
They put the beam on Victims head and wait for to move
Can be very pain full if applied with enough intensity. You cannot do much with this beam on your head. Horrible torture
After effects
If applied with high intensity it may take several days for the painful feeling to disappear
Why it is applied
Prevent Victim from working, doing Victims thing
Should you worry
Yes, long term irradition may cause brain damage, tumors
Scratch beam They just beam Victim head somewhere. The normal reaction is victim will start scratching his head.
How it is applied
Mostly applied when other people can see Victim. If they do this everytime with the same people they may wonder whats wrong with Victim . They also apply this and have random people scratch their heads and then burn you
Not very painfull, mostly a short pulse, although they may keep the beam on Victim head and remove it after Victim start scratchin his head
Why it is applied
Drive Victim out of his mind, drive Him angry
Headache beam This beam gives Victim a headache. It is some kind of high intensity low frequency beam. The headache appears suddenly and also disapears suddenly
Can be very painful
Sickness/Alcohol beam The feeling is that victim feel a little bit dizzy, see thing a little foggy.
How it is applied
They( RNM user ) may apply this when you drink your first glass of beer, wine, etc. or when you have a cold, or are sensitive to hay fever
Cooking They put the microwave beamer on victim head and victims head is heated. They( RNM user) may do this after you drink a glas of wine, but also after you turn on the central heating of your appartment. You will feel hot, sick, slow.
Ear short burst
Victim ear is bursted , they ( RNM user ) beam hit Victim eardrum. Victim eardrum cooked /damaged .
Ear continuous beam Victim ear is beamed for very long time just to present victim pain, they( RNM user ) want victim to move.
It appears victim eardrum and surrounding area is very sensitive. This is very painful.
Eye blur Victim eye is bursted and you have instant blurred vision. Often victims eye will start tearing
Not really painfull but victim cannot do much this is they ( RNM user ) do for making victim angry
Why it is applied
hamper victim from working
Should you worry
Yes, this is very damaging for victim eyes
Eye sting victim eye is bursted with some kind of laser beam
Like they ( RNM user ) drive a needle into victim eye. Very painful
Why it is applied
Stress discomfort
Just below eye, tremble
They( RNM user) beam at they area below your eye and the flesh below it starts trembling. They can do this in shops and through wall
Forced to Sneeze Victim are forced to sneeze. This is a tinglin sensation that can make victim sneeze in an instant
How it is applied
victim can turn his head in the other direction or hold his hand before his nose to make sure the attack is caused by electronic weapons by the RNM user
Why it is applied
To make victim angry and react to something
Runny nose
Victim feel that he have a runny nose but do not have a cold. He may start thinking that some kind of strange cold but he have not. Once he is out of the beam, the runny nose disappears.
Cough burst
Victim throat is attacked with a high intensity , victim start coughing instantly. This coughing does not look like normal coughing. Victim will have a sore throat immediately afterwards.
Dry cough
Like something fluid /moisture sticks in victim lungs, or sometimes victim throat. When victim breath he hear/feel a rasping sound. After doing this kind of sensation victim got cough very hard .
Blackout beam
This is very high intensity burst on your head. There is no pain but it feels like the result having been hit on the head very hard. You feel a bit dizzy and your ears are ringing
On top of shoulder A very painfull beam on the top of victim shoulder
Why it is applied
Just torture
Cook , heated chest/lungs I call this beam: through-body-beam. victim are really heated by this beam. If applied with enough intensity you will feel a burning sensation on the back (where it enters), then feel the beam heat insde, then victim feel a burning sensation on the other part of his body where the beam leaves in victims body
You feel like being microwaved. Very painfull, horrible torture
Cooking/ Burning sensation
They ( RNM user ) put the RNM beam on victim body for a long time and victim have the feeling he is burning alive which in effect is a very accurate description of what is being done
You feel like being cooked/ burning by sensation , horrible torture
Burp beam This is a low power sophisticated version of the chest/lungs cook/heated beam. It is difficult to locate the source direction.
How it is applied
It takes approx. 2-3 seconds to make you burn, make your body react to events. They also may apply low intensity, so you get an irresistable urge to burp but cannot
Horrible torture
Why it is applied
To make victim suffer. This applied sometimes once every five minutes, but sometimes also several times a minute to let victim body react to events like cars passing your window. Horrible torture.
Heart attack incl. extra beam from left behind This is a low frequency high power beam aimed at your heart, mostly from a position somewhere in front of victim . To maximze the effect they simultaneously beam victim from the left behind position with a microwave cook beam.
How it is applied
As they may apply the from behaind beam for a long period victim flesh around the heart area may get heated and the whole area may feel painfiul and stiff
This really gives you the feeling of having a heart problem, and in fact you have!. Horrible torture
After effects
It may take several days before you recover (if they stop the beam)
Should you worry
Yes, your heart is vital
Heart attack high power burst
This is a very high power burst of very short duration, 1 second or less, that will give you immediately an extremely painful heart (area). This beam is really amazing: I believe it can kill you in an instant
How it is applied
They can do this through wall anytime
Horrible torture
After effects
It may take several days before your body recovers and it all feels normal again
Should you worry
Yes, your heart is vital
Heart attack blobbing feeling, heart pulsing strangely, randomly
This may be done separate from other heart attacks. Victim heart may start feel pulsing funny, the feeling is very massive, it also feels like the heart lost control of normal heart rate and just pulses somewhat
How it is applied
Not only frightening but also very painful
Pressure beam
They( RNM user ) put a pressure beam on Victims chest this will take Victims breath away and he might think he’s having a heart problem. This can have various intensities
Back burning They ( RNM user) burn the skin of victims back. This can be low intensity or high intensity. The feeling is victim have a sun burn, in case of high intensities it will also color of victim back a little red.
How it is applied
This almost instant skin cooking/Heating by high intensity of electro magnetic wave.
Why it is applied
Present pain. To move victim out of the way, to make him leave the present location .
Electric shower This is an overwhelming effect. This is like a shower but not with water but with electronic pulses.
Heating The temperature of your body is increased giving you the feeling you have a flu or some kind of illness.
Spleen beam Beaming in your side gives you the idea you have spleen pain
How it is applied
They often do this during high intensity sport activities. The idea is to make you belive you have real spleen pain and will stop your exercise
They cook/heat victim biceps to reduce their power , make them feel painful when victim load them during e.g. swimming or during exercise This may be done to hamper victim from doing his such kind of activity .
muscle weakening in hand They( RNM user ) beam victims hands. The result is that victim can not hold a pen between thumb and finger like he used to, also he can not put his fingers against each other (like making a cup with his hand). They( RNm user ) do this to distract victim from working or doing your sports e.g. swimming.
Stomach cooking/ Heating
They put a beam on victim stomach and the stomach begins to bubble like something is heating inside.
How it is applied
They( RNm user ) often do this at night.
Should you worry
Yes, long term irradition may cause stomach cancer, tumors
Kidney damage
With some kind of ultrasound beam they( RNM user ) attack victim kidneys. The feeling is like you have been kicked over and over in his sides. This is like the feeling that is described by patients that have their kidney stones crushed by ultrasound.
Intestines cooking, urge to defecate
They cook/ Heat Victim intestines and victim feel he have to fart but cannot.
Fart beam
They( RNM user ) beam victim intestines and it will start bubbling. After some time he will have to fart
Why it is applied ; – this is appied to make victim angry
Blind gut attack
They( RNM user ) beam the area around your tail bone. After a short period, depending on the intensity this may take 60 seconds or more, you will feel horrible cramps.
This pain makes you crawl on the floor. Horrible torture
After effects
It takes at least one hour before the horrible cramps get a litle less painful.
How to detect
With normal cramps you will have other parts of your body react as well, like heavy sweating. In this case there is just intense pain.
They ( RNM user ) attacked victim intestines by beam to make victim a very strong feeling to go to the toilet. By continuously beaming make victim very heavy diarrhea
Why it is applied
Keep you out of important events, e.g. A lawsuit where you have to defend yourself
Erection termination
This beam makes victim erection go away, if victim are a man of course. This can be done in 20-30 seconds. Depending on the direction of the beam your intestines may start bubbling though not very loud
Urge to urinate
They beam victim lower body so victim will feel the urge to urinate. It is difficult to ignore and there will come a moment victim will have to do this when the beam continues.
Block burst
The feeling is that victim movement is blocked. You must take care not to fall or make a strange move
Short beams
This will cause pain to your knee
High intensity beaming They ( RNM user ) put the beamer on Victim knee and make sure it stays there for hours. The location may vary just above the knee cap can cause a lot of pain. This will result in very much pain and a very sensitive knee.
How it is applied
After a few days victim knee hurts a lot when walking. They may apply this also when biking to make him think something is wrong with victims knee
Very painful, horrible torture
Calf Heating sensation They( RNM user ) apply low intensity, low power beam to Victim legs, e.g. When he is in bed. His muscles, legs feel stif the next morning. They( RNM user ) start cooking the calfs after victim finished running, and after some time before victim want to go running.
How it is applied
What happens when you increase load on heated muscles? They tear apart
Very painful, horrible torture
Why it is applied
distract you from running, or , hamper to do any other work movements
Calf Bursting This beam is in fact a very high power burst and can cook/Heat your calf from hundreds of meters in a split second. If you are running your heated muscles will tear apart and you have instant injury. See also Heart attack high power burst. You may notice the following feeling: a needle going in and out of your calf within a second
FeelingVery painful, horrible torture
Why it is applied
Prevent you from runningm, other sports
Skin cooking/Heating They ( RNM user ) heat the skin of victims skin with very high intensities. When he is running, the skin injury is a well-known. They may start heating the skin of victim
Very painful, horrible torture
Why it is applied
Prevent you from running, other sports
Heel muscle
The heat victims heel muscle. This muscle does not contain much nervous so it is difficult to detect before the damage has been done. Then he will think back and remember there was something wrong the previous day or days.
Walking can be painful.
Why it is applied
Prevent you from running, other sports
Ankle They cook/ heat victim ankles, just to cause him pain. victim feel the beam and it is difficult to keep his leg in the same position because of the pain. This is often a applied for a long period of time, several hours.
Very painful
After effects
May take several days to disappear when applied with high intensities
Foot They ( RNM user ) beam very hard in the center of your foot
Very painful, horrible torture
Toes They( RNM user ) pick a single toe and beam it for several days in a row
Feeling Painful
Toes insane They( RNM user ) burst victim toes with with max power very short burst beam, and do this several times. This causes insane pain.
Foot block Ultrasonic beam to block the movement of a foot. If victim are not prepared for this block victim may fall.
Shaking sensation
Victim whole body starts shaking like being in a aircraft in bad weather. The frequency is around 5 Hz. .Generally they (RNM user) used this sensation to female to make them seduce
Scratching They apply a scratch beam to any part of victim body. This beam is very hard to resist. Before you know it you may start scratching himself like crazy…. A itchy skin damage come out through this sensation
Horrible torture
Tremble apart
Some high power acoustic beamer is aimed at victim leg and after some time his leg feels non-cooperative, not part of his body anymore
Sleepy feeling They ( RNM user ) beam victim with a frequency that makes him really feel sleepy. victim will start sleeping and cannot keep his eyes open. This effect starts very suddenly and often ends very abrupt.
How it is applied
They may also do this by devices built into your car
Not a very pleasant feeling but very disturbing or damaging
Force awake
With this well-known beam they will keep you awake, torture you from sleeping. This way they( RNM user ) wear victim out, may be the next day he have an important meeting or must finish important work.
Sweating, nauseous, vomit feeling Victim start sweating suddenly, victim feel dizzy, victim think he may have to vomit. When applied with enough intensity he will start to vomit, he will need at least 30 minutes to recover a little bit from this attack, but it will take hours before his body is acting a bit like before the attack.
How it is applied
They( RNM user ) may do this when you are with a friend. And vomit beam also.
Horrible torture
Induce dreams
victim have strange dreams about things but the dreams are not like dreams victim had before. The dreams may refer to very recent events in his life, like a person he met, a movie he saw, it is another form of reacting to events in his life
How it is applied ; actually when victim is sleeping that time RNM user talk with victims brain through this RNM bio electro magnetic frequency wave ,,,,what the victim listen from RNM user during sleeping he got that whole thing as a dream
Sleep deprivation This done by directed energy assaults from this RNM bio electro magnetic wave
frequency, generally victim awake forcefully
Bio Electro Magnetic wave / Mind control/ gangstalker harassment
Information about RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) user [KAJAL KANTI DEY , (m) -+918276909442 /+918584929823
His Add : 8/3/26A , jessore road Kolkata-28 , India
& PRATIK DEY ( kajal kanti’s brother in law) , His Add:-sodepur, west bengal, India
they harass people by RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring brain controle thought this RNM machine) . I would like to inform you that , I am living in Kolkata , my born and brought up in here Kolkata. This person ( kajal kianti Dey ) have 2 piece of RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) & 1 piece of RNM he gave to his Brother-in- law (Pratik Dey ). (Kajal kanti Dey’s sister name is kakoli Dey ( but I don’t know she have this RNM or not )Past 3year and 6 month I have been tortured by them by varies way like ( voice to skull , memory kill, view victim’s eyes , listen& slang words use against me, body itching , illness , forced sleep, forced wake, High heat, Mentally torture, hamper in my job ,In my comparative exams & my personal data information etc, they Hampering my life by RNM (Machine )which is connect to Human Brain (frequency level )through Bioelectro magenatic wave frequency .They harass lot’s of Female’s in Kolkata & in our locality by Sexually ( Through Visual cortex of Victim’s Eyes they can see ) and some Valgur sensation by this RNM (Machine ). (RNM) stands for” REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING “have such features through which they have been tortured by people & females ( this is a Bioelectro Magnetic weapon technology which is generally not use in Kolkata civil area) But They( kajal kanti Dey & Prathik Dey ) generally target to female’s and sexually use this RNM (machine) to harass and torture them, some Minister and VIP’s information they have been observed by this connection of RNM( machine) as for Entertainment of themself. This Machine (RNM) can’t be detect by any normal way (necessary equipment oscillating scanners etc help to detect the interference of this connection ) , help me and raise my Voice against this kind of antisocial , violence , harassment , torture against women’s and people in Kolkata (dum dum & sodepur) , which is against Law.(Kajal Kanti Dey & Pratik Dey ) both generally shows their character in public as a wise person but actually they are not, both are a Poisson in human’s life . They have 3 piece of RNM , which is very dangerous in human’s life .
Vulnerable Criminal Activity through “Remote Neural Monitoring(RNM) – Remote Brain Mapping”
RNM (Environment Violation)
1. Huge Fraud – Making artificial environment by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
2. Prostitution Business – Breaking human own privacy to make prostitute & Sexual
Excitement by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
3. Assassination – Remote Brain Mapping, brain wash & Bio-telemetry using RNM
4. Pre-planned Rape – Remote Brain Mapping & Bio-telemetry using RNM
5. Blackmail – Breaking human own privacy & Bio-telemetry using RNM
N.B. – please help me where I have to report this complain kindly notice this kind of electronic harassment ,,,not only me they victimise lots of females also in kolkata , females are helpless & suffer with this bio electro wave frequency connection and me too .
Kunal (RNM Victim)
kolkata, India
Bio Electro Magnetic wave / Mind control/ gangstalker harassment
Information about RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) user [KAJAL KANTI DEY , (m) -+918276909442 /+918584929823
His Add : 8/3/26A , jessore road Kolkata-28 , India
& PRATIK DEY ( kajal kanti’s brother in law) , His Add:-sodepur, west bengal, India
they harass people by RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring brain control thought this RNM machine) . I would like to inform you that , I am living in Kolkata , my born and brought up in here Kolkata. This person ( kajal kianti Dey ) have 2 piece of RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) & 1 piece of RNM he gave to his Brother-in- law (Pratik Dey ). (Kajal kanti Dey’s sister name is kakoli Dey ( but I don’t know she have this RNM or not )Past 3year and 6 month I have been tortured by them by varies way like ( voice to skull , memory kill, view victim’s eyes , listen& slang words use against me, body itching , illness , forced sleep, forced wake, High heat, Mentally torture, hamper in my job ,In my comparative exams & my personal data information etc, they Hampering my life by RNM (Machine )which is connect to Human Brain (frequency level )through Bioelectro magenatic wave frequency .They harass lot’s of Female’s in Kolkata & in our locality by Sexually ( Through Visual cortex of Victim’s Eyes they can see ) and some Valgur sensation by this RNM (Machine ). (RNM) stands for” REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING “have such features through which they have been tortured by people & females ( this is a Bioelectro Magnetic weapon technology which is generally not use in Kolkata civil area) But They( kajal kanti Dey & Prathik Dey ) generally target to female’s and sexually use this RNM (machine) to harass and torture them, some Minister and VIP’s information they have been observed by this connection of RNM( machine) as for Entertainment of themself. This Machine (RNM) can’t be detect by any normal way (necessary equipment oscillating scanners etc help to detect the interference of this connection ) , help me and raise my Voice against this kind of antisocial , violence , harassment , torture against women’s and people in Kolkata (dum dum & sodepur) , which is against Law.(Kajal Kanti Dey & Pratik Dey ) both generally shows their character in public as a wise person but actually they are not, both are a Poisson in human’s life . They have 3 piece of RNM , which is very dangerous in human’s life .
Vulnerable Criminal Activity through “Remote Neural Monitoring(RNM) – Remote Brain Mapping”
RNM (Environment Violation)
1. Huge Fraud – Making artificial environment by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
2. Prostitution Business – Breaking human own privacy to make prostitute & Sexual
Excitement by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
3. Assassination – Remote Brain Mapping, brain wash & Bio-telemetry using RNM
4. Pre-planned Rape – Remote Brain Mapping & Bio-telemetry using RNM
5. Blackmail – Breaking human own privacy & Bio-telemetry using RNM
N.B. – please help me where I have to report this complain kindly notice this kind of electronic harassment ,,,not only me they victimise lots of females also in kolkata , females are helpless & suffer with this bio electro wave frequency connection and me too .
(RNM Victim)
kolkata, India
Revised: Brain download occurred in 2011. Since then the clandestine agencies have been doing what is called parallel construction mixing factual people with fictional acts. They project signals via scalar technology (no protection) to my visual cortex in my brain that results in images that I have to fight everyday. They program my mind with filth every night and have been controlling or manipulating my sleep. They see through my eyes and hear my hearing so therefore whatever my eyes see/ears hear, they can use to manipulate my thoughts in an attempt to make me fit a filthy narrative that they are perpetrating. Please realize that these individuals serve no government although they control government, but rather they serve a select group of individuals: that is my belief. Their only concern is protecting themselves and domination of any they target. Most of us (targeted individuals) have been targeted since our childhoods. In my case, I believe strongly so. My Belief is that we are among the 2 billion that I have read the elite consider expendable. Please read, if you can stomach it, Cathy O’brien’s book for starters. Key words: Monarch, Remote Neural Monitoring, Scalar Weapons, Psychic Driving etc. You will see what they are trying to protect. But again, I believe that it is not patriotism but rather self preservation disguised within nation states; this being the primary nation state I believe where these technologies receive their largest propagation. They have already taken the entire contents of my brain, have scrutinized the information, and have attacked my person every since. My life is no longer worth living – the integrity of my thoughts and memories are no more. Nevertheless, I am grateful to my lord for my life. By HIS mercy and power I donot fear them although I have no secret to use against them. I sickens me that they are emboldened because they feel that they know everything about me, see and hear all that I do. I have never felt hate but now I fight its ugliness everyday. Thank You.
Hi, my name is Daevon. Im a victim of RMN . I found your information to be very informative . I have a question… Where and how did you obtain such in-depth knowledge pertaining to the application of Remote Neural Monitoring , andis there a modern patent Remote Neural Monitoring? Please respond at your earliest convenience . Thank You.
Sincerely ,
Pretty fucked up, let’s see what happens when we target them with their own shit
Bio Electro Magnetic wave / Mind control/ gangstalker harassment
Information about RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) user [KAJAL KANTI DEY , (m) -+918276909442 /+918584929823
His Add : 8/3/26A , jessore road Kolkata-28 , India
& PRATIK DEY ( kajal kanti’s brother in law) , His Add:-sodepur, west bengal, India
they harass people by RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring brain controle thought this RNM machine) . I would like to inform you that , I am living in Kolkata , my born and brought up in here Kolkata. This person ( kajal kianti Dey ) have 2 piece of RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) & 1 piece of RNM he gave to his Brother-in- law (Pratik Dey ). (Kajal kanti Dey’s sister name is kakoli Dey ( but I don’t know she have this RNM or not )Past 2 year and 6 month I have been tortured by them by varies way like ( voice to skull , memory kill, view victim’s eyes , listen& slang words use against me, body itching , illness , forced sleep, forced wake, High heat, Mentally torture, hamper in my job ,In my comparative exams & my personal data information etc, they Hampering my life by RNM (Machine )which is connect to Human Brain (frequency level )through Bioelectro magenatic wave frequency .They harass lot’s of Female’s in Kolkata & in our locality by Sexually ( Through Visual cortex of Victim’s Eyes they can see ) and some Valgur sensation by this RNM (Machine ). (RNM) stands for” REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING “have such features through which they have been tortured by people & females ( this is a Bioelectro Magnetic weapon technology which is generally not use in Kolkata civil area) They generally target to female’s and sexually use this RNM (machine) to harass and torture them, some Minister and VIP’s information they have been observed by this connection of RNM( machine) as for Entertainment of themself.This Machine (RNM) can’t be detect by any normal way (necessary equipment oscillating scanners etc help to detect the interference of this connection ) , help me and raise my Voice against this kind of antisocial , violence , harassment , torture against women’s and people in Kolkata (dum dum & sodepur) , which is against Law.(Kajal Kanti Dey & Pratik Dey ) both generally shows their character in public as a wise person but actually they are not, both are a Poisson in human’s life . They have 3 piece of RNM , which is very dangerous in human’s life .
Vulnerable Criminal Activity through “Remote Neural Monitoring(RNM) – Remote Brain Mapping”
RNM (Environment Violation)
1. Huge Fraud – Making artificial environment by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
2. Prostitution Business – Breaking human own privacy to make prostitute & Sexual
Excitement by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
3. Assassination – Remote Brain Mapping, brain wash & Bio-telemetry using RNM
4. Pre-planned Rape – Remote Brain Mapping & Bio-telemetry using RNM
5. Blackmail – Breaking human own privacy & Bio-telemetry using RNM
N.B. – please help me where I have to report this complain kindly notice this kind of electronic harassment ,,,not only me they victimise lots of females also in kolkata , females are helpless & suffer with this bio electro wave frequency connection and me too .
kunal (RNM Victim)
kolkata, India
Hello! Someone in my Facebook group shared this website with us so I came to check it out. I’m definitely enjoying the information. I’m bookmarking and will be tweeting this to my followers! Outstanding blog and superb design and style. dkebbeadedkkkckk
Electronic harassment and electronic torture list
Below is the list of all (most) effects I experienced from these horrible electronic weapons( RNM – Remote Neural Monitoring ) High Power Microwave / Bio electro magnetic frequency wave cooks/ burn your body cells while high power ultrasound simply destroys your body cells. But in the end the result is the same, a damaged body.
Sub vocal speech Through RNM ..they can talk or speech what they want with silent slow sound
How it is applied
They read your sub vocal speech and react to it
Unbelievable at first, then you get depressed because the last thing you thought was private appears not to be private anymore. Then you accept that you probably are even more Horrible torture
Why it is applied
To drive you insane
Seeing through your eyes Through this RNM ….( user of RNM ) they can see what can targets see through their eyes. .
Voice-to-skull Through RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring ) they used to beam voices, or in fact any sound, into your head.
How it is applied
They make you hear voices that you should not hear. For example, they let you hear voices from people far away very clear as if they are standing next to you. I have experience. There are a lot of Victims who claim they are attacked by voices
Why it is applied
To drive you insane
Top of your head beam The top of your head is very sensitive. They( RNM user ) burn the top with some electro magnetic frequency wave with high range
How it is applied
They put the beam on Victims head and wait for to move
Can be very pain full if applied with enough intensity. You cannot do much with this beam on your head. Horrible torture
After effects
If applied with high intensity it may take several days for the painful feeling to disappear
Why it is applied
Prevent Victim from working, doing Victims thing
Should you worry
Yes, long term irradition may cause brain damage, tumors
Scratch beam They just beam Victim head somewhere. The normal reaction is victim will start scratching his head.
How it is applied
Mostly applied when other people can see Victim. If they do this everytime with the same people they may wonder whats wrong with Victim . They also apply this and have random people scratch their heads and then burn you
Not very painfull, mostly a short pulse, although they may keep the beam on Victim head and remove it after Victim start scratchin his head
Why it is applied
Drive Victim out of his mind, drive Him angry
Headache beam This beam gives Victim a headache. It is some kind of high intensity low frequency beam. The headache appears suddenly and also disapears suddenly
Can be very painful
Sickness/Alcohol beam The feeling is that victim feel a little bit dizzy, see thing a little foggy.
How it is applied
They( RNM user ) may apply this when you drink your first glass of beer, wine, etc. or when you have a cold, or are sensitive to hay fever
Cooking They put the microwave beamer on victim head and victims head is heated. They( RNM user) may do this after you drink a glas of wine, but also after you turn on the central heating of your appartment. You will feel hot, sick, slow.
Ear short burst
Victim ear is bursted , they ( RNM user ) beam hit Victim eardrum. Victim eardrum cooked /damaged .
Ear continuous beam Victim ear is beamed for very long time just to present victim pain, they( RNM user ) want victim to move.
It appears victim eardrum and surrounding area is very sensitive. This is very painful.
Eye blur Victim eye is bursted and you have instant blurred vision. Often victims eye will start tearing
Not really painfull but victim cannot do much this is they ( RNM user ) do for making victim angry
Why it is applied
hamper victim from working
Should you worry
Yes, this is very damaging for victim eyes
Eye sting victim eye is bursted with some kind of laser beam
Like they ( RNM user ) drive a needle into victim eye. Very painful
Why it is applied
Stress discomfort
Just below eye, tremble
They( RNM user) beam at they area below your eye and the flesh below it starts trembling. They can do this in shops and through wall
Forced to Sneeze Victim are forced to sneeze. This is a tinglin sensation that can make victim sneeze in an instant
How it is applied
victim can turn his head in the other direction or hold his hand before his nose to make sure the attack is caused by electronic weapons by the RNM user
Why it is applied
To make victim angry and react to something
Runny nose
Victim feel that he have a runny nose but do not have a cold. He may start thinking that some kind of strange cold but he have not. Once he is out of the beam, the runny nose disappears.
Cough burst
Victim throat is attacked with a high intensity , victim start coughing instantly. This coughing does not look like normal coughing. Victim will have a sore throat immediately afterwards.
Dry cough
Like something fluid /moisture sticks in victim lungs, or sometimes victim throat. When victim breath he hear/feel a rasping sound. After doing this kind of sensation victim got cough very hard .
Blackout beam
This is very high intensity burst on your head. There is no pain but it feels like the result having been hit on the head very hard. You feel a bit dizzy and your ears are ringing
On top of shoulder A very painfull beam on the top of victim shoulder
Why it is applied
Just torture
Cook , heated chest/lungs I call this beam: through-body-beam. victim are really heated by this beam. If applied with enough intensity you will feel a burning sensation on the back (where it enters), then feel the beam heat insde, then victim feel a burning sensation on the other part of his body where the beam leaves in victims body
You feel like being microwaved. Very painfull, horrible torture
Cooking/ Burning sensation
They ( RNM user ) put the RNM beam on victim body for a long time and victim have the feeling he is burning alive which in effect is a very accurate description of what is being done
You feel like being cooked/ burning by sensation , horrible torture
Burp beam This is a low power sophisticated version of the chest/lungs cook/heated beam. It is difficult to locate the source direction.
How it is applied
It takes approx. 2-3 seconds to make you burn, make your body react to events. They also may apply low intensity, so you get an irresistable urge to burp but cannot
Horrible torture
Why it is applied
To make victim suffer. This applied sometimes once every five minutes, but sometimes also several times a minute to let victim body react to events like cars passing your window. Horrible torture.
Heart attack incl. extra beam from left behind This is a low frequency high power beam aimed at your heart, mostly from a position somewhere in front of victim . To maximze the effect they simultaneously beam victim from the left behind position with a microwave cook beam.
How it is applied
As they may apply the from behaind beam for a long period victim flesh around the heart area may get heated and the whole area may feel painfiul and stiff
This really gives you the feeling of having a heart problem, and in fact you have!. Horrible torture
After effects
It may take several days before you recover (if they stop the beam)
Should you worry
Yes, your heart is vital
Heart attack high power burst
This is a very high power burst of very short duration, 1 second or less, that will give you immediately an extremely painful heart (area). This beam is really amazing: I believe it can kill you in an instant
How it is applied
They can do this through wall anytime
Horrible torture
After effects
It may take several days before your body recovers and it all feels normal again
Should you worry
Yes, your heart is vital
Heart attack blobbing feeling, heart pulsing strangely, randomly
This may be done separate from other heart attacks. Victim heart may start feel pulsing funny, the feeling is very massive, it also feels like the heart lost control of normal heart rate and just pulses somewhat
How it is applied
Not only frightening but also very painful
Pressure beam
They( RNM user ) put a pressure beam on Victims chest this will take Victims breath away and he might think he’s having a heart problem. This can have various intensities
Back burning They ( RNM user) burn the skin of victims back. This can be low intensity or high intensity. The feeling is victim have a sun burn, in case of high intensities it will also color of victim back a little red.
How it is applied
This almost instant skin cooking/Heating by high intensity of electro magnetic wave.
Why it is applied
Present pain. To move victim out of the way, to make him leave the present location .
Electric shower This is an overwhelming effect. This is like a shower but not with water but with electronic pulses.
Heating The temperature of your body is increased giving you the feeling you have a flu or some kind of illness.
Spleen beam Beaming in your side gives you the idea you have spleen pain
How it is applied
They often do this during high intensity sport activities. The idea is to make you belive you have real spleen pain and will stop your exercise
They cook/heat victim biceps to reduce their power , make them feel painful when victim load them during e.g. swimming or during exercise This may be done to hamper victim from doing his such kind of activity .
muscle weakening in hand They( RNM user ) beam victims hands. The result is that victim can not hold a pen between thumb and finger like he used to, also he can not put his fingers against each other (like making a cup with his hand). They( RNm user ) do this to distract victim from working or doing your sports e.g. swimming.
Stomach cooking/ Heating
They put a beam on victim stomach and the stomach begins to bubble like something is heating inside.
How it is applied
They( RNm user ) often do this at night.
Should you worry
Yes, long term irradition may cause stomach cancer, tumors
Kidney damage
With some kind of ultrasound beam they( RNM user ) attack victim kidneys. The feeling is like you have been kicked over and over in his sides. This is like the feeling that is described by patients that have their kidney stones crushed by ultrasound.
Intestines cooking, urge to defecate
They cook/ Heat Victim intestines and victim feel he have to fart but cannot.
Fart beam
They( RNM user ) beam victim intestines and it will start bubbling. After some time he will have to fart
Why it is applied ; – this is appied to make victim angry
Blind gut attack
They( RNM user ) beam the area around your tail bone. After a short period, depending on the intensity this may take 60 seconds or more, you will feel horrible cramps.
This pain makes you crawl on the floor. Horrible torture
After effects
It takes at least one hour before the horrible cramps get a litle less painful.
How to detect
With normal cramps you will have other parts of your body react as well, like heavy sweating. In this case there is just intense pain.
They ( RNM user ) attacked victim intestines by beam to make victim a very strong feeling to go to the toilet. By continuously beaming make victim very heavy diarrhea
Why it is applied
Keep you out of important events, e.g. A lawsuit where you have to defend yourself
Erection termination
This beam makes victim erection go away, if victim are a man of course. This can be done in 20-30 seconds. Depending on the direction of the beam your intestines may start bubbling though not very loud
Urge to urinate
They beam victim lower body so victim will feel the urge to urinate. It is difficult to ignore and there will come a moment victim will have to do this when the beam continues.
Block burst
The feeling is that victim movement is blocked. You must take care not to fall or make a strange move
Short beams
This will cause pain to your knee
High intensity beaming They ( RNM user ) put the beamer on Victim knee and make sure it stays there for hours. The location may vary just above the knee cap can cause a lot of pain. This will result in very much pain and a very sensitive knee.
How it is applied
After a few days victim knee hurts a lot when walking. They may apply this also when biking to make him think something is wrong with victims knee
Very painful, horrible torture
Calf Heating sensation They( RNM user ) apply low intensity, low power beam to Victim legs, e.g. When he is in bed. His muscles, legs feel stif the next morning. They( RNM user ) start cooking the calfs after victim finished running, and after some time before victim want to go running.
How it is applied
What happens when you increase load on heated muscles? They tear apart
Very painful, horrible torture
Why it is applied
distract you from running, or , hamper to do any other work movements
Calf Bursting This beam is in fact a very high power burst and can cook/Heat your calf from hundreds of meters in a split second. If you are running your heated muscles will tear apart and you have instant injury. See also Heart attack high power burst. You may notice the following feeling: a needle going in and out of your calf within a second
FeelingVery painful, horrible torture
Why it is applied
Prevent you from runningm, other sports
Skin cooking/Heating They ( RNM user ) heat the skin of victims skin with very high intensities. When he is running, the skin injury is a well-known. They may start heating the skin of victim
Very painful, horrible torture
Why it is applied
Prevent you from running, other sports
Heel muscle
The heat victims heel muscle. This muscle does not contain much nervous so it is difficult to detect before the damage has been done. Then he will think back and remember there was something wrong the previous day or days.
Walking can be painful.
Why it is applied
Prevent you from running, other sports
Ankle They cook/ heat victim ankles, just to cause him pain. victim feel the beam and it is difficult to keep his leg in the same position because of the pain. This is often a applied for a long period of time, several hours.
Very painful
After effects
May take several days to disappear when applied with high intensities
Foot They ( RNM user ) beam very hard in the center of your foot
Very painful, horrible torture
Toes They( RNM user ) pick a single toe and beam it for several days in a row
Feeling Painful
Toes insane They( RNM user ) burst victim toes with with max power very short burst beam, and do this several times. This causes insane pain.
Foot block Ultrasonic beam to block the movement of a foot. If victim are not prepared for this block victim may fall.
Shaking sensation
Victim whole body starts shaking like being in a aircraft in bad weather. The frequency is around 5 Hz. .Generally they (RNM user) used this sensation to female to make them seduce
Scratching They apply a scratch beam to any part of victim body. This beam is very hard to resist. Before you know it you may start scratching himself like crazy…. A itchy skin damage come out through this sensation
Horrible torture
Tremble apart
Some high power acoustic beamer is aimed at victim leg and after some time his leg feels non-cooperative, not part of his body anymore
Sleepy feeling They ( RNM user ) beam victim with a frequency that makes him really feel sleepy. victim will start sleeping and cannot keep his eyes open. This effect starts very suddenly and often ends very abrupt.
How it is applied
They may also do this by devices built into your car
Not a very pleasant feeling but very disturbing or damaging
Force awake
With this well-known beam they will keep you awake, torture you from sleeping. This way they( RNM user ) wear victim out, may be the next day he have an important meeting or must finish important work.
Sweating, nauseous, vomit feeling Victim start sweating suddenly, victim feel dizzy, victim think he may have to vomit. When applied with enough intensity he will start to vomit, he will need at least 30 minutes to recover a little bit from this attack, but it will take hours before his body is acting a bit like before the attack.
How it is applied
They( RNM user ) may do this when you are with a friend. And vomit beam also.
Horrible torture
Induce dreams
victim have strange dreams about things but the dreams are not like dreams victim had before. The dreams may refer to very recent events in his life, like a person he met, a movie he saw, it is another form of reacting to events in his life
How it is applied ; actually when victim is sleeping that time RNM user talk with victims brain through this RNM bio electro magnetic frequency wave ,,,,what the victim listen from RNM user during sleeping he got that whole thing as a dream
Sleep deprivation This done by directed energy assaults from this RNM bio electro magnetic wave
frequency, generally victim awake forcefully
Bio Electro Magnetic wave / Mind control/ gangstalker harassment
Information about RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) user [KAJAL KANTI DEY , (m) -+918276909442 /+918584929823
His Add : 8/3/26A , jessore road Kolkata-28 , India
& PRATIK DEY ( kajal kanti’s brother in law) , His Add:-sodepur, west bengal, India
they harass people by RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring brain controle thought this RNM machine) . I would like to inform you that , I am living in Kolkata , my born and brought up in here Kolkata. This person ( kajal kianti Dey ) have 2 piece of RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) & 1 piece of RNM he gave to his Brother-in- law (Pratik Dey ). (Kajal kanti Dey’s sister name is kakoli Dey ( but I don’t know she have this RNM or not )Past 3year and 6 month I have been tortured by them by varies way like ( voice to skull , memory kill, view victim’s eyes , listen& slang words use against me, body itching , illness , forced sleep, forced wake, High heat, Mentally torture, hamper in my job ,In my comparative exams & my personal data information etc, they Hampering my life by RNM (Machine )which is connect to Human Brain (frequency level )through Bioelectro magenatic wave frequency .They harass lot’s of Female’s in Kolkata & in our locality by Sexually ( Through Visual cortex of Victim’s Eyes they can see ) and some Valgur sensation by this RNM (Machine ). (RNM) stands for” REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING “have such features through which they have been tortured by people & females ( this is a Bioelectro Magnetic weapon technology which is generally not use in Kolkata civil area) But They( kajal kanti Dey & Prathik Dey ) generally target to female’s and sexually use this RNM (machine) to harass and torture them, some Minister and VIP’s information they have been observed by this connection of RNM( machine) as for Entertainment of themself. This Machine (RNM) can’t be detect by any normal way (necessary equipment oscillating scanners etc help to detect the interference of this connection ) , help me and raise my Voice against this kind of antisocial , violence , harassment , torture against women’s and people in Kolkata (dum dum & sodepur) , which is against Law.(Kajal Kanti Dey & Pratik Dey ) both generally shows their character in public as a wise person but actually they are not, both are a Poisson in human’s life . They have 3 piece of RNM , which is very dangerous in human’s life .
Vulnerable Criminal Activity through “Remote Neural Monitoring(RNM) – Remote Brain Mapping”
RNM (Environment Violation)
1. Huge Fraud – Making artificial environment by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
2. Prostitution Business – Breaking human own privacy to make prostitute & Sexual
Excitement by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
3. Assassination – Remote Brain Mapping, brain wash & Bio-telemetry using RNM
4. Pre-planned Rape – Remote Brain Mapping & Bio-telemetry using RNM
5. Blackmail – Breaking human own privacy & Bio-telemetry using RNM
N.B. – please help me where I have to report this complain kindly notice this kind of electronic harassment ,,,not only me they victimise lots of females also in kolkata , females are helpless & suffer with this bio electro wave frequency connection and me too .
Kunal (RNM Victim)
kolkata, India
Bio Electro Magnetic wave / Mind control/ gangstalker harassment
Information about RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) user [KAJAL KANTI DEY , (m) -+918276909442 /+918584929823
His Add : 8/3/26A , jessore road Kolkata-28 , India
& PRATIK DEY ( kajal kanti’s brother in law) , His Add:-sodepur, west bengal, India
they harass people by RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring brain controle thought this RNM machine) . I would like to inform you that , I am living in Kolkata , my born and brought up in here Kolkata. This person ( kajal kianti Dey ) have 2 piece of RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) & 1 piece of RNM he gave to his Brother-in- law (Pratik Dey ). (Kajal kanti Dey’s sister name is kakoli Dey ( but I don’t know she have this RNM or not )Past 3year and 6 month I have been tortured by them by varies way like ( voice to skull , memory kill, view victim’s eyes , listen& slang words use against me, body itching , illness , forced sleep, forced wake, High heat, Mentally torture, hamper in my job ,In my comparative exams & my personal data information etc, they Hampering my life by RNM (Machine )which is connect to Human Brain (frequency level )through Bioelectro magenatic wave frequency .They harass lot’s of Female’s in Kolkata & in our locality by Sexually ( Through Visual cortex of Victim’s Eyes they can see ) and some Valgur sensation by this RNM (Machine ). (RNM) stands for” REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING “have such features through which they have been tortured by people & females ( this is a Bioelectro Magnetic weapon technology which is generally not use in Kolkata civil area) But They( kajal kanti Dey & Prathik Dey ) generally target to female’s and sexually use this RNM (machine) to harass and torture them, some Minister and VIP’s information they have been observed by this connection of RNM( machine) as for Entertainment of themself. This Machine (RNM) can’t be detect by any normal way (necessary equipment oscillating scanners etc help to detect the interference of this connection ) , help me and raise my Voice against this kind of antisocial , violence , harassment , torture against women’s and people in Kolkata (dum dum & sodepur) , which is against Law.(Kajal Kanti Dey & Pratik Dey ) both generally shows their character in public as a wise person but actually they are not, both are a Poisson in human’s life . They have 3 piece of RNM , which is very dangerous in human’s life .
Vulnerable Criminal Activity through “Remote Neural Monitoring(RNM) – Remote Brain Mapping”
RNM (Environment Violation)
1. Huge Fraud – Making artificial environment by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
2. Prostitution Business – Breaking human own privacy to make prostitute & Sexual
Excitement by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
3. Assassination – Remote Brain Mapping, brain wash & Bio-telemetry using RNM
4. Pre-planned Rape – Remote Brain Mapping & Bio-telemetry using RNM
5. Blackmail – Breaking human own privacy & Bio-telemetry using RNM
N.B. – please help me where I have to report this complain kindly notice this kind of electronic harassment ,,,not only me they victimise lots of females also in kolkata , females are helpless & suffer with this bio electro wave frequency connection and me too .
(RNM Victim)
kolkata, India
Electronic harassment and electronic torture list
Below is the list of all (most) effects I experienced from these horrible electronic weapons( RNM – Remote Neural Monitoring ) High Power Microwave / Bio electro magnetic frequency wave cooks/ burn your body cells while high power ultrasound simply destroys your body cells. But in the end the result is the same, a damaged body.
Sub vocal speech Through RNM ..they can talk or speech what they want with silent slow sound
How it is applied
They read your sub vocal speech and react to it
Unbelievable at first, then you get depressed because the last thing you thought was private appears not to be private anymore. Then you accept that you probably are even more Horrible torture
Why it is applied
To drive you insane
Seeing through your eyes Through this RNM ….( user of RNM ) they can see what can targets see through their eyes. .
Voice-to-skull Through RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring ) they used to beam voices, or in fact any sound, into your head.
How it is applied
They make you hear voices that you should not hear. For example, they let you hear voices from people far away very clear as if they are standing next to you. I have experience. There are a lot of Victims who claim they are attacked by voices
Why it is applied
To drive you insane
Top of your head beam The top of your head is very sensitive. They( RNM user ) burn the top with some electro magnetic frequency wave with high range
How it is applied
They put the beam on Victims head and wait for to move
Can be very pain full if applied with enough intensity. You cannot do much with this beam on your head. Horrible torture
After effects
If applied with high intensity it may take several days for the painful feeling to disappear
Why it is applied
Prevent Victim from working, doing Victims thing
Should you worry
Yes, long term irradition may cause brain damage, tumors
Scratch beam They just beam Victim head somewhere. The normal reaction is victim will start scratching his head.
How it is applied
Mostly applied when other people can see Victim. If they do this everytime with the same people they may wonder whats wrong with Victim . They also apply this and have random people scratch their heads and then burn you
Not very painfull, mostly a short pulse, although they may keep the beam on Victim head and remove it after Victim start scratchin his head
Why it is applied
Drive Victim out of his mind, drive Him angry
Headache beam This beam gives Victim a headache. It is some kind of high intensity low frequency beam. The headache appears suddenly and also disapears suddenly
Can be very painful
Sickness/Alcohol beam The feeling is that victim feel a little bit dizzy, see thing a little foggy.
How it is applied
They( RNM user ) may apply this when you drink your first glass of beer, wine, etc. or when you have a cold, or are sensitive to hay fever
Cooking They put the microwave beamer on victim head and victims head is heated. They( RNM user) may do this after you drink a glas of wine, but also after you turn on the central heating of your appartment. You will feel hot, sick, slow.
Ear short burst
Victim ear is bursted , they ( RNM user ) beam hit Victim eardrum. Victim eardrum cooked /damaged .
Ear continuous beam Victim ear is beamed for very long time just to present victim pain, they( RNM user ) want victim to move.
It appears victim eardrum and surrounding area is very sensitive. This is very painful.
Eye blur Victim eye is bursted and you have instant blurred vision. Often victims eye will start tearing
Not really painfull but victim cannot do much this is they ( RNM user ) do for making victim angry
Why it is applied
hamper victim from working
Should you worry
Yes, this is very damaging for victim eyes
Eye sting victim eye is bursted with some kind of laser beam
Like they ( RNM user ) drive a needle into victim eye. Very painful
Why it is applied
Stress discomfort
Just below eye, tremble
They( RNM user) beam at they area below your eye and the flesh below it starts trembling. They can do this in shops and through wall
Forced to Sneeze Victim are forced to sneeze. This is a tinglin sensation that can make victim sneeze in an instant
How it is applied
victim can turn his head in the other direction or hold his hand before his nose to make sure the attack is caused by electronic weapons by the RNM user
Why it is applied
To make victim angry and react to something
Runny nose
Victim feel that he have a runny nose but do not have a cold. He may start thinking that some kind of strange cold but he have not. Once he is out of the beam, the runny nose disappears.
Cough burst
Victim throat is attacked with a high intensity , victim start coughing instantly. This coughing does not look like normal coughing. Victim will have a sore throat immediately afterwards.
Dry cough
Like something fluid /moisture sticks in victim lungs, or sometimes victim throat. When victim breath he hear/feel a rasping sound. After doing this kind of sensation victim got cough very hard .
Blackout beam
This is very high intensity burst on your head. There is no pain but it feels like the result having been hit on the head very hard. You feel a bit dizzy and your ears are ringing
On top of shoulder A very painfull beam on the top of victim shoulder
Why it is applied
Just torture
Cook , heated chest/lungs I call this beam: through-body-beam. victim are really heated by this beam. If applied with enough intensity you will feel a burning sensation on the back (where it enters), then feel the beam heat insde, then victim feel a burning sensation on the other part of his body where the beam leaves in victims body
You feel like being microwaved. Very painfull, horrible torture
Cooking/ Burning sensation
They ( RNM user ) put the RNM beam on victim body for a long time and victim have the feeling he is burning alive which in effect is a very accurate description of what is being done
You feel like being cooked/ burning by sensation , horrible torture
Burp beam This is a low power sophisticated version of the chest/lungs cook/heated beam. It is difficult to locate the source direction.
How it is applied
It takes approx. 2-3 seconds to make you burn, make your body react to events. They also may apply low intensity, so you get an irresistable urge to burp but cannot
Horrible torture
Why it is applied
To make victim suffer. This applied sometimes once every five minutes, but sometimes also several times a minute to let victim body react to events like cars passing your window. Horrible torture.
Heart attack incl. extra beam from left behind This is a low frequency high power beam aimed at your heart, mostly from a position somewhere in front of victim . To maximze the effect they simultaneously beam victim from the left behind position with a microwave cook beam.
How it is applied
As they may apply the from behaind beam for a long period victim flesh around the heart area may get heated and the whole area may feel painfiul and stiff
This really gives you the feeling of having a heart problem, and in fact you have!. Horrible torture
After effects
It may take several days before you recover (if they stop the beam)
Should you worry
Yes, your heart is vital
Heart attack high power burst
This is a very high power burst of very short duration, 1 second or less, that will give you immediately an extremely painful heart (area). This beam is really amazing: I believe it can kill you in an instant
How it is applied
They can do this through wall anytime
Horrible torture
After effects
It may take several days before your body recovers and it all feels normal again
Should you worry
Yes, your heart is vital
Heart attack blobbing feeling, heart pulsing strangely, randomly
This may be done separate from other heart attacks. Victim heart may start feel pulsing funny, the feeling is very massive, it also feels like the heart lost control of normal heart rate and just pulses somewhat
How it is applied
Not only frightening but also very painful
Pressure beam
They( RNM user ) put a pressure beam on Victims chest this will take Victims breath away and he might think he’s having a heart problem. This can have various intensities
Back burning They ( RNM user) burn the skin of victims back. This can be low intensity or high intensity. The feeling is victim have a sun burn, in case of high intensities it will also color of victim back a little red.
How it is applied
This almost instant skin cooking/Heating by high intensity of electro magnetic wave.
Why it is applied
Present pain. To move victim out of the way, to make him leave the present location .
Electric shower This is an overwhelming effect. This is like a shower but not with water but with electronic pulses.
Heating The temperature of your body is increased giving you the feeling you have a flu or some kind of illness.
Spleen beam Beaming in your side gives you the idea you have spleen pain
How it is applied
They often do this during high intensity sport activities. The idea is to make you belive you have real spleen pain and will stop your exercise
They cook/heat victim biceps to reduce their power , make them feel painful when victim load them during e.g. swimming or during exercise This may be done to hamper victim from doing his such kind of activity .
muscle weakening in hand They( RNM user ) beam victims hands. The result is that victim can not hold a pen between thumb and finger like he used to, also he can not put his fingers against each other (like making a cup with his hand). They( RNm user ) do this to distract victim from working or doing your sports e.g. swimming.
Stomach cooking/ Heating
They put a beam on victim stomach and the stomach begins to bubble like something is heating inside.
How it is applied
They( RNm user ) often do this at night.
Should you worry
Yes, long term irradition may cause stomach cancer, tumors
Kidney damage
With some kind of ultrasound beam they( RNM user ) attack victim kidneys. The feeling is like you have been kicked over and over in his sides. This is like the feeling that is described by patients that have their kidney stones crushed by ultrasound.
Intestines cooking, urge to defecate
They cook/ Heat Victim intestines and victim feel he have to fart but cannot.
Fart beam
They( RNM user ) beam victim intestines and it will start bubbling. After some time he will have to fart
Why it is applied ; – this is appied to make victim angry
Blind gut attack
They( RNM user ) beam the area around your tail bone. After a short period, depending on the intensity this may take 60 seconds or more, you will feel horrible cramps.
This pain makes you crawl on the floor. Horrible torture
After effects
It takes at least one hour before the horrible cramps get a litle less painful.
How to detect
With normal cramps you will have other parts of your body react as well, like heavy sweating. In this case there is just intense pain.
They ( RNM user ) attacked victim intestines by beam to make victim a very strong feeling to go to the toilet. By continuously beaming make victim very heavy diarrhea
Why it is applied
Keep you out of important events, e.g. A lawsuit where you have to defend yourself
Erection termination
This beam makes victim erection go away, if victim are a man of course. This can be done in 20-30 seconds. Depending on the direction of the beam your intestines may start bubbling though not very loud
Urge to urinate
They beam victim lower body so victim will feel the urge to urinate. It is difficult to ignore and there will come a moment victim will have to do this when the beam continues.
Block burst
The feeling is that victim movement is blocked. You must take care not to fall or make a strange move
Short beams
This will cause pain to your knee
High intensity beaming They ( RNM user ) put the beamer on Victim knee and make sure it stays there for hours. The location may vary just above the knee cap can cause a lot of pain. This will result in very much pain and a very sensitive knee.
How it is applied
After a few days victim knee hurts a lot when walking. They may apply this also when biking to make him think something is wrong with victims knee
Very painful, horrible torture
Calf Heating sensation They( RNM user ) apply low intensity, low power beam to Victim legs, e.g. When he is in bed. His muscles, legs feel stif the next morning. They( RNM user ) start cooking the calfs after victim finished running, and after some time before victim want to go running.
How it is applied
What happens when you increase load on heated muscles? They tear apart
Very painful, horrible torture
Why it is applied
distract you from running, or , hamper to do any other work movements
Calf Bursting This beam is in fact a very high power burst and can cook/Heat your calf from hundreds of meters in a split second. If you are running your heated muscles will tear apart and you have instant injury. See also Heart attack high power burst. You may notice the following feeling: a needle going in and out of your calf within a second
FeelingVery painful, horrible torture
Why it is applied
Prevent you from runningm, other sports
Skin cooking/Heating They ( RNM user ) heat the skin of victims skin with very high intensities. When he is running, the skin injury is a well-known. They may start heating the skin of victim
Very painful, horrible torture
Why it is applied
Prevent you from running, other sports
Heel muscle
The heat victims heel muscle. This muscle does not contain much nervous so it is difficult to detect before the damage has been done. Then he will think back and remember there was something wrong the previous day or days.
Walking can be painful.
Why it is applied
Prevent you from running, other sports
Ankle They cook/ heat victim ankles, just to cause him pain. victim feel the beam and it is difficult to keep his leg in the same position because of the pain. This is often a applied for a long period of time, several hours.
Very painful
After effects
May take several days to disappear when applied with high intensities
Foot They ( RNM user ) beam very hard in the center of your foot
Very painful, horrible torture
Toes They( RNM user ) pick a single toe and beam it for several days in a row
Feeling Painful
Toes insane They( RNM user ) burst victim toes with with max power very short burst beam, and do this several times. This causes insane pain.
Foot block Ultrasonic beam to block the movement of a foot. If victim are not prepared for this block victim may fall.
Shaking sensation
Victim whole body starts shaking like being in a aircraft in bad weather. The frequency is around 5 Hz. .Generally they (RNM user) used this sensation to female to make them seduce
Scratching They apply a scratch beam to any part of victim body. This beam is very hard to resist. Before you know it you may start scratching himself like crazy…. A itchy skin damage come out through this sensation
Horrible torture
Tremble apart
Some high power acoustic beamer is aimed at victim leg and after some time his leg feels non-cooperative, not part of his body anymore
Sleepy feeling They ( RNM user ) beam victim with a frequency that makes him really feel sleepy. victim will start sleeping and cannot keep his eyes open. This effect starts very suddenly and often ends very abrupt.
How it is applied
They may also do this by devices built into your car
Not a very pleasant feeling but very disturbing or damaging
Force awake
With this well-known beam they will keep you awake, torture you from sleeping. This way they( RNM user ) wear victim out, may be the next day he have an important meeting or must finish important work.
Sweating, nauseous, vomit feeling Victim start sweating suddenly, victim feel dizzy, victim think he may have to vomit. When applied with enough intensity he will start to vomit, he will need at least 30 minutes to recover a little bit from this attack, but it will take hours before his body is acting a bit like before the attack.
How it is applied
They( RNM user ) may do this when you are with a friend. And vomit beam also.
Horrible torture
Induce dreams
victim have strange dreams about things but the dreams are not like dreams victim had before. The dreams may refer to very recent events in his life, like a person he met, a movie he saw, it is another form of reacting to events in his life
How it is applied ; actually when victim is sleeping that time RNM user talk with victims brain through this RNM bio electro magnetic frequency wave ,,,,what the victim listen from RNM user during sleeping he got that whole thing as a dream
Sleep deprivation This done by directed energy assaults from this RNM bio electro magnetic wave
frequency, generally victim awake forcefully
Bio Electro Magnetic wave / Mind control/ gangstalker harassment
Information about RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) user [KAJAL KANTI DEY , (m) -+918276909442 /+918584929823
His Add : 8/3/26A , jessore road Kolkata-28 , India
& PRATIK DEY ( kajal kanti’s brother in law) , His Add:-sodepur, west bengal, India
they harass people by RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring brain control thought this RNM machine) . I would like to inform you that , I am living in Kolkata , my born and brought up in here Kolkata. This person ( kajal kianti Dey ) have 2 piece of RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) & 1 piece of RNM he gave to his Brother-in- law (Pratik Dey ). (Kajal kanti Dey’s sister name is kakoli Dey ( but I don’t know she have this RNM or not )Past 3year and 6 month I have been tortured by them by varies way like ( voice to skull , memory kill, view victim’s eyes , listen& slang words use against me, body itching , illness , forced sleep, forced wake, High heat, Mentally torture, hamper in my job ,In my comparative exams & my personal data information etc, they Hampering my life by RNM (Machine )which is connect to Human Brain (frequency level )through Bioelectro magenatic wave frequency .They harass lot’s of Female’s in Kolkata & in our locality by Sexually ( Through Visual cortex of Victim’s Eyes they can see ) and some Valgur sensation by this RNM (Machine ). (RNM) stands for” REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING “have such features through which they have been tortured by people & females ( this is a Bioelectro Magnetic weapon technology which is generally not use in Kolkata civil area) But They( kajal kanti Dey & Prathik Dey ) generally target to female’s and sexually use this RNM (machine) to harass and torture them, some Minister and VIP’s information they have been observed by this connection of RNM( machine) as for Entertainment of themself. This Machine (RNM) can’t be detect by any normal way (necessary equipment oscillating scanners etc help to detect the interference of this connection ) , help me and raise my Voice against this kind of antisocial , violence , harassment , torture against women’s and people in Kolkata (dum dum & sodepur) , which is against Law.(Kajal Kanti Dey & Pratik Dey ) both generally shows their character in public as a wise person but actually they are not, both are a Poisson in human’s life . They have 3 piece of RNM , which is very dangerous in human’s life .
Vulnerable Criminal Activity through “Remote Neural Monitoring(RNM) – Remote Brain Mapping”
RNM (Environment Violation)
1. Huge Fraud – Making artificial environment by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
2. Prostitution Business – Breaking human own privacy to make prostitute & Sexual
Excitement by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
3. Assassination – Remote Brain Mapping, brain wash & Bio-telemetry using RNM
4. Pre-planned Rape – Remote Brain Mapping & Bio-telemetry using RNM
5. Blackmail – Breaking human own privacy & Bio-telemetry using RNM
N.B. – please help me where I have to report this complain kindly notice this kind of electronic harassment ,,,not only me they victimise lots of females also in kolkata , females are helpless & suffer with this bio electro wave frequency connection and me too .
(RNM Victim)
kolkata, India
Remote neural monitoring help advise and testimonial.
Magneto Helmet Breaks Program downloads – stops it getting worse!
Always get up and move about to break the sound wave signal – even move your head when in bed. Harmonica works very well for short period to break high pitch frequency.
Do not immigrate to Australia because of RNM for foreigners. Targeted by Next Door neighbors in Marsden Logan Australia for over 6 years. 11 years of physical noise disturbance. Know this that once targeted no one gets off – it is a Kill Contract For Kill Data – issued by the thought Police and will kill the perps if they do not kill the target. They Said a lot of Perps were unhappy with Robert Stanton Magneto Helmet because it was stopping them complete their mission – To Kill victim! By stopping them upgrade from from v2k to Rnm etc.. Dew will show up in an autopsy which is physical proof of Electronic Harassment. (Radiation takes years to show) My History of 6 years of complaints to both Australian And Uk Police and local Mp and their long family Criminal History and Facebook and Internet that everyone world wide would know who is trying to kill me. They have verbally told me they will kill me because it is me or them they have my contract and been paid fairly good money to kill me.
They have repeated threats to kill all my family. They say they have a poor excuse for using satellite – specialist requirement? He said \”I know you had a dream of a bottle of wine under our apple tree – but all your dreams have come to an end.\” \” I said so you are Judge and Jury.\” \”Yes because we are part of the thought police. So we will kill people for their thoughts!\” They said they were each wearing a EEG headset. It seems the 3 have individual access to different information signals Mental body etc. Say that they know what I am about to do before I do it! For total secrecy they would take them off. Rnm is horrific. One said \”I can not wait to play with your genitals with Remote Neural Manipulation.\” Wear Sunglasses or squint to stop them from seeing. If you concentrate you can make them say things with your thoughts.
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