Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

“Sign Up For A Crazz Files Membership”

We are providing you with great content on a daily basis. Most of it is free, but some of it is now protected for our members only. For the cost of a couple of cups of coffee a month, you can now support the Crazz Files and get unlimited access to our original podcasts, articles, and members chat room!

For $5 AUS per month you will get unlimited access to our original podcasts, articles, and members chat room! You will also be helping to keep the crazz files website up & running so why not sign up for a membership today?

I will be going deeper for podcasts as we try to break down the system around us & bring great content to subscribers.

For those wanting to submit original articles to me for publication in the members area please continue to send articles to [email protected] or [email protected] Please include any other info you want connected with your articles.

I am looking forward to connecting with members who appreciate what I am doing here in the members area & who want to help real independent Australian media. I will be offering members podcasts for those who are interested & hope that members can get active in the chat room.

Many Thanks, Adam. 

5 thoughts on ““Sign Up For A Crazz Files Membership”

  1. G’day everyone! I’m ecstatic to have stumbled across this website/platform! I am well researched on the UN 21/2030 Agenda so I conducted a search on DuckDuckGo to see if I could find others that had the same beliefs as my own in regards to these bushfires, or whether I was the only paranoid, tinfoil hat wearing Aussie searching for the truth & wallah here I am 😀 Ty for accepting my membership Xxx

    1. Hi, thanks so much for the support & great to have you on deck with real, independent media. You can subscribe via email on the website to let you know when new member podcasts are up with another one on the way tonight.

      1. Thank you for the welcome, and I am more than happy to be supportive of yourself and others that put in the effort and go that extra mile to expose the truths that we the people of the world are being subjected to by “The Powers That *Shouldn’t* Be”.

        Are we as a species truly this evil???

        I would like to think not, I would hope not…

        Yet here we are, our people, our wildlife, our land girt by sea, our land abound in nature’s gift, our Australia is/are up in flames…

        My thoughts are with everyone who is/and has been affected by these fires…

        May Aussies rise up and put an end to the evil.

        P.s I will be passing on your website URL and others to all and sundry, and I will live in hope that people’s minds will change or open up a tad.

        Cheers. Xxx

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