Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Disease Madness – What is Happening? Part 1


The Merriam-Webster web page that contains the definition of ‘pandemic’ includes a section called Frequently Asked Questions that also provides answers. One such question and answer is,

“When does an outbreak become a pandemic?
An outbreak is “a sudden rise in the incidence of a disease” and typically is confined to a localized area or a specific group of people. Should an outbreak become more severe, and less localized, it may be characterized as an epidemic. If it broadens still further, and affects a significant portion of the population, the disease may be characterized as a pandemic.”

If we are to believe the mainstream media, which is not advisable for a whole host of reasons, not least of which is that they have been demonstrably proven to report lies, then millions and possibly billions of people are currently in the grip of many ‘outbreaks’, some ‘epidemics’ and one ‘pandemic’, all of which involve a variety of different diseases.

This situation raises a number of fundamental questions, not least of which are: why are people suddenly succumbing to so many ‘diseases’; why is it happening at this point in time; and why is the medical establishment not able to at least contain if not prevent these diseases?

Just what is happening?

It would seem that there is no single, simple answer to these questions, which is what most people seek when asking questions of this nature; but that does not mean that these questions cannot be answered. The true situation, based on how the human body actually functions, is that there will be different answers depending on the individual, the so-called ‘disease’ in question and the area in which the ‘disease’ is claimed to occur.

However, the media reports are not based on knowledge about how the body actually functions, but on the false notion that there are such entities as ‘infectious diseases’ that people can catch and transmit to others, as can be seen by the following ‘information’ provided by the WHO.

According to the WHO Disease Outbreak News (DONS) web page (accessed on 27th June 2022), which provides updates on the latest situations, the ‘diseases’ listed as current ‘outbreaks’ include Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever – Iraq, which is claimed to be a tick-borne disease that has produced 212 cases and claimed 27 lives. The web page about this ‘outbreak’ states,

“CCHF is a viral tick-borne disease that is transmitted to humans by bites of infected ticks, and by direct contact with blood or tissues from infected humans and livestock.”

The next update refers to Cholera – Pakistan and states that this involves a,

“…significant increase in cholera cases with 234 laboratory confirmed cases reported between 15 January to 27 May.”

These cases are said to have occurred in the Sindh province.

Another update refers to Wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) – Mozambique, which is claimed to involve ONE case that was reported in May 2022 and was found to be ‘genetically linked’ to ONE case reported in Malawi in February 2022. The response to the single case in Malawi is reported as follows,

“As part of response measures following the confirmation of the case in Malawi, two rounds of bivalent oral poliovirus vaccine (bOPV) campaigns have been conducted in the country, with more than 4.5 million children vaccinated.”

A single ‘case’ does not conform to the definition of an ‘outbreak’.

It may seem that these 2 cases should not be regarded as significant, but that would be misleading because they serve an important function, which is to perpetuate the idea that ‘polio’ still exists in the ‘wild’ form and that therefore children still need to be vaccinated.

On 23rd June 2022, the BBC website posted an article entitled Polio virus detected in London sewage samples. The article claims that polio was eliminated in the UK by 2003. The reason given for the presence of the alleged ‘discovery’ of the so-called ‘virus’ is,

“The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) says it was probably imported to London by someone who was recently vaccinated overseas with a live form of the virus.”

This is clearly based on the notion that a person who has ‘caught’ a ‘virus’ in a foreign country, can then ‘carry’ it in their body and eliminate it in a different country. It is believed that this will help to ‘spread’ the pathogen, especially to children who have not been vaccinated. It is interesting to note that the article states that the polio vaccine take-up in London is below target levels.

It must be emphasised that there is no report of an actual case of polio in the UK, but merely the alleged ‘detection’ of so-called ‘poliovirus’ in sewage. This raises the obvious question of why were they testing sewage in 2022 for this ‘virus’ if polio had been eliminated in the UK almost 20 years earlier?

However, it should be noted that, even from the perspective of the mainstream, there is no evidence that anyone in the UK ‘has polio’, because the article merely claims that ‘it was probably imported’. Any statements about the presence or resurgence of ‘polio’ in the UK are pure speculation.

Another ‘disease outbreak’ update on the WHO web page refers to Severe acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children – Multi-country. This update claims that,

“As of 22 June 2022, 33 countries in five WHO Regions have reported 920 probable cases of severe acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children which fulfil the WHO case definition.”

Again, note the use of the word ‘probable’.

The initial ‘outbreak’ is claimed to have occurred in the UK.

What is particularly interesting about this particular ‘outbreak’ of so-called hepatitis is that it is being blamed on an ‘adenovirus’ rather than one of the 5 hepatitis ‘viruses’. So-called ‘adenoviruses’ are usually associated with conditions such as ‘colds’ and ‘bronchitis’, not hepatitis, which is inflammation within the liver.

The last, but by no means the least of the ‘disease outbreak’ updates refers to Multi-country monkeypox outbreak: situation update, which claims that,

“As of 15 June, a total of 2103 laboratory confirmed cases and one probable case, including one death, have been reported to WHO.”

Interestingly, but rather strangely, the WHO states that,

“Confirmation of one case of monkeypox, in a country, is considered an outbreak.”

Once again, a single ‘case’ does not conform to the standard definition of an ‘outbreak’, which raises the question of why the WHO would consider a single case of monkeypox to pose a significant health problem. There is clearly an agenda here, as will be discussed in part 2 of this article.

At the time of writing, the WHO has stated on the web page entitled Meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the multi-country monkeypox outbreak, that it does not determine that the ‘monkeypox outbreak’ constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, despite the claim that there have been 3040 cases reported to the WHO from 47 countries since May 2022. However, the Committee said that it will monitor the situation and review it again in a few weeks. In other words, watch this space….


All of the above may lead people to wonder why are the reports of these ‘diseases’ significant in any way? Haven’t there always been ‘outbreaks’ of various diseases in different countries throughout the world?

The answer to the second question is probably ‘yes’, except for the fact that there are no distinct ‘diseases’, as we explain in painstaking detail in our book What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong.

A clue to the first question, however, can be seen in a 27th June article entitled Could ‘Disease X’ be just around the corner? Top professor warns Britain needs to ‘strengthen’ its preparations for possibility of a new pandemic amid outbreak of Covid, Monkeypox and Polio in the UK on the website of the Daily Mail.

The article claims that there has been a string of infectious diseases that has hit the UK in the past 6 months. These ‘diseases’ include: polio, H5 bird flu, Lassa fever, Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever and monkeypox.

It is extremely surprising to see Lassa fever and CCHF on that list considering that the former is claimed to be endemic in Africa and associated with the African rat; and the latter ‘outbreak’ has been reported to have occurred in Iraq. When these articles are scrutinised carefully, the anomalies and contradictions abound!

However, an important statement made in the article is that,

“Last year, WHO warned that the next pandemic could be ‘on the scale of the Black Death’ which killed approximately 75 million people between 1346 and 1353.”

This view is echoed by Professor Woolhouse, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, who is reported in the article to have stated that,

“The early 21st century has been a perfect storm for emerging infectious diseases, and everything is pointing towards the likelihood of more and more outbreaks.”

There are no grounds given for the claim of this alleged ‘perfect storm’ or for the claim that there will be more outbreaks, although a weak attempt at an explanation is found in the statement that,

“The factors behind the spread of new and existing viruses are likely due to growing economies of previously undeveloped nations, population growth, rise in the trade in wildlife and the human movement into jungles and forests.”

The use of the phrase ‘likely due’ indicates that there is no scientific evidence on which this idea has been based.

However, these are not ‘new’ situations and the lack of a scientific basis for such claims shows that this is merely propaganda intended to increase the level of fear and make people believe in and submit to the goals of the 2030 Agenda; wherever they live.

And if all of that isn’t enough to scare people, it is claimed that there are ‘variants’ of Covid that are causing an increase in infections.

So, what is actually going on?

We are repeatedly told that ‘modern medicine’ is the pinnacle of medical science with respect to ‘healthcare’. In a 2010 article entitled Modern Medicine: Towards Prevention, Cure, Well-being and Longevity is the typical claim made by those within the medical system that,

“Modern medicine has done much in the fields of infectious diseases and emergencies to aid cure.”

Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth!

The catalogue of new ‘outbreaks’ this year alone, only a few of which are listed above, refute that anything has been ‘done’ with respect to so-called ‘infectious diseases’, especially in view of the predictions that there will be more outbreaks.

This complete lack of progress can be demonstrated by the fact that over the course of more than a century, the sole ‘victory’ that ‘modern medicine’ is able to claim is that it has eradicated one single ‘infectious disease’, namely, smallpox. This single victory cannot under any circumstances be described as having ‘done much’, especially as it is claimed that there are now hundreds, if not thousands of different ‘infectious diseases’ with new ones allegedly ‘emerging’ all the time.

It is abundantly clear that there is a significant effort to increase vaccine coverage for many of these ‘diseases’. This effort is a basic goal of the 2030 Agenda, especially SDG 3.8 that states the aim to,

“Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.”

The effort to reach ‘all’ includes expanding vaccine coverage to people in countries that the vaccine industry, assisted by organisations such as GAVI, has yet to penetrate. Many of these countries are in the sub-Saharan region of Africa which is claimed to be the most affected by a wide variety of so-called ‘infectious diseases’ and therefore most in need of so-called ‘life-saving vaccines. This effort is described by GAVI on 24th June as requiring a,

“…renewed push for routine immunization and reaching zero-dose children.”

It would seem that many children in that region of the world have succeeded in escaping ‘the poisoned needle’, as Eleanor McBean eloquently titled her 1957 book.

GAVI intends to achieve their goal through ‘ZIP’ (Zero-dose Immunisation Programme), as indicated by a 21st June article entitled ZIP: a new way to get vaccines to zero-dose children in some of the world’s toughest regions. This article claims that,

“Millions of children in fragile parts of the Sahel and the Horn of Africa remain functionally invisible to health systems, missing out on life-saving vaccines as a consequence.”

Yet again, nothing could be further from the truth!

Vaccines are not the only aspect of the 2030 Agenda that will adversely affect people’s health, but it is important for people to be aware that there is no evidence – and never has been – that vaccines prevent any ‘disease’. The reason for this is because the underlying theory on which vaccination is based has never been proven. The ‘diseases’ that vaccines are claimed to prevent are not caused by microorganisms that invade the body which in turn attacks the invaders through the production of specific antibodies that recognise the invading ‘germs’ and destroy them. In addition, these allegedly ‘life-saving’ vaccines are proven to be ‘life-harming’, ‘life-threatening’ and often deadly.

There are a number of reasons for these false media reports about new and dangerous diseases; trying to scare people into accepting vaccines is only one of them. Other reasons will be explored in part 2.

People definitely DO become ill and even die – all the time, sadly – but the reasons for those illnesses do not include an ‘infection’ with any pathogenic ‘germ’ that has invaded their bodies.

It is vitally important that, more than ever before, people recognise that there is a complete and utter lack of evidence for the existence of any ‘pathogenic agents’, especially viruses, so that they will not continue to be drawn into the relentless reporting by the mainstream media about alleged ‘outbreaks’, ‘epidemics’ and ‘pandemics’. These reports are pure propaganda!

There is no pandemic of Covid-19 and there never was, as discussed in my previous articles; COVID: An Overview and COVID: The Plot Thickens.

The idea that people can ‘catch’ and then ‘transmit’ ‘infectious diseases’ is based on a complete misunderstanding of how the human body actually works. These propagandising media reports are intended to make people defer to ‘authority’ and the so-called ‘experts’ instead of taking responsibility for their health, their bodies and, in fact, all aspects of their lives.

Everyone has a choice: but people need to be aware of the choices they are being asked to make, whether they want to choose subservience or freedom.

The choice is yours, but at least make sure you have ALL the information you need so that you can make truly informed decisions.

Part 2 to follow……

Dawn Lester

28th June 2022


Merriam-Webster definition of pandemic

WHO Disease Outbreak News

Polio virus detected in London sewage samples

Meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the multi-country monkeypox outbreak–regarding-the-multi-country-monkeypox-outbreak

Could ‘Disease X’ be just around the corner? Top professor warns Britain needs to ‘strengthen’ its preparations for possibility of a new pandemic amid outbreak of Covid, Monkeypox and Polio in the UK.

Modern Medicine: Towards Prevention, Cure, Well-being and Longevity

UN 2030 Agenda – Goal 3

ZIP: a new way to get vaccines to zero-dose children in some of the world’s toughest regions

COVID: An overview

COVID: The Plot Thickens


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