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Furious couple claim their son started suffering from 14 seizures a day after having a meningitis jab


NOTE: We can see the mongrel media & so called, Experts are desperately trying to cover over the massive vaccine damage that’s now starting to spill out everywhere. 

A furious couple claim their son began suffering up to 14 violent fits a day after having a new meningitis jab – and have shared shocking footage of his seizures.

Luke Maguire, 26, and Louise McKever, 22, say they have made more than 55 hospital visits since their 10-month-old son Bobby’s immunisations this summer.

The Bexsero Meningitis B vaccination has been given to all babies in the UK since September 2015, but seizures are known to be an uncommon side effect.

But the first-time parents, from Ashington, Northumberland, say it has also left their son suffering from stomach problems, night terrors and allergies.

Since releasing a clip of their son suffering from a fit to social media, it has notched up more than 1.8 million views and 27,500 shares.

Bobby is currently undergoing tests for a complex genetic epilepsy disorder to confirm the link.

However, an expert in the condition who watched the footage said it was unlikely his fits were vaccine-related.

The Government’s regulatory body also said there was ‘insufficient evidence’ to suggest an association between the Meningitis B vaccine and seizures.

Father-of-one Mr Maguire said: ‘This vaccination shouldn’t be given to young babies – it is ruining their lives before they even start.

‘The doctors need to do something. Parents should be told the risks and allowed to make up their own minds. They have the right to know, this is about their children.

From the moment Bobby started having seizures I knew it was from the vaccinations. He was such a happy baby and it has ruined his life.’

He added: ‘The same day Bobby had his eight week vaccinations he got body twitches, his temperature suddenly spiked and he went floppy and unresponsive.

‘I have promised myself I am going to make sure no other parents have to go through what we have gone through and no other children go through what Bobby does.

10-month-old baby convulses from seizures ‘due to meningitis jab’

‘Most people wouldn’t speak out for fear of being labelled crazy but I have to say something for other parents. If a child died and I hadn’t said anything, I couldn’t live with myself.

‘We are only basing our actions on what we see has happened to our son – not what anyone else says, but how Bobby has changed.’

Bobby underwent his first dose of the Bexsero Meningitis B vaccine at eight weeks old before having his second dose of the immunisation aged 16 weeks.

'This  shouldn't be given to young babies - it is ruining their lives before they even start,' said Mr Maguire (pictured with Bobby)

The couple said they became concerned as soon as he left the clinic where he had his 16-week jabs.

They were forced to call 999 because they woke up and he was gasping for air, blue in the face and experiencing full body twitches.

Within just ten days, the seizures started. He was having an average of between four and seven a day.

Bobby is now on medication to control his seizures and has not had one for four weeks, with the fits now only happening if he is run down or sleep-deprived.

His parents claim CT, MRI and EEG scans and blood tests to find the cause of the fits have all come back negative and are currently awaiting test results for a complex genetic epilepsy disorder.

The jab has been given to children at eight weeks, 16 weeks and one year old since September last year as part of the routine vaccinations offered free of charge on the NHS to all children in the UK.

Almost 8,000 people, including more than 5,000 babies and toddlers were given the vaccine during clinical trials to test its safety.

It provides 73 per cent protection against Meningitis B, which affects nearly 1,900 children each year.

Fits are listed as an uncommon side effect of the Bexsero Men B vaccine

However, there is currently 'insufficient evidence' to suggest an association between the jab and seizures

But the Bexsero patient information leaflet states uncommon side effects for infants and children can include high fever, seizures including febrile seizures, vomiting and skin rashes.

An expert who watched the footage of Bobby’s fit said he is having a tonic-clonic seizure, which could be a symptom of a rare genetic condition – Dravet syndrome – or another early-age brain disorder.

To make a donation to Bobby’s fundraising page go to: 


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