Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

Electronic Harassment And Electronic Torture List

Kunal (RNM Victim)

Below is the list of all (most) effects I experienced from these horrible electronic weapons( RNM – Remote Neural Monitoring ) High Power Microwave / Bio electro magnetic frequency wave cooks/ burn your body cells while high power ultrasound simply destroys your body cells. But in the end the result is the same, a damaged body.


Sub vocal speech Through RNM ..they can talk or speak what they want with silent slow sound
How it is applied
They read your sub vocal speech and react to it
Unbelievable at first, then you get depressed because the last thing you thought was private appears not to be private anymore. Then you accept that you probably are even more Horrible torture
Why it is applied
To drive you insane
Seeing through your eyes Through this RNM ….( user of RNM ) they can see what can targets see through their eyes. .

Voice-to-skull Through RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring ) they used to beam voices, or in fact any sound, into your head.
How it is applied
They make you hear voices that you should not hear. For example, they let you hear voices from people far away very clear as if they are standing next to you. I have experience. There are a lot of Victims who claim they are attacked by voices
Why it is applied
To drive you insane
Top of your head beam The top of your head is very sensitive. They( RNM user ) burn the top with some electro magnetic frequency wave with high range
How it is applied
They put the beam on Victims head and wait for to move
Can be very pain full if applied with enough intensity. You cannot do much with this beam on your head. Horrible torture
After effects
If applied with high intensity it may take several days for the painful feeling to disappear
Why it is applied
Prevent Victim from working, doing Victims thing
Should you worry
Yes, long term irradition may cause brain damage, tumors
Scratch beam They just beam Victim head somewhere. The normal reaction is victim will start scratching his head.
How it is applied
Mostly applied when other people can see Victim. If they do this everytime with the same people they may wonder whats wrong with Victim . They also apply this and have random people scratch their heads and then burn you
Not very painfull, mostly a short pulse, although they may keep the beam on Victim head and remove it after Victim start scratchin his head
Why it is applied
Drive Victim out of his mind, drive Him angry
Headache beam This beam gives Victim a headache. It is some kind of high intensity low frequency beam. The headache appears suddenly and also disapears suddenly
Can be very painful
Sickness/Alcohol beam The feeling is that victim feel a little bit dizzy, see things a little foggy.
How it is applied
They( RNM user ) may apply this when you drink your first glass of beer, wine, etc. or when you have a cold, or are sensitive to hay fever
Cooking They put the microwave beamer on victim head and victims head is heated. They( RNM user) may do this after you drink a glas of wine, but also after you turn on the central heating of your appartment. You will feel hot, sick, slow.

Ear short burst

Victim’s ear is bursted , they ( RNM user ) beam hit Victim eardrum. Victim eardrum cooked / damaged.

Ear continuous beam Victim ear is beamed for very long time just to present victim pain, they( RNM user ) want the victim to move.
It appears victim eardrum and surrounding area is very sensitive. This is very painful.
Eye blur Victim eye is burst and you have instant blurred vision. Often victims eye will start tearing
Not really painful but the victim cannot do much this is they ( RNM user ) do for making victim angry
Why it is applied
hamper victim from working
Should you worry
Yes, this is very damaging for victim eyes
Eye sting victim eye is burst with some kind of laser beam
Like they ( RNM user ) drive a needle into victim eye. Very painful
Why it is applied
Stress discomfort

Just below eye, tremble
They( RNM user) beam at they area below your eye and the flesh below it starts trembling. They can do this in shops and through wall

Forced to Sneeze Victim are forced to sneeze. This is a tingling sensation that can make victim sneeze in an instant
How it is applied
the victim can turn his head in the other direction or hold his hand before his nose to make sure the attack is caused by electronic weapons by the RNM user
Why it is applied
To make victim angry and react to something
Runny nose
Victim feel that he have a runny nose but do not have a cold. He may start thinking that some kind of strange cold but he had not. Once he is out of the beam, the runny nose disappears.

Cough burst
Victim’s throat is attacked with a high intensity, victim starts coughing instantly. This coughing does not look like normal coughing. The victim will have a sore throat immediately afterwards.

Dry cough
Like something fluid /moisture sticks in victim lungs, or sometimes victim throat. When victim breath he hear/feel a rasping sound. After doing this kind of sensation victim got cough very hard .

Blackout beam
This is very high-intensity burst on your head. There is no pain but it feels like the result having been hit on the head very hard. You feel a bit dizzy and your ears are ringing

On top of shoulder A very painful beam on the top of victim’s shoulder
Why it is applied
Just torture
Cook , heated chest/lungs I call this beam: through-body-beam. victim are really heated by this beam. If applied with enough intensity you will feel a burning sensation on the back (where it enters), then feel the beam heat insde, then victim feel a burning sensation on the other part of his body where the beam leaves in victims body
You feel like being microwaved. Very painful, horrible torture

Cooking/ Burning sensation

They ( RNM user ) put the RNM beam on victim body for a long time and victim have the feeling he is burning alive which in effect is a very accurate description of what is being done
You feel like being cooked/ burning by sensation, horrible torture

Burp beam This is a low power sophisticated version of the chest/lungs cook/heated beam. It is difficult to locate the source direction.
How it is applied
It takes approx. 2-3 seconds to make you burn, make your body react to events. They also may apply low intensity, so you get an irresistible urge to burp but cannot
Horrible torture
Why it is applied
To make victim suffer. This applied sometimes once every five minutes, but sometimes also several times a minute to let victim body react to events like cars passing your window. Horrible torture.

Heart attack incl. extra beam from left behind This is a low-frequency high power beam aimed at your heart, mostly from a position somewhere in front of the victim . To maximize the effect they simultaneously beam victim from the left behind position with a microwave cook beam.
How it is applied
As they may apply the from behind beam for a long period victim flesh around the heart area may get heated and the whole area may feel painfiul and stiff
This really gives you the feeling of having a heart problem, and in fact you have!. Horrible torture
After effects
It may take several days before you recover (if they stop the beam)
Should you worry
Yes, your heart is vital

Heart attack high power burst

This is a very high power burst of very short duration, 1 second or less, that will give you immediately an extremely painful heart (area). This beam is really amazing: I believe it can kill you in an instant
How it is applied
They can do this through wall anytime
Horrible torture
After effects
It may take several days before your body recovers and it all feels normal again
Should you worry
Yes, your heart is vital

Heart attack blobbing feeling, heart pulsing strangely, randomly
This may be done separately from other heart attacks. Victim heart may start feel pulsing funny, the feeling is very massive, it also feels like the heart lost control of normal heart rate and just pulses somewhat
How it is applied
Not only frightening but also very painful

Pressure beam
They( RNM user ) put a pressure beam on Victims chest this will take Victims breath away and he might think he’s having a heart problem. This can have various intensities

Back burning They ( RNM user) burn the skin of victims back. This can be low intensity or high intensity. The feeling is victim have a sun burn, in case of high intensities it will also color of victim back a little red.
How it is applied
This almost instant skin cooking/Heating by high intensity of electromagnetic wave.
Why it is applied
Present pain. To move victim out of the way, to make him leave the present location.

Electric shower This is an overwhelming effect. This is like a shower but not with water but with electronic pulses.

Heating The temperature of your body is increased giving you the feeling you have a flu or some kind of illness.

Spleen beam Beaming in your side gives you the idea you have spleen pain
How it is applied
They often do this during high intensity sport activities. The idea is to make you believe you have real spleen pain and will stop your exercise


They cook/heat victim biceps to reduce their power, make them feel painful when victim load them during e.g. swimming or during exercise This may be done to hamper victim from doing his such kind of activity.
muscle weakening in hand They( RNM user ) beam victims hands. The result is that victim cannot hold a pen between thumb and finger like he used to, also he can not put his fingers against each other (like making a cup with his hand). They( RNm user ) do this to distract victim from working or doing your sports e.g. swimming.


Stomach cooking/ Heating
They put a beam on victim stomach and the stomach begins to bubble like something is heating inside.
How it is applied
They( RNm user ) often do this at night.
Should you worry
Yes, long term irradition may cause stomach cancer, tumors

Kidney damage
With some kind of ultrasound beam they( RNM user ) attack victim kidneys. The feeling is like you have been kicked over and over in his sides. This is like the feeling that is described by patients that have their kidney stones crushed by ultrasound.

Intestines cooking, urge to defecate

They cook/ Heat Victim intestines and victim feel he have to fart but cannot.

Fart beam

They( RNM user ) beam victim’s intestines and it will start bubbling. After some time he will have to fart

Why it is applied ; – this is appied to make victim angry

Blind gut attack

They( RNM user ) beam the area around your tail bone. After a short period, depending on the intensity this may take 60 seconds or more, you will feel horrible cramps.
This pain makes you crawl on the floor. Horrible torture
After effects
It takes at least one hour before the horrible cramps get a litle less painful.
How to detect
With normal cramps you will have other parts of your body react as well, like heavy sweating. In this case there is just intense pain.


They ( RNM user ) attacked victim intestines by beam to make the victim a very strong feeling to go to the toilet. By continuously beaming make victim very heavy diarrhea
Why it is applied
Keep you out of important events, e.g. A lawsuit where you have to defend yourself

Erection termination
This beam makes victim erection go away, if victim are a man of course. This can be done in 20-30 seconds. Depending on the direction of the beam your intestines may start bubbling though not very loud

Urge to urinate
They beam victim lower body so victim will feel the urge to urinate. It is difficult to ignore and there will come a moment victim will have to do this when the beam continues.


Block burst
The feeling is that victim movement is blocked. You must take care not to fall or make a strange move


Short beams

This will cause pain to your knee
High intensity beaming They ( RNM user ) put the beamer on Victim knee and make sure it stays there for hours. The location may vary just above the knee cap can cause a lot of pain. This will result in very much pain and a very sensitive knee.
How it is applied
After a few days victim knee hurts a lot when walking. They may apply this also when biking to make him think something is wrong with victims knee
Very painful, horrible torture


Calf Heating sensation They( RNM user ) apply low intensity, low power beam to Victim legs, e.g. When he is in bed. His muscles, legs feel stiff the next morning. They( RNM user ) start cooking the calves after victim finished running, and after some time before victim want to go running.
How it is applied
What happens when you increase load on heated muscles? They tear apart
Very painful, horrible torture
Why it is applied
distract you from running, or , hamper to do any other work movements
Calf Bursting This beam is in fact a very high power burst and can cook/Heat your calf from hundreds of meters in a split second. If you are running your heated muscles will tear apart and you have instant injury. See also Heart attack high power burst. You may notice the following feeling: a needle going in and out of your calf within a second

feeling very painful, horrible torture
Why it is applied
Prevent you from running, other sports
Skin cooking/Heating They ( RNM user ) heat the skin of victims skin with very high intensities. When he is running, the skin injury is a well-known. They may start heating the skin of the victim
Very painful, horrible torture
Why it is applied
Prevent you from running, other sports

Heel muscle
The heat victims heel muscle. This muscle does not contain much nervous so it is difficult to detect before the damage has been done. Then he will think back and remember there was something wrong the previous day or days.
Walking can be painful.
Why it is applied
Prevent you from running, other sports

Ankle They cook/ heat victim ankles, just to cause him pain. victim feel the beam and it is difficult to keep his leg in the same position because of the pain. This is often an applied for a long period of time, several hours.
Very painful
After effects
May take several days to disappear when applied with high intensities
Foot They ( RNM user ) beam very hard in the center of your foot
Very painful, horrible torture

Toes They( RNM user ) pick a single toe and beam it for several days in a row
Feeling Painful
Toes insane They( RNM user ) burst victim toes with max power very short burst beam, and do this several times. This causes insane pain.

Foot block Ultrasonic beam to block the movement of a foot. If victim are not prepared for this block victim may fall.

Shaking sensation
Victim whole body starts shaking like being in an aircraft in bad weather. The frequency is around 5 Hz. .Generally, they (RNM user) used this sensation to female to make them seduce
Scratching They apply a scratch beam to any part of victim body. This beam is very hard to resist. Before you know it you may start scratching himself like crazy…. A itchy skin damage come out through this sensation
Horrible torture


Tremble apart
Some high power acoustic beamer is aimed at victim’s leg and after some time his leg feels non-cooperative, not part of his body anymore

Sleepy feeling They ( RNM user ) beam victim with a frequency that makes him really feel sleepy. the victim will start sleeping and cannot keep his eyes open. This effect starts very suddenly and often ends very abrupt.
How it is applied
They may also do this by devices built into your car

Not a very pleasant feeling but very disturbing or damaging

Force awake
With this well-known beam, they will keep you awake, torture you from sleeping. This way they( RNM user ) wear victim out, maybe the next day he have an important meeting or must finish important work.
Sweating, nauseous, vomit feeling Victim start sweating suddenly, victim feel dizzy, victim think he may have to vomit. When applied with enough intensity he will start to vomit, he will need at least 30 minutes to recover a little bit from this attack, but it will take hours before his body is acting a bit like before the attack.
How it is applied
They( RNM user ) may do this when you are with a friend. And vomit beam also.
Horrible torture

Induce dreams
victim have strange dreams about things but the dreams are not like dreams victim had before. The dreams may refer to very recent events in his life, like a person he met, a movie he saw, it is another form of reacting to events in his life

How it is applied; actually when the victim is sleeping that time RNM user talk with victims brain through this RNM bio electromagnetic frequency wave,,,, what the victim listen from RNM user during sleeping he got that whole thing as a dream
Sleep deprivation This done by directed energy assaults from this RNM bio electro magnetic wave
frequency, generally victim awake forcefully

Bio Electro Magnetic wave / Mind control/ gangstalker harassment

Information about RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) user [KAJAL KANTI DEY , (m) -+918276909442 /+918584929823
His Add : 8/3/26A , jessore road Kolkata-28 , India
& PRATIK DEY ( kajal kanti’s brother in law) , His Add:-sodepur, west bengal, India

they harass people by RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring brain control thought this RNM machine) . I would like to inform you that, I am living in Kolkata , my born and brought up in here Kolkata. This person ( kajal kianti Dey ) have 2 piece of RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) & 1 piece of RNM he gave to his Brother-in- law (Pratik Dey ). (Kajal kanti Dey’s sister name is kakoli Dey ( but I don’t know she have this RNM or not )Past 3year and 6 month I have been tortured by them by varies way like ( voice to skull , memory kill, view victim’s eyes , listen& slang words use against me, body itching , illness , forced sleep, forced wake, High heat, Mentally torture, hamper in my job, In my comparative exams & my personal data information etc, they Hampering my life by RNM (Machine )which is connected to Human Brain (frequency level )through Bioelectro magenatic wave frequency .They harass lot’s of Female’s in Kolkata & in our locality by Sexually ( Through Visual cortex of Victim’s Eyes they can see ) and some Vulgar sensation by this RNM (Machine ). (RNM) stands for” REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING “have such features through which they have been tortured by people & females ( this is a Bioelectro Magnetic weapon technology which is generally not used in Kolkata civil area) But They( kajal kanti Dey & Prathik Dey ) generally target to female’s and sexually use this RNM (machine) to harass and torture them, some Minister and VIP’s information they have been observed by this connection of RNM( machine) as for Entertainment of themselves. This Machine (RNM) can’t be detected by any normal way (necessary equipment oscillating scanners etc help to detect the interference of this connection ) , help me and raise my Voice against this kind of antisocial, violence, harassment , torture against women’s and people in Kolkata (dum dum & sodepur) , which is against Law.(Kajal Kanti Dey & Pratik Dey ) both generally shows their character in public as a wise person but actually, they are not, both are a Poisson in human’s life . They have 3 pieces of RNM , which is very dangerous in human’s life.
Vulnerable Criminal Activity through “Remote Neural Monitoring(RNM) – Remote Brain Mapping”
RNM (Environment Violation)
1. Huge Fraud – Making artificial environment by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
2. Prostitution Business – Breaking human own privacy to make prostitute & Sexual
Excitement by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
3. Assassination – Remote Brain Mapping, brainwash & Bio-telemetry using RNM
4. Pre-planned Rape – Remote Brain Mapping & Bio-telemetry using RNM
5. Blackmail – Breaking human own privacy & Bio-telemetry using RNM

N.B. – please help me where I have to report this complain kindly notice this kind of electronic harassment,,, not only me they victimize lots of females also in kolkata , females are helpless & suffer with this bio-electro wave frequency connection and me too .

Kunal (RNM Victim)
kolkata, India

6 thoughts on “Electronic Harassment And Electronic Torture List

  1. Electronic harassment and electronic torture by RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring in Kolkata ,India

    He is a User of RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring ) through this Electro magnetic wave frequency he ( Kajal Kanti Dey) and One male Relative connect Human brain and tortured male and female In Kolkata India
    Electronic harassment and electronic torture
    Capabilities of Remote Neural Monitoring Thought, mind reading, reading of thoughts remotely. See as in a camera, through the victim’s eyes, to see what the victim is seeing. Hearing—ability to hear and pick up what the victim is hearing. This is how illegal criminal human trafficking and racketeering operations are being criminally run with this Remote Neural Monitoring technology, to profit off of unaware unsuspecting victims.

    Scratch beam They just beam Victim head somewhere. The normal reaction is victim will start scratching his head.
    How it is applied
    Mostly applied when other people can see Victim. If they do this everytime with the same people they may wonder whats wrong with Victim . They also apply this and have random people scratch their heads and then burn you
    Not very painfull, mostly a short pulse, although they may keep the beam on Victim head and remove it after Victim start scratchin his head
    Why it is applied :- Drive Victim out of his mind, drive Him angry

    Sub vocal speech Through RNM ..they can talk or speech what they want with silent slow sound
    How it is applied
    They read your sub vocal speech and react to it
    Unbelievable at first, then you get depressed because the last thing you thought was private appears not to be private anymore. Then you accept that you probably are even more Horrible torture
    Why it is applied; -To drive you insane

    Other victim of RNM like me suffer body skin torture by A few photos of the consequences of remote electromagnetic attacks on a Swiss victim

    To ,
    the Officer

    Sub:Information about RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring) user(KAJAL KANTI DEY & Unknown Male relative of kajal kanti Dey) , they harass people by RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring ) machine

    R/ Sir ,
    I would like to inform you that , I am (RNM Victim ) living in Kolkata , my born and brought up in here Kolkata. This person ( kajal kianti Dey ) have 2 piece of RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) & 1 piece of RNM he gave to his Unkown Male relative ).
    (Kajal kanti Dey’s sister name is kakoli Dey ( but she don’t know about RNM )
    Past 3 year and 6 month since from 2014 , I have been tortured by them by varies way like ( voice to skull , memory kill, view victim’s eyes , listen& slang words use against me, body itching ( all over my body I have giving that torture photo copy with the attachment ) , sickness , forced sleep, forced awake, High heat/burn skin by beam , Mentally torture to make me angry by slow silent voice , hamper in my job , & my personal data information etc, they Hampering my life by RNM (Machine )which is connect to Human Brain (through Bio Electro Magnetic Wave frequency ) this is a wireless connection which work in Electro Magnetic field our body is one kind of Bio Electro Magnetic field which have a specific frequency level when they connect a human brain they adjust the level of human brain frequency and connect human/victim with this RNM weapon.

    They harass lot’s of Female’s in Kolkata & in our locality by Sexually harash them ( Through Visual cortex of Victim’s Eyes i.e, they can see through victim eyes in RNM machine screen ) and some Valgur sensation in genital area by this RNM (Machine ). They are doing this kind of antisocial activity since 10 years or more then that and still doing harassing people, no body get to know what is it , and they(victims) can’t do anything because they don’t have any evidence or they don’t know how to get evidence, that’s why their victim’s are not able to do anything.
    When I was suffering with this connection(RNM) , then I searched in internet and
    I have come to know that this machine (RNM) stands for” REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING “have such features , through which I have been tortured by them ( RNM user ) , these person’s (kajal kanti Dey & Unknown male relative of Kajal kanti Dey ) using this kind of Bioelectro Magnetic weapon called RNM machine.

    When I knew all this things happen with me & other people in kolkata , then they threaten me by this connection (via Ear bypass: which is a feature of RNM to communicate with the Victim’s with the silent slow sound ) that they can spoil my life , if I am going to take any action on it or tell any body. But I tried to reveal them that’s why they started torturing me all the time , when I lost my passion ,
    I told him (kajal kanti Dey) to stop harassing me with the connection of RNM (machine) ,but he were totally denied and pretend me as he don’t know about what I said to him of this connection of RNM( RNM), Suddenly after that when he went his house up stair in panic he cut the connection for a while but again after half an hour , he & his male relative RNM user , started harassing me like the same what they have been doing before. When I search in Internet and got to know what is it and trying to reveal it by giving information in mail to the NIA , CID , NHR ( National Human Right ) , ISRO, DRDO thenkajal kanti Dey & his one male relative ( both user of RNM ) make a plan against me in between April – May 2016 , to make me angry and make me insane to do illegal attack/ do a mistake to hurt him physically , then they will go to take a action (FIR) against me and they will show me as a criminal to people or locality ( but my passed record you can check there no any records like this ) they want to make me as a accuse and then they will be safe from me , unfortunately same thing happen , In temper when I mess with him suddenly by default he got harm little bit in hand palm
    ( which is shown bigger harm by prescription) , In tension or their torture this is happen , just because I have no further option to do anything , no body believing me what I was said to them about this matter ( this is a Bioelectro Magnetic weapon technology which is generally not use in Kolkata civil area) so maybe that’s a reason to not understanding people as well as my family about RNM , what I actually want to tell them about ( Remote Neural Monitoring ) torture , But when I accused as a attacker (which is actually shown to police more then what I have done ) , They make FIR against me strongly and I got accused a case of IPC326 (RNM user targeted to me jail for 10 years ) after 1 week they were trying to non bell process but they didn’t succeed because God with me, that time by God gress I came out from the jail within 14 days , through Interim bell right now that case is converted to IPC 324 because I attend in local Police station twice in a week for a month ( that means 8 times for a month )and at the same time attain all the hearing dates of court (right now my bell is conform), and still I am attend all the hearing dates
    just because I knew all their antisocial activity of (RNM user Kajal kanti Dey & Unknown male relative of kajal kanti Dey ), they were feel insecure from me so they were tortured me and making my life as hell till to present.
    I have a proof that I was revealing them before the date of this IPC case (i.e, 02/05/16) , by this mail ID [email protected] , I gave lots of information regarding this RNM user in mail , tweeter by hiding my name that’s why they planed against me to harass more to do anything wrong against them and they will go for FIR against me, sir you can check my passed record I have no any such record before this incident , now I am not hiding my self after this incident happened that’s why giving all mails through my own mail ID with my name
    They generally target to female’s and sexually use this RNM (machine) to harass and torture females that’s why generally females are not coming in front ,
    Some of Ministers and VIP’s information they have been observed by this connection of RNM( machine) just for Entertainment to themself.
    This Machine (RNM) can’t be detect by any normal way (necessary equipment oscillating scanners etc help to detect the interference of this connection ) , So I am humbly requesting you that please ask about RNM(Remote Neural Monitoring ) to “ ISRO” or “DRDO” related person who know about Electro Magnetic Wave frequency or any scientist or professors , who know or can search out about this matter,
    I am a victim & I do search in internet about this and I found all the information about this RNM (machine) , which I have suffered a lot with the connection of their RNM (machine) have same features what I observed in internet.

    Like me there are some more victims in India who suffer/harass with -Electronic Harassment/TI’s / Targeted RNM (victim ) by other RNM user , you can ask other RNM victim’s like me their email contact mention below

    location Cont mail ID of Victims in india

    , (Kolkata) [email protected]

    (Banglore) [email protected]

    ( Banglore) , [email protected]

    ( Maharashra) [email protected]

    Right now I am helpless sir kindly do the proper action and I am requesting you to please call me for a short meeting of this matter , If you want to know more properly , actually I want highlight to the upper level officer’s of Defense Ministry about them( RNM user) . I am hoping that you will support me to fight against this kind of antisocial people. This person’s doing antisocial activity just because no body know about “RNM’’ works
    his father (KANAI KANTI DEY ) make invented/ made that 3 piece of RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring) but they user of RNM ( KAJAL KANTI DEY & Unknown male relative of kajal kanti dey ) are using it in bad way which is can’t be acceptable.
    He( Kajal kanti Dey) work as a upper clerk in a bank in Kolkata please check his attendance record of 2 year’s in his office register, he is not able to come office properly in panic just because I knew all his activity & I am going to reveal him that’s why he torturing me by RNM( machine) all the time and even night also & still doing it till present.

    This RNM (machine) can be detected by if their( RNM user) polytrophic test will take or some equipment detector of Bio Electo Magnetic Wave Frequency use to detect them if possible
    help me and raise my as well as all (the victims males and mostly Females) Voice against this kind of antisocial , Violence , Electronic Harassment , Torture against women’s and people of Kolkata , which is against suit of Law.

    (Kajal Kanti Dey & his one male relative ) both generally shows their character in public as a wise person but actually they are not, both are a Poisson in human’s life . They have 3 piece of RNM , which is very dangerous in human’s life .
    Some detail’s & pictures I did attached with this application/article about RNM

    Details of the person’s who have RNM (machine )
    (M) : ++918584929823/ 918276909442 Unknown Male relative of Kajal kanti Dey user of RNM

    My contact detail (whistleblower and victim)

    E-MAIL :[email protected]

  2. Crystal Payne from Louisville, Ky 40211. The local Jewish hospital does not understand she is going threw electronic harassment. These our the ones inside her mothers roof. Larry Higgins, Terrance Trent, Terrance Harvey, Davon Dewitt, Allen Tate, Glen Howard, and Marc Jones. These our the ones inside her moms roof. The ones that drove the black truck at 36th Grand in 2011,by dead end address 1113 Canopy Ct, Louisville, Ky ..Cars involved gold mid siz car, white grand am tinted windows, silver small beat up car, green mini van, white mid size car-purple fluorescent lights, black mid size truck, silver truck, black long Lincoln. Black males 25-50 years of age. This technology is being used on her could someone contact the right authorities, lmpd act is if they don’t know about this technology. These our African American males inside her mothers roof they came threw the side of the house. anymous they our still there. The lmpd in Louisville is unaware of this technology and hospitals too could you explain to them how It works…Contact the FBI…Cause they need help. There family appears fine but they our in danger.

  3. The nano dust is in my house everywhere I go I get tortured who the fuck do I go see to get them cut out and is there any full body photo s showing exactly where all the devices in my body are? So I can go get them cut out I only know where one is in my back that I can feel and am getting cut out next week hopefully

  4. i john wayne holcomb am being harassed by a electronic wave that can hurt any part on my body. this person wants me dead for other matters. i have a heathy heart but he might give me a heart attack. please help me maybe the wave can be blocked.

    1. I received no answer to my problem and i don’t know where to go. does anyone know? John Holcomb. 513-817-7806

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