Government Leaders Indicted for Crimes Against Humanity in the International Court
On 17 November tribunal judges in the International Court for Common Law and Natural Justice indicted defendants who distribute COVID-19 vaccines and roll out 5G installations that allegedly cause DNA damage and EMF/genocide. The defendants in this indictment include the heads of many governments including Donald Trump, Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison and UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.
A list of all the defendants can be found in this 108 page indictment document.Here is the link to the Tribunal Order and Summons to Virtual Trial to be heard 29 November 2020.
Here is a video – Warning for Humanity: the COVID-19 Vaccine – that describes the new technology that is in the COVID-19 vaccine (fast-tracked and untested for safety) that will enable governments to collect our biometric data (personal identification) after vaccination.
It is also a crime that healthy people are being tested with a PCR test that does not diagnose disease and then these healthy people are being labelled as a ‘case’ of COVID19 that is reported in the media or they are quarantined if the test is positive; yet there are many false positives with this non-standardised test.
This fraudulent use of the PCR test has now been confirmed in the Portuguese Courts – The Portuguese Court Rules PCR tests as Unreliable and Unlawful to Quarantine People.
Any government that uses coercive measures to enforce the use of a medical drug on the population is committing a crime against humanity. This is due to the diversity of our genetic-makeup yet governments are ignoring this science (epigenetics) to force the COVID19 vaccine on all international travelers who wish to fly on Qantas airlines. A policy that is expected to be adopted by other airlines soon.
This is for a vaccine that has been fast-tracked onto the market and it includes new technology that will remove our privacy and for which we do not have any long-term safety data. There is no independent analysis of the claims of safety or efficacy of this vaccine prior to being mandated for travelers’ in December 2020. This is critical information to have before coercing people with a medication that has known risks for many people.
A senior research scientist with extensive knowledge in the regulation of drugs, Dr. Saeed Qureshi, made the following comment about the many COVID19 vaccines being developed, in his article titled ‘Should FDA and other authorities approve the SARS-Cov-2/COVID-19 vaccines? – A scientific perspective.’:
‘Arguably, there appears to be no need, at least on an urgent basis, for developing a vaccine or any other new therapies for the illness showing mild flu-like symptoms, which could be handled with already developed and available medications. Clinical trials have been conducted without scientifically valid study designs based on vague endpoints, and invalid analytical (PCR) tests that ought to produce useless conclusions and products.’
In Australia, this COVID-19 vaccine will be one of many vaccines that are now used coercively to deprive Australians of their right to participate fully in society. There are 12+ vaccines that have already been mandated in coercive policies for children as well as for adult employment and welfare benefits from government programs. These can be expected to be added to the adult e-health card for mandatory use in the near future.
These coercive policies are a crime against the population due to the known serious adverse health outcomes (and death) that occur after many people are vaccinated. Our genetics pre-dispose us to many chronic illnesses and these illnesses have been increasing significantly in the population in direct correlation to the increased use of vaccines for decades.
Whilst the government claims ‘correlation does not prove causation’ it is still incumbent on the government to use evidence-based medicine in the design of health policies. Dismissing this evidence as ‘a coincidence’ is not evidence-based medicine, and it is a crime against the people because it will result in significant harm/death to an unknown number of people.